After completing your story script and reviewing it for the the effective elements of a good digital story, you answered the following questions:
- Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
- Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
- Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
Post your responses below
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
I think I used Element 2, Unfolding lesson learned because i gave a lot of facts and helpful information about global warming and going green. This information could help people and change their minds on global warming. I also feel i used Element 4, Economizing the Story told because i talked about global warming in a story type way. Telling what it is, what causes it, how to stop it and ways to reduce it.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
I touched on Element 5 because I was able to show global warming but global warming is something that you can't really capture. It happened over time and not drastically.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
I ignored Element one because i don't really live in global warming. It's not really such a big deal for me at the moment. If i lived somewhere else, for example somewhere with ice where I would be worrying about being killed by water, then it would be a big part of my life.
In this digital story, I mostly used all of the elements or briefly touched upon them.
My Digital Story includes:
1-) The elements I used very well would be "living in the story" " Unfolding lessons learned" " Economizing the story well" " Developing Craftsmanship". I think I used these very well because in my story I share my point of view on global warming, pointed out the lessons I wanted to be understood, developed the story idea well, and was creative with my ideas.
2-) The elements that I "touched upon" would be the Creative Tension, and showing not telling. I didn't really create an environment in my story that creates friction between myself and the situation. But in some parts I did when I mention my idea of global warming and how the scientist lied to the public about global warming.
3-) I ignored the element of showing not telling idea because mainly in m slides I'm going to be putting in a voice over. I think adding voice to the story adds more to it, then just having pictures.
I was asked which elements were used very well. To answer that I believe that the way I asked questions was very well. Questioning someone is a tough technique but I believe that I aced that. In this script I know that I asked more questions then answering. Answering was something I did but not completely. I did this because i want viewers to answer the questions themselves. In my story i ignored a lot about climate gate. I dont want climate gate to interfare with my visual idea.
I used the elements of (4) economizing the story and (2)unfolding the story. It first shows what climate gate is base on, global warming, then goes into how climategate is related.
(5) Showing not telling is something that I didn't fully develop because I didn't show a lot of vivid details. My story is more asking an audience and making them think rather than having the imagine something in their minds.
I didn't need to create (3) tension, because my story isn't movie like. There's no characters just my thoughts/questions and the audience that's recieving my input.
i believe i talked about living in my story much better then anything else. that was the only thing i really elaborated on to the fullest. i used showing not telling and economizing the story told a little. i didn't really go into detail with those things. the elements i didn't use at all were unfolding lessons learned, developing creative tensions, and developing craftsmanship. that is how my script looks.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
Unfolding Lessons Learned- I talk ablut Global Warming a lot and since my whole story is basically about teaching "What is Global Warming" that was my goal. Economizing the Story Told- I keept my script short and to the point. I avoided making it long, as long as it gets across what I am trying to say, that is fine. Developing Cratmanship- Well that is not done yet, but once I make my story I will use a lot of animation, visuals, I will attempt to use videos and quotes.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop?Why?
Showing Not telling- I will use a lot of visuals. As for the language I didn't make it too "visual", because then the whole scrip would be way too long.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
Living in your Story- Well, this isn't a story that I can put myself into, I is not about me, so I can't "Live in the Story." Developing Creative Tension- My story is explaining Global Warming, it is not really a dramatic thing, so dramatic tension is not needed.
i got so much info for this story about global warming. i think i got four of the six elements in my presentation. i sought of yell and make people fee guilty as i am also teaching people about global warming.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
i used element 2 and 4. For 2 i talked about a lot of info for global warming. Also how it is or already effecting us. For element 4 i went straight to the point, short and simple.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
Who participated and who signed the treaty. i touched on it but i didn't really expend off it a lot.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
Elements 1,3,5,6 i ignored i didn't use any of them, i don't think i really had to because it wouldn't make a difference in my story they are just extra's.
In my Story Script, I feel that I've used 'Developing Creative Tension', 'Showing Not Telling', and 'Developing Craftsmanship'. I used many pictures and videos in my project. Also, I tried to show that Global Warming is an important issue, and it effects more than just one specific group of people. I touched upon 'Unfolding Lessons Learned'. I feel that I did not really pay attention to the elements of 'Living Inside Your Story' or 'Economizing the Story Told' because they both were not necessary in this project. Although, it is arguable that I have used the element 'Living Inside Your Story' because I talked about how it hurts the world, not me personally.
1. Which elements did you use very well ? Explain
The element that I used very well was elenemt 3 because it gave fact and info that I needed to use on my blog.
2. Which element did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? why
I touch element 1 because it gave info but not enough that I needed to use.
3. Which elements were ignored in your story ?
I ignored element 4 because it didn't give info at all.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
The elements that I did very well was giving information and links. I gave a lot of links, videos and and pictures of the issue of Climate Change and
Climate Gate. I also used the element of characterising where the climate change issue has gone to. I also used the element of unfolding lessons learning by
giving the amount of information I need.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
I was developing on the element of creating tension. This element I touched on slide 9 by making it suspenseful. I made the people listening
and reading this story think alittle bit about this world. I didnt completely touch on it because I didnt include what would happen if the people didnt do
anything about global warming. I also touch on the element of showing and not telling but that was only on the video and some of the pictures included. I
did give a lot of info. so that was not an element that I worked on completely.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
The elements of living in the story. I didnt write in anyway whatsoever of how this issue of Climate Gate and Climate Change affected my life. I didnt
write how this issue was going to affect me. Another issue I didnt work on was the issue of developing craftsmanship. I didnt work on that element
because I wasnt sure what the true meaning of it was. I didnt really economize the story in any way so that was another element I didnt use but I think it
would be good to use in this situation.
