Class Assignment:
(in a short, well developed paragraph) Write a reflection piece to how you feel your generation is "identified". You may use what you know of past generations to compare, but your writing should be reflective in nature - meaning please use "I Phrases". I feel that our generation of people are (...adjective/explanation) because we (...reason/example). Before you complete your writing piece, consider the following questions and use them in your answer:
* Can recent events, current public opinion, inventions, fashion, etc influence the way groups are portrayed by the media or others?
* How do you think your generation is represented/portrayed by the media or others? To what extent is this accurate?
I feel that my generation is identified by technology. My generation reinvented the use of computers and upgraded them. Computers were never really used as much as they are now. Computers now are used for files, messaging, gaming, blogging, etc. More technologies that were invented are ipods. Ipods are taken on the go to listen to music, search the internet, and play games. Technology is a faster easier way of life for my generation.
I believe my generation is represented by many different things. One of these things being technology. Technology is a big part of our generation. Cellphones, computers, laptops, radios, television, and more are popular ones. There have even been controversial issues about certain technology. One example is that cellphones are not allowed in school and some people believe they should be allowed in school. Technology is used to help people learn in many different ways such as learning current events, information or school and more. Instead of doing projects on boards with markers and crayons power points are made or printed. Knowledge is gained off of technology and new things are appearing everyday. Many gain knowledge using technology. Since technology is used so much by most, this is why I believe it represents my generation.
I feel that our generation of people is more technology savy because we use computers and technology way more then past generations. Many generations ago, people had to go to the library to find information, and look up information in the books. Also, they could not just make a copy of something or print something out. Now, we can just log onto our computer, type the subject in a loads of information will pop up in an instant. Once we find this, we can just press one button and it will be printed out. No handwriting copies for us! Schools revolve around technology way more then past generations. We have computers in schools, smartboards, individual laptops and much more! Over generations, we have evolved into a technology based world. This is our generation.
My generation is represented by the events from ~1994 to ~2009. For example, my generation is represented of the event of 9/11/01 . This shows a grave time in the US history, the 911 attack is sort of like the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. Our generation is also represented by he "rap " movement. The person I feel that the artists Biggie Smalls and 2pac, but now rap is represented by people like kaney west . I Feel that our generation is getting dumber because of this slang and styles that have been introduced from different cultures. That is how I feel my generation is represented.
I feel that my generation of people are defined by technology. We are surrounded by technology everywhere. Technology is in my everyday life. We are the future of tomorrow. New technologies are being developed everyday. Showing that my generation is making future generations lives easier. I believe that my generation is portrayed by media because we are always up to date on what goes on in the world and when new technologies come out.
I think out generation can be represented in many ways, since we change at a rapid pace.
One major symbol that can represent us, is probably technology.Mostly computers and iPods.
So overall i would have to say that can represent us is the iTouch. This can
represent us because so many people like to be on the go and while their at it, they can do
business, listen to music, have time to check their e-mails, internet etc.
The itouch is very popular, along with along with other Mac creations. This is very helpful to
a lot of people and helps everyone keep on top of they're doing. the iTouch's also include in game
application & also other useful applications. Many people love their itouchs, but they also very sensitive
and should be taken care of. When you're bored on the buss or just travleing around you can take your itouch
out and keep yourself busy.
I think that my generation is represented by change.
Their has been many changes during our lifetime and some that are yet to happen.
For example I think that global warming is a key representation of my generation because we are
the ones that should do something to help future generations.
Even though global warming has been going on for very long ,it is up to us to make a change.
I also think that generation Y is represented by being able to push the limit with: sports,
technology and education. An amazing time in sport was when Shaun White did a mctwist 1260 in
the Vancouver Olympics 2010. In technology we have touch screens and smart phones that keep getting better.
And finally in education we put al ot of research into finding cures for cancer , AIDS etc. and
maybe one day in our life-time we will find a cure.
I think my generation is identified by technology. most of my generation revolves around technology, we use technology everyday to do different things and complete everyday tasks. people from our generation invent new things to make life for us and future generations easier. i do think my generation is represented by the media because we always listen to what's new on TV or what's going on in our community. recent events, public opinions, and new inventions influence my generation because it gives us something to do or something to talk about.
