Thursday, February 4, 2010

Student Technology Survey

Put the responses to today's and yesterdays check-in together to write a (medium stakes) description of who you are as a technology student. This can include your strengths and weaknesses, your questions, your hopes, and your previous technological experiences and current skills.


Trainwreckx3 said...
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Sierra said...

as a technology student i know how to use many different programs like photoshop, power point, excel, etc. most of my projects i do are done on the computer. one of my assignments last year was to create a power point on religious traditions for the japanese new year. the power point came out good and i got a good grade for it. also another assignment was to create a timeline for my global class. i could have drawn i on paper but i used the microsoft excel program to do it.

Nicole said...

i Am Nicole Orlando and as a global technology student i believe i bring great knowledge into this class because of my past experience in technology classes. i have done project using technology before in school and outside. last year i did a power point presentation for my global and science class.

Leorie said...

I Am a Mac and PC so I have Experience with both OS. My dad went to college to become a IT so i've been learning software,hardware,the 3 OS. He also help me build a computer. We started with a case and now is my comp in my room with two screen; I use a VGA Splitter to Extend my screen so i can drag, do work on each side. Mac i Learned by myself and a help with my uncle he is a IT. My Weakness are... I don't think I do I guess setting up a network Like G or N. With My experience I learned to make amazing movies,Keynote's,DVD. For example One of my Project was to make a powerpoint I did keynote instead and make a presentation on a country from Latin america and I got a 98;the day i asked for the mac remember. 2nd was for my job to make a movie/interview on my fellow Interns and my boss thought it was very good we used Imovie.

gabby said...

As a Global technology I am good i am not excellent but not name. Some technology projects that I was involved in was getting programs onto my computer. Another project that I worked on was last semester making a powerpoint for Global History class. The outcome of the projects were good i got all of the programs onto my computer and I got a high grade on my global history powerpoint.

Lori Lee(: said...

As a technology student, I have used many modern day technologies. I've used computers, cellphones, MP3 players, game stations, TV, and more. All these technologies keep me entertain everyday, especially my laptop. I have used many different programs on my laptop for projects and my personal use. In 8th grade, I used Microsoft Power Point for a Social Studies project and Spanish project presentation. For Social Studies, I had to research about 1 historical person and put that information on a well designed power point. For Spanish, I had to research a Spanish country and do the same thing as my Social Studies project. Also, I used Photoshop for the same projects to make the pictures nice. As for programs, I mostly use Photoshop everyday since I love to edit.

BrandonHelfer said...

As a technology student, i have an extensive knowledge on the use of technology such as the internet, computers, and their many different uses. I have much experience using computer programs such as powerpoint, photoshop and microsoft word. I feel that since i have already had this class, last year, that I won't have any problems passing the class. The only thing that i might have trouble with is doing homework, projects, and assignments on-time, but besides that, i feel that i will do well

ryan enderes said...

I know how to use windows i still need to get better on a mac for this class. I do not have a mac at home so the only practice I will get is in class. The projects that i did in technology are the only things that i used a mac for.I created a website and i was supposed to create a digital slideshow but i never finished. I never set up my router or internet for my house. The closest thing to proect i have done at my house was plug in my computer and turn it on.

Nancy said...

when it comes to technology i can honestly say that i am half good and half bad. there are somethings in technology class that i am pretty bad at and don't really get. i can make a new website and things but it wont be that good. my past times i global tech class went pretty well but didn't do good as i wanted to. last year in tech we did the going green project. we also made a website n did resume ower

nicolette said...
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Madison Lock said...

As a technology student I am okay with macs. I know how to use powerpoint and Microsoft. I have made a powerpoint for multiple classes, (Global tech, Spanish, living environment..) I am not good with most other technology. I know how to use google docs. and I also know how to make a site from my gmail. Last year I made a site in this class and still remember some things about it. I am not good with all of the programs on a mac. Last year I also made a blog site which I do not know much about, but I know how to post a blog and I know about followers.

Victoria Geager said...

As a Technology student i am not very skilled at all. i can work with things like facebook but when i comes to making my own website i have no idea what im doing. i would like to learn how to be more computer smart and learn how to do things. Projects i have had to work on in the past on computers are: Power point presentations, Research, 3-D house building and a google earth project. I think Global technology will help me improve my computer skills.

Jennifer Carullo said...
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Akeem James said...

as a tech student my strengths are setting up profiles kind of like editing then it is basically my strong point in technological advances i do know how to hook up entertainment systems such as xbox the ps3 i can also help set up t.v hopes in this class is to further my horizons as a tech student

Karis Robichaud said...

In technology, I'm not a genius in it but I'm pretty good with the basic stuff, and some not so basic. I love photography,and because of that I'm good with editing pictures. Sometimes depending on the power point it can be either difficult or easy. I find it most difficult working with video clips;editing them, putting them togather , etc.
I do know m way around the computer, but this class will help me learn more about it and how to use more of what i didn't know about the computer.

Trainwreckx3 said...

As a technology student my strength is mainly photoshop . I use photo - filter very often to edit pictures of mine or friends that ask me to . My weakness is blogging . I'm always nervous about what I say & I can't keep up with it meaning people would lose interest easily if there isn't almost daily blogs . My hopes are to be able to do almost anything I want on the computer & to keep up with my google site . Also , to do what is asked of me

Caroline :D said...

-As a technology student I have , strengths and weaknesses , some of my strengths include working with pictures, editing them and making slideshows. for example when I take pictures i upload them then edit them and then put them into slideshows etc. My weaknesses include making videos ,editing them and the being able to play the video with music. Overall i want to learn how to become more familiar with computer and how to use programs to make my work better.

aisha said...

As a technology student, I am average. I know how to work computers if I have a set of directions to follow. I can figure out how to install things if I need to and work a powerpoint. In my eighth grade year, we had to work on power points about our experience at the school. This was both difficult and easy at the same time. Difficult, because we had never properly learned how to use power points but also easy because we had each other to depend on. In my middle school we never had a real computers class, it was more of just a time killer than an actual class. This year i would like to learn more about computers and the proper way to work them.

Q.Tomlin said...

i am Quamaine Tomlin and as a global technology student i bring very good knowledge into this class because i am very experienced with computers and using technology. in the past i have one projects using technology inside of school and outside. last year i had to do two powerpoint presentations for spanish and science.

Dom said...

As a technology student I will try to learn how to use new softwares and create sites that people can go to either play games or comment about a topic. By the end of the semester I will be able to learn better ways to use a computer than when I first used it. Projects that I would work on in the future would probably be a first person shooter and 3rd person shooter games. I'll start working on this after I get out of high school and start the site up. In a year or two.

Jennifer Carullo said...

As a technology student my strength is mostly photoshop. I am good with photoshopping pictures and images and making them my own. I am not very good with the technical stuff, if a problem is happening to my computer I'm not really capable to fixing it.I am also very good with microsoft, office powerpoint, excel, etc. I can bring that strength into that class and help others who are weak in that particular area. I want more knowledge on computers and hopefully this class can bring that to me.

nicolette said...

When it comes to technology,I have no clue what I'm doing. I know how to use Google and Facebook, but when it comes to using Powerpoint and tools on Microsoft I'm so confused.I can write essays and use spellcheck, but with anything else I need a step by step explanation. I've never really used technologies for projects except for writing essays and stuff like that. I guess you can say that I am technically illiterate.

Natalie allen said...

As a technology student, I am good with using microsoft, and using the internet My weakness is photoshop. I have no idea how to use, or even get photo shop on my computer. I can edit pictures while there on my camera, but other than that, i don't know how to edit pictures.

Lenny Pesce said...

As a student of technology I work very well on itunes. I edit and download music almost daily. Im also pretty good with powerpoint for class projects. My biggest weakness is almost every other application. I hope to learn how to use them. Im also not very good at blogging.

jose sanchez said...

well as far as my tech knowledge goes i know a fair share. I know how to use a computer and maintain it so it does not over work. My preference for a computer would be mac or dell windows 7 or vista great home computer and great for school. I can work very well with any school based program and installing programs too

Michael said...

As a student in technology what i bring to my class is a bright knowledge of PS3. I also have experience with taking a similar computer class in my freshmen year at Moore.