Generation Y is identified by technology. I dont think i have ever seen a person on a bus or in the city without an ipod or cellphone, even laptops are carried by some. Technology has changed drastically in the last decade. From 2000 to 2010 the amount of things that have been accomplished with technology. For example the robot made by Honda. Some people feel we dont need library's anymore because we can access almost all of that information on the web. unless ofcourse you want to read a good book. Technology has made alot of things different and has helped in many ways, but has also ruined alot of things. i feel for the most part that technology is a good thing.
Are generation has been marked and defined mainly as reckless and careless. We currently do things that older generations would define as "inappropriate" and "unnecessary". One thing that our generation is greatly accused of is P.D.A. and other notions of the same topic. The media seems to portray us as "corrupt" by showing moments of young violence, and other felonies such as robbery. Moments such as the "virginia tech massacre" show the bad side to our generation and make older generations fear what is to come, because they think we won't be able to support a healthy living environment when we grow older. We are also defined by the music we listen to and as listening t too much music, as well as relying too much on technology. I feel that we are unfairly marked and should be given a chance to prove ourselves.
I believe my generation, generation y, is represented by many different things. I believe technology as taken a huge part in todays environment. Most of the American population has a cell phone or a computer or ipod. You can now do anything on the computer, by the time I am an adult there probably wont be library's anymore because you can read books and articles online. Ipods and cellphones can do things most people wouldn't even imagine. Our cellphones and ipods have internet and we can access things in the matter of minutes in almost any place. Knowledge is gained off technology and new things have been appearing everyday. Technology has become an easier and faster way of life to my generation.
My Generation is represented by the year 1990 to 2010. Over the years the generation has been through a lot of impact. One example is September 11, 2001 this was the biggest impact in Generation Y. Another impact was generation was all about the Apple company. This company made millions by there popular lines of mac's, ipod, iphone, and best of all the ipod touch. I feel that our generation of people are becoming smarter because the technology has been easier to travel, use, find, and research as not in generation X.
When taking about my generation, I feel that we are living in a technological world. Compared to previous generations, we are extremely technologically advanced. We have flourished with new advancements such as the ipod and more advanced computer devices. New cell phones have also helped communication purposes, so that is another thumbs up for this generation. Although, we are also cosidered to be technologically the media. Technology is not the only ting that changed. Fashion changed dramatically as well as technology. Some changes were for the better, buts ome were for the worse. New changes include piercings and torn pants. Those are some of the downponts of this new generation. That is what i feel about the generation that i am living in
i feel that our generation have grown a lot by technology. now we use cellphones, computers, and a whole bunch of other things that we never used to have. we are defined by technology. kids use the computers to do anything they want. They get so lazy with everything that they are doing they type everything into a computer and there look it pops up on to your computer an the kids copy it down.
Our generation is much more different than the older generation. We have more technological advances and better ways of transportation. Communication has also improved. Computers run faster and there are medical improvements. I feel that most of our generation are lazy and spoiled. Always expecting to get something on christmas or their birthday. Fashion also dramatically changed. For instance about 10 years ago you wouldn't have ever see people wear teared up pants. I don't even know how this "fashion" people like. Especially guys getting ear rings on both sides or the idea of wearing them at all. Now you will even see teenagers get eyebrow pierced. In my opinion I think that our generations are getting worse and worse.
I feel that our generation of people are more advanced because of our technologies today. People today have so much, from computers, phones and radios. In the older days, technology was only so limited. Through time many advancements have made lives easier for people. Computers and phones have become an essential part of the average person's life today. They can do everything from researching a topic, giving daily news, and storing your own favorite videos, music, and photos. People have become so depended on technology, it is almost impossible to ever find a person not on a computer on holding a cellphone. Our computers and phones have become key sources that the uses of books are barely used anymore. People have chosen technology, not only because it is easier, but also because it is faster. Our generation has become almost fully dependent on technology.
I feel my generation is identified by the way we look. Many people my age either wear clothes that are too tight or baggy clothes tat are too big for them. The generation that we live in, technology wise is very advanced. Our generation is always using new technology that may be hard for people older than us to understand. In todays technology, we use Ipods, laptops, game systems and advanced TV's. In todays time, we have answers to almost anything such as medical miracles or advancements in technology.
I think our generation of people our represented as more developed as the last one and more intelligent. my opinion is based on recent inventions and medicines in this time period versus the last. one invention is the ipod or playsation 3, these inventions have influenced how we identify life because these items are used everyday. we also have made new medicines such as vaccinations for flues and other sicknesses to help people. we also can learn from recent and past events and become more influenced in our generation as well as learn from the past generation.
Our generation, generation Y can be greatly defined as constant users of technology. Today our generations lives revolve around the over use of technology. This however has affected our life style and has made us more lazy. All everyone wants to do is use their computer, text on their phones, listen to their ipods or play video games.
I think our generation of people our represented as more developed as the last one and more intelligent. my opinion is based on recent inventions and medicines in this time period versus the last. one invention is the ipod or playsation 3, these inventions have influenced how we identify life because these items are used everyday. we also have made new medicines such as vaccinations for flues and other sicknesses to help people. we also can learn from recent and past events and become more influenced in our generation as well as learn from the past generation.
I think our generation of people our represented as more developed as the last one and more intelligent. my opinion is based on recent inventions and medicines in this time period versus the last. one invention is the ipod or playsation 3, these inventions have influenced how we identify life because these items are used everyday. we also have made new medicines such as vaccinations for flues and other sicknesses to help people. we also can learn from recent and past events and become more influenced in our generation as well as learn from the past generation.
I believe that my generation is based on technology. Look around you; there is technology nearly everywhere. Technology has dramatically affected everyone. From communication to sharing and finding information, computers has revolutionized our way of living.
by Michael Luppino
I think that our generation is represented by technologically basically. Past generations didn't have the technology that we have today and that is why our generation is represented by technology. In our generation we have many great things such as laptops, ipods, cellphones, tvs, and many other great types of technology that we use everyday. Our generation is represented by media because media is basically how we generate news. This is good because it allows us to give out information quickly but information this way can not always be accurate because people can say whatever they want, when they want, and how they want. Our generations has its positives and negatives because some people say that technology can be harmful at times because it is a distraction, but it is a great thing because it allows to do various things quickly and easily!
I feel that our generation of people are learning and is advancing in many different ways. For example, our technology and communication is more advanced, unlike the past years. In my perspective, the generation today, mostly teenagers are more well aware of the world. Teenagers as well as adults use computers and technology more often. Computers, phones,etc have been upgraded and can be used in an easier, more comfortable way.
I feel that our generation is becoming more and more advanced every year. Our generation consists mostly of all technology. Technology is everywhere we go. Computers are one of our technologies today that allow us to have fun, find any information, gaming, messaging, blogging and much more. Other technologies such as computers, ipods, laptops, radios, and television are very important to children, teenagers, and adults in our generation today. Technology makes life easy and more fun. Today people can post anything they feel on the internet by blogging or posting things on certain websites. The people reading those blogs or posts can pick and choose things they believe and agree upon so technology influences people in many ways.
our generation is considered to be identified by technology. Every day people are working to make computers better to make life easier. They also are working to making entertainment such as video games to be more graphically advanced every day.
I think that our generation is represented by technologically basically. Past generations didn't have the technology that we have today and that is why our generation is represented by technology. In our generation we have many great things such as laptops, ipods, cellphones, tvs, and many other great types of technology that we use everyday. Technology is a big part of our generation. Cellphones, computers, laptops, radios, television, and more are popular ones. There have even been controversial issues about certain technology.
I feel that my generation is represented by the growing use of technology in our everyday lives, most importantly the PC. We are the generation that has grown up with computers, the ones that teach our parents how to use them. By growing up with it, we can use it to enhance our education and to use it even more in the future. From college blog sites to future jobs, this is most defiantly a life skill.