Ajene said...

As a technology student, i feel i am experienced with computers. I have used programs like word, outlook, excel, photoshop, etc for projects. I have had to use programs for different projects since the fourth grade. I feel this has helped me advance as a technology student.

Anonymous said...
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charlie connelly said...

as a global technology student i am to the how to use a computers applications to use as an advantage in daily life. one time i bought a new internet piece that was wireless but a gave a wired connection. it was two pieces, one piece plugged into an outlet and plugged into the router and the other piece plugged into an outlet and into a console of computer. another time i synced my ipod touch to my wifi connection by typing in the wepid

Courtney Springer said...

I am ok at using technology. Everyday I'm on the computer so I am use to using one. I never took this class before, so hopefully it teaches me a lot of new things about using my technology. I do know how to make projects on the computer, such as a crossword puzzle I had to make for Global. Rather then that, I don't know how to make other projects on the computer.

Brianna211 said...

As a technology student I know the basic things about a computer. I am aware on how to use Google docs,microsoft word, and microsoft powerpoint. I am not so good with the more advanced things such as video making. I have done many projects due to having this class last year. I was able to create a website and work on project on how to protect the internet in school.

kaan bulut said...

as a technology student i am very good with learning to do things on the computer like hacking and getting thing for free. I like to do alot of online offers and give my email to may places for updates on local event shoe releases parties and other stuff i like to do my favorite computer has to be the mac bUt i cant afford it so i go to the apple store to try them out CAUSE ITS FREE, i like technologie because they step there game every time something comes out for example people dont think about how to fix the old the think abut how to make a new IT WAS WRITTIN KAAN BULUT

emily fauske said...

As a technology student i lack knowledge of computers. I am not excellent but i know the simple things like using different types of programs. A couple years ago i learned how to make short movies outside of school but i have forgotten most of the information i learned. Last year in global technology i learned many important things and i plan to do the same but even more this year.

Michael Luppino said...

As a technology student, I am well aware of technology with its uses, and I have good experience with them. Technology is a helpful place for researching on literally anything, which is incredibly convenient for classwork and extensive projects.

Philip Aleman said...

I am pretty well rounded when it comes to comuters. i have all of the basic skills needed to use them. i don't know how to do everything, but im pretty good at figuring things out. I perfer PC's to mac's because ive been using PC's my whole life, but im able to use MAC's

t.gee said...

As a global tech student i can work very good with any computer and there programs.Most projects i do in school are done on my computer. i also created a website freshman year for global tech. my strong points on a computer are using using the internet, creating websites and maintaing them. with my strong points come my weak points. some of my weak points are typing and creating power points.

Jayme said...

As a technology student, I'm very unskilled. Even for having taken a similar class last year, I have forgotten everything that I learned from it, essentially. Usually I'm that lurker who pops up on yahoo answer hoping someone else has asked my question--which come up pretty often, no matter how simple the program--or I am that anonymous person that asked the question in the first place. Since I don't dare actually make a name or something for fear that I'll the one forever known to ask stupid questions. I used to know how to use Microsoft Powerpoint and Excel, but now I don't remember anything. I remember absolutely zilch about them. I vaguely know how to use Microsoft Word, but even that gets confusing sometimes. Other than the very basic of the basics, the only other software I've used is Gimp and I was bad at using that as well. I'm very technologically impaired. I wish I wasn't, but alas, one or two semesters of technology can only change so much.

Celeste Chow said...

As a technology Student I know the basic stuff of using a computer. I know how to use a few programs and different things on the computer. I hope to learn many new things that I didn't know before about the computer. I know basically how to do everything that i learned last year in this class. Last year i remember we created a website but I don't really remember how to do that. I hope to learn a lot more about computers throughout this course. I usually use the computer though to type things for projects for school.

Shara Joy Aya said...

As a technology student, I am progressing and learning new things about technology. I know how to use many different programs on a MAC and on a PC, like powerpoint, photoshop, and other programs that help me throughout me. I remember during middle school, my teacher assigned us a project. We had to make a powerpoint regarding with our childhood years. I hope to learn many things in Global Technology that can help me throughout life.

jennifer siliato said...

as a student in this technology class i think i will do pretty well. I've had a Mac for a couple years and my sister and I share it. I've grown accustom to using these types of computers and it makes the class easier for me. I still don't know a lot of the websites that are used in this class but there's a lot of instructions to help me. I'm looking foward to the projects in this class because i like to use power point, i think it puts a personal spin on what ever project you are doing. I've done many photoshop projects in my other school which could also help me in this class.

HeY! warD said...

As a technology student, I know how to type. I usually use technology everyday like, the computer, tv, and phone. My homework projects is usually done in the computer. I would rather type in microsoft word than writing on paper. I know how to use certain programs in the laptop too. i don't know how to use the Mac that much and that is what this class is for. i will get use to the Macs and be able to use them without anyone's help.

Kevin Cahill said...

I do not really know much about technology. I know the basics, but nothing else. Two technology I was involved in was making power point about myself and hooking up my computer. I got a 100 on my powerpoint and i hooked up my computer by myself, with no problems.

Anonymous said...

You can pretty much say that I am really good with computers. I work with a MacBook and a dual screen PC everyday. I worked to create a website for The International Insider It is database driven, making it easy to update in the future and also very flexible to change the way the website works. I am an Adobe person, heavily relying on the Adobe Creative Suite each and every day. I also use Adobe InDesign to create sections of layout for the newspaper. I hope that I can maintain my current level of experience so I can use this in the future.

Shay said...

i am Reshay Bailey and as a technology student i know how to use and operate different programs. I've had to create two power points one for an all about me project and another project for a resume that i had to create. so i think as a tech student i am good (:

sultan said...

as a technology student im an not too compter savvy. Although know how to use pwer points , microsoft word, and etc. i def. cannot use hem to the best of thr abilites. last year i did a spanish project for ms garcia. it was a powerpoint. although i seemed to think the powerpoint was disgusting i received a good grade. this class should help me apply and better my past skills to the near future projects.

Lizette said...

As a technology student, I'm not very advanced. I love going on the computer. I know how to use programs like power point, excel, microsoft word, etc. I know some HTML codes from social networking sites like MySpace. Two technology projects that I was involved in was a few power points that I had to make, and I was also in a mandatory robotics class. >.>

Jaclyn A. said...

When it comes to technology, I'm not a super genius, but I am pretty good with it. I know how to make documents, powerpoints, and even a website. I've also made a few songs on garage band and create pictures with Paint and PhotoBucket. So, I do know how to use some programs and some other things on the computer, but I want to learn more.

Justina Konarzewska said...

As a global technology student i dont know much about technology and computers. Know the simple things such as logging in or using the internet or make a powerpoint/write and essay for school. I hope i learn much more about computers in this class. Im excited to see what ill learn this semester!

Kim said...

as a technology student, i'm average. I'm better on PCs rather than the Macs here at school, so i've got to I've still got to learn how to properly use one. As for programs on the computer, I've tried using photoshop, but I usually like how my photographs come out, and let someone on the editing staff on the school paper fix my pics if they want. Other programs on the computer i've used are Microsoft Powerpoint and the basic video editing program on my laptop. For the powerpoint, i've already used it many times for school, such as in Spanish, where i had to present things I like. The video editing program though, it was a fun project i did with friends. I've also have had a blog site on blogger and have one now on tumblr. Both sites are pretty good.

Caroline Swift said...

As a technology student, sometimes I have the upper hand, and other times I do not. I am not very good in computers with wires, codes, and things like that. I am good in editing. I am average in blogging. I hope to learn more about HTML codes, etc, so I will have more information about how to work on a computer the right way

Alex Garcia said...

Technology a huge concept in the world we live. My name is Alex Garcia and I consider myself a sufficient computer person. I know the basics of using a Mac since I don't own one, but instead own Windows. I had the class last year and received good grades so I'm hoping I will continue to do so this year. I have the ability to maintain proper use of powerpoint, word, and google sites. This will help me in my studies this year.

Chris Hepworth said...