Generation "y" is one of advanced out there and it will defiantly affect the future.
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I believe my generation is represented by many different things. One of these things is technology. Technology is a big part of our generation. Cellphones, computers, laptops, television, and ipods are really popular. Technology is used to help people learn in many different ways such as learning current events, information for school, etc. All kids have cell phones, computers, xbox's, etc. Many kids are becoming lazy and just staying in and playing video games and going on the computer. Technology is good, but people must learn to fir them into their schedule, and not make their schedule revolve around it.
I feel that my generation of people are defined by technology. We are surrounded by technology everywhere. Technology is around me 24/7. Cellphones, computers, laptops, radios, television are used around the world every minute of every day.
Our generation is represented by many things, good and bad. Some good things that our generation represents is technology. Our technology has grown from huge cellphones and huge PC's to iphones and small laptops. Now, we can actually surf on the internet on many phones, which some people always wanted. Another good thing that our generation is known for is our first black president, Barack Obama.In our generation, many people can voice there opinions easily. Although our generation has many pro's, we also have many cons. Nowadays, our economy is very bad, terrorism is slowly rising, and huge wars are still going on. Even though we have cons, I think that we all hope that our generation is known for only the pro's.
I believe our generation is represented by Technology, which in a few years will completely overwhelm us. Generation Y has become very dependent on Technology, and this has become a very unhealthy obsession. Our generation made the computers and music players better, and has made them part of societies everyday life. True, this makes life much easier but it also causes people to stay in front of the computer for long hours at a time. I believe without technology, our generation would be better off.
Our generation is most definitely much more developed than generations before us. In this generation, we have more advanced use of computers, cell phones, cameras, etc. Ever since then, technology has kept on advancing. We have such objects as the iPhone, iMac, amongst many others from Apple. This generation is much more different than other times. We even have touch screen computers, phones, and even cameras now. This makes plenty of average day life activities easier. For example, if you need to find out directions to go out somewhere, you can just go onto the computer and look the directions up.
I think that my generation is identified by all of our technological advances in society. many major advances in medical sciences and technologies have recently been invented, and there is much more to come. These advances in my opinion will be what makes my generation memorable. These technologies improve the lives of todays people, some people believe that these technologies have made our society lazy. this may be true, but i think that the positives outweigh the negatives.
I feel that my generation is represented by technology. My generation comes up with a new technology every 2 months or less. Technology plays a big role in our generation. Cellphones, TV, and Laptops are the most biggest technology used our generation. I think technology is used everywhere around this world and make life easier for everyone. All the things are done by technology and rarely done by hand. All the information is shown all over the internet and everyone uses the computer in our generation. That is why Technology is a big part of my generation.
I feel in our generation, generation Y it is represented by technology. In past generations many people did not have cell phones, Ipods, and computers. Now, everyone has cell phones, Ipods, and computers. Instead of looking in books, now you can search online and get everyone you need and more then you would find in a book without even leaving your house. Even cellphones have internet on them now. Technology has really defined this generation.
I feel that our generation of people is more technology savy because we use computers and technology way more then past generations. Other generations used books. we are more into devices. we are the most technologically advanced era. Technology is a faster easier way of life for my generation.
i feel that my generation of people are defined by technology. We are surrounded by technology everywhere. Technology is in everyday life. New technologies are being developed everyday. I believe that my generation is portrayed by media because we are always up to date on what goes on in the world and when new technologies come out.
I feel that this generation is identified by technology usage. Everywhere you look, you'll see people either texting, talking on the phone, tweeting, or facebooking. In our generation, everybody has iPods now also. Some people either have iPod nano's, iPod touch, or iTouch. Everybody finds technology to be an easier way of communicating and doing such so.
I feel that our generation of people are represented in many different ways. Our generation has advanced in technology. Something as small as a cellphone can carry the entire world wide web. I think that the future holds much more further inventions and discovery's. Not only has our generation been catagorized as computer savy, but we've also been labeled reckless. A lot of people tend to think that education is wasted on the young, even though we're thought of as a waste of time we all want to learn just in a better way. We enjoy fun and intresting lessons and i think that the future will incorporate more of that.
I feel that our generation is represented by technology. Computers are one of the main parts of technology that we use. If we did not have computers, all students would be spending most of their time at a library looking up information for projects and homework that they need to do for school. When people need information now, all you need to do is go on google or any other search engine and type what you are looking for. Another source of technology would be ipods. People use ipod for fun but on the ipod touch you could also have internet. Technology is getting more and more advanced all the time and it will keep getting advanced as time goes by.
I think that our generation is represented with violence. Events like 9-11 are extremely violent way to prove a point.. There are also other ways to portray our generation as a violent one. In media for instance , PG-13 movies back then were extremely strict on politeness. Now , the PG-13 movies we see these days are filled with blood , gore , racism and mild language. An example of a movie like this is District 9. Even video games are becoming more and more violent. The world seems to be going through rapid changes this generation.
I feel that my generation is identified by many things. One this that identifies my generation is technology. Over the years, technology has become a big part of our everyday lives. Computers have become really important. We rely on computers to do homework, search the web, and keep in contact with friends and family. The internet hold information about almost everything. Some other technology our generation our generation uses is cell phones and ipods. Cell phones are used to keep in contact with people. Ipods are used so that you can play whatever song you want, any time you want. Most technology is not allowed in schools because technology is a distraction to student. I feel that technology is a faster and easy way of life for my generation.
I feel that our generation is represented by technology. Computers are one of the main parts of technology that we use. If we did not have computers, all students would be spending most of their time at a library looking up information for projects and homework that they need to do for school. When people need information now, all you need to do is go on google or any other search engine and type what you are looking for. Another source of technology would be ipods. People use ipod for fun but on the ipod touch you could also have internet. Technology is getting more and more advanced all the time and it will keep getting advanced as time goes by.
Our generation is portrayed as the first group of people to grow up using and living with advanced technology.The generations before us were living in a world much different then ours because technology was not such a major part. Before people used to send letters and telegraphs. Now that has been changed into email and texting .Technology is not the only thing that defines our generation. Fashion and trends are also a big part because they spread quickly thanks to the Internet. Our generation uses cell phones and I-pods as a way to relax and express ourselves.I think that we can benefit from technology,but at the same time become too absorbed by it.
I feel our generation is "identified" by technology. Our generation is very technical. Over the years our
technology got very advanced. Our generation is also identified by a lightning bolt because now a days we do stuff a lot
faster then past years. The technology is also very easy to use and doesn't take much time to learn.
I feel that people of our generation are represented by modern technology, especially computers. Computers are the symbol of my generation because we use them every day as they have become an essential part of our daily lives. We indulge in their use as they have been improved and upgraded over the years to meet our generation's demands for expedience, convenience, fun, etc. They also have become more useful as they improved because they can do almost anything at this point, from playing music to typing reports, to surfing the WWW and beyond. Computers are how most people world wide do their job. Also, they are how new technologies are developed by companies all over the world. They make some impossible things possible and affect the way my peers think and act, and are the symbol of Generation Y.
I feel that our generation of people is represented by new, more advanced technologies. I feel this way about this generation of people because new technologies are created every year. For example, the world of touch screen has advanced greatly. The first touch screen was created by Doctor Sam Hurst, an instructor at the University of Kentucky. This touch screen was called "Elograph", and was not transparent. Now the touch screen technology to so advanced that cell phones have them and can be carried in the every day persons pocket.
I feel that our generation of people are being identified by technology. As the years go by an abundant amount of advancements in technology and science occur. According to the Read Write Web website, the believe that generation y has changed the web. In the article Generation Y: Welcome To Their World; the blogger Corvida states that "Generation Y is absorbed in a world made possible through technology." This is because many activists are forming groups in social networks like facebook, myspace, and a variety of blogging websites. These activists are trying to get their ideas, beliefs, opinions, and reasons on a place where they know people will be able to see it, the Internet. I believe that the reason generation y is good at using technology is due to the fact we grew up around it. The last generations form of technology was not as complex and it was easier to use.