As a technology student, I consider myself to be pretty good with certain programs. The program tHat i am most experienced with is probably Microsoft Powerpoint. my weakness would probably be blogging because I always have to make sure that everything is written in proper form. Some projects that I have done in my experience with technology are a powerpoint in global and a slideshow in English class.

Victoriaaa =) said...

as a technology student, i know how to use a computer very well. I could do a lot of things on the computer such as , power points, microsoft word, picasa, itunes etc... i am always on the computer weather it would be just for going on aim and facebook, or just to do homework and projects. I have had a mac before, but i didnt really like it so i switched to a PC, but i am pretty good at working with macs. One project i had to do, that had to do with technology, was a world history powerpoint. We had to add in images and sound effects to our powerpoint.

Erin Kohm ( : said...

when it comes to technology i'm pretty good with computers and stuff. i can basically figure anything that has to do with computers out, and i do a lot of projects and type many things using the computer. last year i had this global tech class & i made the blogging website and everything. i also do many powerpoints for other classes. like this year i did one for ms. brook's class, and i have typed many essays for pretty much all of my classes over the year.

William Ao said...

As a technology student , I can learn how to use new programs rather quickly. I am good at physical computer things , like connecting 2 computers to a single router from really far away. I can , but i dislike getting rid of Rogue viruses. It's extremely annoying because it keeps popping up and interrupts me trying to get rid of it. I can get almost anything that has to do with computers done really fast but I am too lazy to do anything most of the time.

Sals' academic life said...

As a technology student I am a person who works well with technology. I can make power points, create my own blog,create my own site and create picasas.I have also learn I can transport my projects to my email. All of these things will help me be prepared for college.

Alexis Skomina said...

As a technology student I know how to multi task and use different programs. I've done projects using technology in the past and will in the future. I have a laptop at home and helped my dad set that it. It was very complicated and took a long time. I always help my dad hook up new TV's and gaming systems we get. I hope to learn more then what I already know in this class.I hope to become a better technology student.

kimsharpton said...

as a technology student i know a lot about computer and program on computers like skype sony Vegas photo shop im good at making web sites and most of my projects i do are done on the computer.My dad went to college to become a IT so i've been learning software,hardware,the 3 OS. He also help me build a computer. We started with a case and now is my comp in my room with 3 screens I use a VGA Splitter to Extend my screen so i can drag, do work on each side. Mac i Learned by myself and now in teaching my grandma

joe raguso said...

when it comes to technology i can honestly say that i am good i can work with things google sketch up and artecht

Tyler Leung said...

As a technology student, I am a fairly savvy technology user. I know how to use many technologies such as Macs, PCs, game stations, iPods and cell phones. They are easy to learn how to use because I can learn how to use them as I go along. I know how to use Microsoft Word and PowerPoint on all editions for both Mac and PC. Two projects I used technology for are Ms. Brooks' revolutionary leader powerpoint project (computer, PowerPoint) and connecting Wi-Fi to my laptop and iPod Touch. I think using computers ad other technologies for projects make it easier to do, neater, and more professional than doing it on pen and paper.

Gabrielle La Fata said...

as a technology student i know how to change photographs and i also know how to set up itunes and good with Excel Microsoft but besides that i really don't know a lot about computers. i get confused fast and have a short temper. this year i created a power point for science and it came out very well. one project i did during the summer for my job was to find all the schools in staten island from the internet and find there address and numbers, then i had to call then and ask question about the school when i was finished with everything i made an Excel about all the schools information and gave it to my boss.

Gabrielle La Fata said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sean Geissler said...

As a technology student i am aware of my abilities of what i am good and not so good with. As a student i feel that i am decent with computer skills particularly on mac computers. I have a mac computer at home so i know my way around. On macs i believe i am pretty good with power point presentations since all last year in Global Technology we did projects that involved creating power points.

Danielle said...

as a student in this technology class i think i will do well. i know some stuff on mac my sister has one at home so i use it some times but i no more about windows. i no how to use power point i used it for some classes last year. i also no how to use some other programs. my weakness is blogging i don't no what to say half of the time.

Nadia said...