Our generation is more developed than generations before us. In this generation is technology better and everywhere. Since technology is in my everyday life I use it a lot . Where ever you go you always see some one with a cell phone or an ipod .Kids use the computers to do anything they want. They get so lazy with everything that they are doing they type everything into a computer they do homework and projects on the computers you can even go to collage on the computers. the internet is an everyday thing. You can go shopping and you can by anything you want. All you have to do is just type what your looking for and it all comes up.
Our century today has changed greatly over the past few years. Technology has improved massively and continues to become more advanced as we speak. I think that the twenty-first century is known for technology. Many years ago, people didn’t have televisions, computers or phones. Nowadays, we have advanced televisions, computers and cell phones. Each year, a new product is upgraded. For example, the telephone. Cell phones used to be like a regular house phone and now they can fit in your pocket. Cell phones have improved greatly. From the simple digital screen to having a GPS system, there is a variety of things to do on today’s cell phones. I think that today, we are controlled by the media. Every time a new product or piece of technology, people go crazy over it just to own it. I feel that our generation of people have to have the next new thing as soon as it comes out, just to have it meanwhile years later, the price goes down on that item and something even more advanced has yet to come out.
I think that our generation is represented as being to depend on technology. As kids today we all do something every day with technology, we are use to getting thing fast. Inventions are more advance each year there is always something new coming out. Fashion also changes every year there is always something prettier and nice coming out. I think that our generation is very spoiled we don't need to remember as much stuff as our parents did because we have calculator, computers, phones and iPods. The media today doesn't make it better; they always say that that new stuff is better then what we have now. I don’t know where this will leave us but I don't think that it’s good for us.
I think our generation is identified in good ways and bad ways. Our generation made mad achievments. There were new discoveries and it made the world a better place. There were cures for diseases discovered and better technology.Our generation has negative affects too. Some of the new discoveries like bigger and faster cars harmed the enviorment and there is a lot of air pollution. Generation y came up with hybrid cars that don't cause as much pollution.
I feel that my generation is represented by technology. I think that if we took all the technology away from my generation they would not be able to survive. Our society knows that if they invent any type of new technology , my generation is ready to buy it. My generation uses technology everyday, such as cellphones,computer, television and ipod.I don't think our generation gets highly praised for what we do. How do they expect us to run the future by going on facebook.
Our generation has a lot new things that bring to us in our lives. Technology has advanced in may years. Computers can do a lot more things. It can tell you about what is happening in the world political and economical wise. Also what's the weather going to be like the next day or if your going on vacation.
I feel that my generation of people are well familiar with technology. The way society now, almost no one can remember what it’s like before having laptops and iPods. With the technology we have now, we can instantaneously gain information almost anywhere, when years ago people would have to go to libraries for all information. But all of this wouldn't be possible without the creation of the internet, which is a positive and negative. It's positive because, like I've said, information is much easier to obtain, but also, the internet can help connect the world together. For myself, I can connect to my family, who are halfway around the world, and has helped me stay in touch with them.
I feel that my generations is identified by technology. Through out my life already, technology has come along way. I've seen progression and huge advancements. I watched dial-up internet move to the high-speed fiber optics, like FiOS. I watched the cd player, turn into the iPod, portable electronic mp3's. I've witnessed large cellphones with tiny monochromatic screens morph into bright LCD display touch screen phones. My generation is very skilled with the use of these new inventions, since we are growing up with their releases. Without these advancements in technology, this very blog and my post might not have even been possible.
I feel that our generation is represented by change and technology. Everybody in the world uses technology everyday. Technology is a good source to find out current events that are happening in today's world. In my generation technology advanced a tremendous amount through new computers and ipods. New ipods can let you listen to music while using the internet. This show how technology changes so much through our generation. Change is also a major part of my generation. My generation has our very first African American president. That is something my generation and ones to come will remember all of theirs lives.
I believe my generation is represented by technology for the most part. My generation was the first to use new technology as a way to learn, communicate and use socially. I believe that technology plays a large role in our lives because we use it on a daily basis for so many various reasons. Computers, phones, ipods and other pieces of technology seem almost like a neccesity. Technology has made life easier and quicker, as well as made the world much smaller through the internet.
I feel my generation is identified by technology. Some common uses of technology that we use now would be computers, cell phones, and television. Technology was a major plus to the world. It helps people get things done faster. For an example, if a student needs to complete an essay on WWI, he/she can go on the internet and research information rather than reading a book and wasting time. I feel that technology is a way to better our future, and makes it an easier life to live.
I believe that our generation of people are tech savvy. Unlike previous generations, our generation is incredibly fast paced and uses the most technology. As time goes on, we are constantly finding new shortcuts to make life fast and easy. We subscribe to magazines and newspapers so the newest issues are sent to our door before they hit the shelves, and RSS (Real Simple Syndications) to websites so their updates are sent to our Google Reader for quick and easy access. Our generation can also be called the laziest. With all the technology that we have, we don't have to move very much to obtain information. In previous generations, people went to libraries to do research papers, biographies, science projects, etc. Now, people just walk to their computers and type what they need in the search box.
I think that our generation is identified in both good ways and bad ways. During our generation so far, many great advancements and inventions have been made. New discoveries such as possible life on Mars make our generation a significant and important one. Many of the crime and wars going on prove our generation to not be all that great. I think that the thing that mostly represents our generation is technology. We have important things from computers to medical technology. We have the ability to research and predict things. Our genertaion is most definitley the most advanced one yet.
In my opinion our generation is represented by technology. Example of technology would be T.V., Computers, Cell Phones etc. Important events and people also represent our generation. People like president Obama, basketball players like Lebron and Kobe etc.
I feel that my generation is identified by technology, My age group brought back compueters and made them even better. Back a decade or so ago computers weren't even used, or weren't used as much as they are today, With the computers there's also ipods, laptop, mp3 players etc. More technologies that were invented are ipods. Ipods are taken on the go to listen to music, search the internet, and play games. Technology is a faster easier way of life for my generation.
I believe that my generation is represented by technology, change, and determination. I chose technology, because just about everywhere you look today there's technology; ipods, cell phones, internet, etc. Change represents my generation because over the years the world has changed in many ways; Obama was probably one of the greatest changes during my generations lifetime, and not to mention 9/11. Finally, determination also represents my generation because of the determination we see, and hear of, from the TV, internet, or just gossip.
there are many different things that define me as a person i feel that the people who surround me also define me. how i act and the clothes i wear define me as a person. the way i handle situations. i also feel that people define themselves by the way the act and by the way they were raised.
Salvatore Barone G BLOCK
21st century 2/23/10
Our generation
Our generation has been through many difficult and challenging obstacles
which have affected are rate of new technology being developed. There are problems that we have faced
economically and fundamentally. Then there is the i-pods , blue ray players , gaming consoles, laptops and etc.
As the times change more things are changed and some made in better ways. I think our generation is the most advanced for now. Soon every thing older than
than 40 years will be out dated and will only be in books. Our generation will also fall do to economic,financial and war will be our down fall.
I feel that the people of our generation are represented by modern technology.We use computers and technology way more than past generations. Many generations ago, people didnt have computers.with the computers there's also ipods, laptop, mp3 players etc. our generation is more advance than past generations.
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I feel our generation is represented mainly by technology, because over the last about 10 years technology has flourished immensely. Any form of technology would be a good form of representation of our generation, considering that basically everything is based around technology. There is no business or anything that is run anymore that does not use technology to help keep track of data, when recording the amount of money made or the number of items sold. Many things are influenced by the media and the way they portray things to be, and when they tell things to the public
that are not true, most of the time people do believe it. I would say that our generation is not represented by the media in many good ways, since
our country has been in intense debt for the past couple of years and that probably has something to do with all the expensive technologies we
have bought and used recently.
Our generation is identified in many ways, but technology is most important. The world is advancing globally with its technology. Recent news is all updated on the internet, and people have cell phones that have internet access. Theirs also ipods/ nobody uses cassets anymore. They have advanced technology now that people use. Old technology is useless now since the future is advancing.