As a technology student, I am not very good with computers or anything that runs on batteries. I've never even used a mac until today, so I know for a fact that I'm not going to do well in this class. I don't usually go on blogs so I don't even know how they function. I hope that Global Tech will help me become a better technology student, and I would be able to perform more tasks on a computer other than turning it on and off.

Katherine Kelly said...

I'm not a very good technology student. My grades in this class were below average. I try hard but working on a computer is very confusing. The computer is a very intimidating piece of technology. Last year my grade in this class was a N.

Donna Cucuzza said...

As a technology student I know how to use photoshop, Microsoft word, internet,email and etc. Im not so good with powerpoint and can't make any animation. I only use Microsoft word to type my essay and projects. I used the powerpoint once and it was hard. Outside of school I used excel to create a project for me and my friend.Then in for school i made a power point for spanish, it was good but no moving animations.

AnitaKathleen said...

As a technology student, I have a good experience with computers. I have my very own MAC laptop at home so I'm always learning how to do new things. I like experimenting with different programs. Last year in this class I got really good grades, and my previous experience with computers helped a lot. At home, I use iMovie to make funny movies with my friends. In school I use computers a lot for each class. I'm constantly typing essays, and I've done quite a few powerpoint presentations (ex. japanese).

Jayde Bressi said...

As a technology student i am able to use different programs such as powerpoint, Microsoft word and photoshop. Most of my projects are done on the computer. But I am not very good with computers. I used powerpoint for two of my spanish project and my science project last year.

charlene said...

as a technology student i kind of know how to make a powerpoint from last year and for outside tech i just go to f.b. and m.s., fun, and yea. but other then that i suck at computers. and thats the end of my crazy little paragraph thing. bye.

Ewa Wawrzonek said...

As a technology student I am behind. I like to go on the computer. I know how to use some programs such as mircosoft word and powerpoint. This year one of my projects involving technology was a powerpoint that I made for global about maximilian robespierre. Anathor project that I had to do involving technology was writing an essay for english on mircosoft .

kimsharpton said...

Katherine Foote said...

As a technology student, I'm pretty good with computers except Macs. I can use powerpoint, excel, and other programs. In eight grade, I had to make a Pac Man like game for a school project. My game was a failure. My Pac Man character didn't open and close its mouth like I wanted it too, and the objects it ate didn't disappear. At home, I was responsible for hooking up my PS3 with internet connection. It took me two hours to set it up, but I did it!

Andrew Casale said...

as a technology student I am ready to learn more about computers. I never took any type of computer class because I'm not really interested in computers. I don't connect with the internet besides talking to friends, or a school project. I like using my imagination on the computer, like in power points. The computer is good for communication, and spell check. Thats all the computer is good for in my eyes. I can live without a computer unlike most people thats what you have a phone for. Hopefully I learn about computers lot more than I know. Computers is definitely going to be an adventure.

carolhogan said...

As a technology student Im not that good using computers. i use the computer to do my homework and projects.I know how to use windows but i'm not that good using macs. I do not really know much about technology. I know the basics, but nothing else.I can write essays and use spellcheck.

Nasir Kujenya said...

As a technology student i would say that i am pretty advanced. I know how to do most of the basic features on a computer. I think that i can operate a computer without any problems. I can use the internet and browse the webs efficiently. I have use the computer to create powerpoints for numerous classes and to create an e-portfolio, to hold all of my most cherished works from last year. I also, have a maintained a few blog sites, and update them frequently.

Brittni Bjornholm said...

s a technology student, I know the things that i need to know. I feel as if I'm well prepared since I took global technology last year. I type most of my homework on the computer and when I am assigned project, I research the information on the internet. Technology is all around us and I'm very good with modern technology. I am constantly listening to my iPod, on my phone, watching TV and on the computer. I am not that good at MAC computers, but I'm pretty decent at other computers besides mac. I this class will teach me a little more than what I already know about technology.

Emely :) said...

As a technology student, I'm scared of computers in a way, and not as a fear but I'm scared to make a computer mess up. I do own a laptop and a computer at home. I'm the only one who can actually use them without causing any trouble and I'm the only one who uses them. The only thing I am good with is photoshop and and powerpint prorams

ibram hanna said...

As technology student I am pretty well rounded. I like to do projects on the computer. I also pretty much know how to get around on the computer and do mini or even large projects. I have done some projects for this class last year. For example, I made a website for this class. I also made about four power points and 2 paicasa slide shows. As a technology student i have improved a lot since freshmen year. PeAce <3

james simmons said...

As a global technology student i bring the perspective of being socially aware of the environment i think that this connects to me because when do presentations to spread information about going green i use programs such as powerpoint and excel

nida said...

When it comes to technology i am okay not a computer expert. i know how to use the basic stuff, for projects i have mostly worked on power point. my strengths are that i can do simple things and my weakness is if i have to use a different program i sometimes get confused and don't know what to do. this is my first time taking global technology i hope to learn many things about the computer and extend my knowledge of different programs.

Paul Costello said...

As a technology student I would say that I am at an intermediate to advanced level. I have built 2 computers (Both high performance desktops). I have experience with Macs, PCs and even Linux Operating systems. I have made multiple websites and recorded and edited podcasts. I know how to use programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash, Adobe After effects, Google Sketchup, Source SDK, Sony Vegas, Sony Acid and good ol' fashioned Powerpoint. I can set up both wired and wireless networks, print servers and networked hard drives. I prefer PCs and love Online Gaming (TF2, CSS, HL2, HL2E1, HL2E2, GMOD). Yeah...

Megan del Rosario said...

As a technology student, I am okay on computers. I know how to work a lot of different programs on the computer. I know how to install things and work programs. I am in progress of learning about new things about technology. I have done projects using technology before and I probably will still be in the future. I do most of my projects for school on the computer, and the computer is very helpful. I am looking forward to learning new things about technology and I'll eventually get used to the MACS.

Momogacktx3 said...

As a technology student I'm somewhat literate in technology. I'm not really good with macs (I don't really like using them). I probably know my PC like the back of my hand, and I really like technology and enjoy using it. I haven't really done any signifigant projects using technology. Well, I suppose one technology project i was involved in (although I wouldn't really call it a project) could be when i set up a wireless connection on my PSP. I didn't really do anything though, i just kind of followed the prompts on my screen and typed in my SSID and WEP key.

Brianni Vincent said...

As a technology student i am pretty good. I am not the best, but at the same time i am not the worst. I know how to use many programs such as PowerPoint, Picasa and much more. I was assigned to make a PowerPoint for my Spanish class about our favorite hobbies. The PowerPoint came out really good & i go a great grade on it !

Brianni Vincent said...

As a technology student i am pretty good. I am not the best, but at the same time i am not the worst. I know how to use many programs such as PowerPoint, Picasa and much more. I was assigned to make a PowerPoint for my Spanish class about our favorite hobbies. The PowerPoint came out really good & i go a great grade on it !

Percilla Ellam said...

As a global tech student i dont really no am i am becasue i never had this class before. Last year i did a global project using powerpoint. i also use technology outside of school and inside to do projects and such.

adrian manger said...

As a technology student i feel I'm an average at using computer programs. i know basic programs and can figure some stuff out even without a manuel or help from another person. i am familiar with microsoft word and other basic programs people use day to day. i use many programs such as microsoft word, excel,powerpoint to do school projects and many other things i need to type, etc.

Stephen Gross said...

I am Stephen and as a technology student i know how to do many things. I can use word and powerpoint, as well as Internet Explorer. I have even made a few movies using Windows Movie Maker and iMovie. I believe i am a very proficient user of technology.

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Arlinda said...

My name is Arlinda Draga and as a global technology student I believe I bring enough knowledge into the class. Ive had a lot of experience with power point presentations in my other classes such as Spanish and Living Environment, so it wouldn't be a challenge for me. I might struggle with new things such as making videos, or creating digital slideshows. Overall I know I will learn a lot in Global technology this semester.

Anonymous said...

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Khadkaobxm said...

As a technology student, I am not very good with computers or anything that runs on batteries. I've never even used a mac until today, so I know for a fact that I'm not going to do well in this class. I don't usually go on blogs so I don't even know how they function. I hope that Global Tech will help me become a better technology student, and I would be able to perform more tasks on a computer other than turning it on and off.