I feel that our generation is identified by many things. The major thing that identifies this generation is technology. Its growing rapidly and there is no ending to it. Every where u look people all around the world use some form of technology, from computers to Ipods to even cell phones. These new and advanced technologies have made the lives of people much easier. If you miss the daily news or weather you can easily find a computer or even use your cell phone since the internet is so fast. The advancements of technology is increasing and i think that its a good change .
The generation in which we live in is based highly on technology. Many school activities, jobs, and events focus on technology as a way to establish connection. You can't walk 5 steps in New York without seeing a person use a source of technology. From cell phones, laptops and ipods our generation becomes more advanced. As a personal user of the following things, I believe that technology is a being that will grow larger and larger these next fear years.
I believe our generation is identified by technology in some way . Everyone almost has become obsessed with cell phones , computers , TVs etc . I honestly dislike it . I made a choice to not have a cell phone or Facebook , or Myspace like I used to . Everyone becomes so consumed by technology , but useless technology that doesn't help anything . I do use an ipod because I love music , but that's it . I don't like the technology in the world today because it takes everyone's time away . Unless it's medical technology , or scientific advancements , I don't think technology is really useful other than for entertainment .
my generation is defined by technology. i think so because all we do is use the computer. we use it to do homework but mostly really to go on facebook, myspace, twitter, etc. We also use the phone but mostly cellphones for texting but not really talking as much as people use to. now a days everything is said in a i.m. or an email.
I feel as if my generation is identified by technology such as texting, blogging , and music. These things were not very popular about 20 years ago.Life was very easy going,Now people feel as if they will lose their heads if these things arent available at all times. This does make life much faster in a way. Although we can function properly without them.
i feel that my generation is identified by technology and fashion statements made such as we are the era of new technology such as iphone,playstaions.ipods,etc and fashion also by the way we dress such as men wearing colored jeans etc, but this also shows on how how bold our generation is also
i feel that our society have grown a lot by technology. now we use cellphones, computers, and a whole bunch of other things that we never used to have sinc 1993 .kids use the computers to do anything like facebook myspace look up book for school or even doing school work on the computers
My generation can be defined through many things but mostly it is technology. People are evolving around it. Life for people is much more easier now. By going on the computer they can do many things like read magazines, a book or simply contact their relatives who live far away. I feel that now people are becoming aware and concerned. In my generation people understand the use and importance of technology and have proved it by inventing useful tools like ipod and laptops. I think people in my generation have accomplished many things especially with technology. Now people are looking for a fresh start which is change. Best example of that would be Obama becoming president. People in my generation have come so far with technology I wonder what tools will be invented in the next generation.
I believe my generation is represtend by technology and communication .The technology we have know makes older generation look like they are cave men.The technology that we have is used for personal entertainment.Such as the ipod which is for music.We use many different ways to communicate with each other.Such as I.m the fone
In my opinion our generation, generation Y is most likely identified as the revolution because we are going to revolutionize the way technology is. Thanks to generation X we have a lot of the technology there is now. But our generation will bring that to the next level like better military weapons. nicer tvs ipod and memory storage the size of a metro card. we can also be defined as fighters. Since the war we there have been many young people in the military.
Geography (area you live, where extended family lives, places you visited that influenced you, landscape of where you live - urban, rural, etc):ive lived in mexico since i was born until the age of 5 thats the reason im fluent in spanish.
Economic Class (Upper, Middle, Lower):middle
Race/Ethnic Group:mexican/hispanic
Abilities:anything i set my mind to
Likes/Dislikes (music, books, arts, sports, etc)like music
Social Groups You Belong To:all types im very social
Special Groups (Volunteer, etc.):
Issues You Care About:child abuse
Family Characteristics (size, occupations, family traditions, stories, etc):very short no taller than 6 feet
Dreams & Future Plans (careers, places you want to explore, etc): mechanic
Our generation is identified in many ways, but technology is most important. The world is advancing globally with its technology. Recent news is all updated on the internet, and people have cell phones ipods and more that have internet access. They have advanced technology now that people use. Old technology is useless now since the future is advancing.
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