In my Climate Change Story Script,the elements that I've used most was 2, Unfolding Lessons Learned and 4, Economizing the Story Told. For 2, I shown each of the shots I feel like this is actually happeneing to me, which it is, not only to myself, but to everyone in this world suffering with the topic of global warming. And for the 4th one, Economizing the Story Told, I wrote what had to be said. Whenever I would have something important to say, I would just say it, and not dilly-dad, and put it off to the side.
The element that i used well was Economizing The Whole Story because it was mainly about global warming and carbon emissions. Also how to get rid of them.
The element that i touched on but didnt develop was Living In your Story because i talked on how to live while preventing global warming and the carbon emissions. but with them growing, it's impossible to live on.
The element that i completely ignored was Showing not Telling. Im actually Showing AND Telling what global warming and the carbon emissions are and how to aviod starting it.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain.
I think I used Unfolding Lessons, Economizing the Story, and Showing NOT Telling. I used many examples, facts, and images to help support my story. I also tell global warming straight up, and use proper examples such as pictures and facts that would help show people what it's all about.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
I touched on Element 1, Living in the Story because I gave facts about how global warming affects our lives, but I didn't make a real connection between my life being affected.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain.
Developing Creative Tension and Developing Craftsmanship were ignored because I didn't get creative with representing my information, I just told the facts straight up with diagrams and examples.
The element I used the most was "Unfolding lessons" learned because I used alot of detail to try and get my message going about the real story behind global warming, revealing every asspect of it.
The element I say I touched on would be "living in your story". Although I used many scientific facts, I didn't use anyones perspective on global warming other than my own and what I think of it.
The element I completley ignored would be "showing not telling" because I did the exact opposite. I used a lot of detail, scientific facts, but I really didn't use any visuals or physical asspects to explain my story.
The elements I used very well are unfolding lessons learning(2), economizing the story told(4), and showing not telling (5). These are the ones I used very well because my digital story is about global warming and my point is put out by showing the audience my slideshow through showing pictures and not just through text, My slideshow is out there to make a point, and has apersonal meaning. the elements that i touched on were living through your story (1), and developing a creative tention (3). I only touched on these because global warming itself is a scary idea that developes creative tention and I give my perspective only a little. The element I do not touch apon at all is develping craftmanship (6). Idid not touch apon developing craftsman ship because this slideshow follows an outline and isn't that creative.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
The element I feel I used most when developing the script for my story was 5. Showing Not Telling. I feel I used this the most, because I will mainly tell my story with pictures to catch my viewers eye. I feel pictures will get my story across just as well as if I told it in my own words.
- Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
I feel the element I touched up on but did not fully develop was element 6. Developing Craftsmanship. Because I haven't really constructed my story fully yet. Like I've gathered pictures and materials but I haven't put it all together yet. But I know when I do I'll make sure it goes together so it catches the viewers eyes with the images I'm showing them.
The element I feel I used most was- Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
The element I feel I ignored was 3. Developing Creative Tension. I feel I ignored it because my movie won't be like where it's something like a 2012 trailer where it kind of scares you in a way. I just want my story to simply make you think in the end.
As i learned about global warming i made a digital story about what global warming is. i told what it is, what are the effects of global warming and how to prevent it. i involved quotes in it and pictures of melting. i ignored element one becuse global warming doesnt affect me in a big way. i dont live my ice caps where theyre melting. it would be different if i did.
As i learned about global warming i made a digital story about what global warming is. i told what it is, what are the effects of global warming and how to prevent it. i involved quotes in it and pictures of melting. i ignored element one becuse global warming doesnt affect me in a big way. i dont live my ice caps where theyre melting. it would be different if i did.
1. What elements did you use very well?
I used elements one and four very well. Using "living in your story" is easy because all of the events in my story are happening right now. Economizing the story told was also used in my story. I used it well because I put together all facts of the story.
2. Which elements did you "touch on" but did not develop very well? Why?
I partially used steps five and three. I used only a couple of pictures to tell my story. I didn't develop much tension in my story, I just got right to the point.
3. Which elements were ignored in your story? Element two was ignored. I didn't understand what it was about, so I didn't bother using it.
the element i used is Element #4, Economizing the Story told because i talked about global warming in a story type way. Telling what it is, what causes it, how to stop it and ways to reduce it. Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?I touched on Element 5 because I was able to show global warming but global warming is something that you can't really capture. It happened over time and not drastically. Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
I ignored Element one because i don't really live in global warming. It's not really such a big deal for me at the moment. If i lived somewhere else, for example somewhere with ice where I would be worrying about being killed by water, then it would be a big part of my life.
In this digital story, I mostly used all of the elements or briefly touched upon them. I also feel i used Element 4, Economizing the Story told because i talked about global warming in a story type way. Questioning someone is a tough technique but I believe that i did well on it.
In this digital story, I mostly used all of the elements or briefly touched upon them. I also feel i used Element 4, Economizing the Story told because i talked about global warming in a story type way. Questioning someone is a tough technique but I believe that i did well on it.
The two elements that I used the most were Developing creative tension and unfolding lessons. If u read my story I have one big lesson to teach. I touched on Showing not telling because I basically used words. Elements that I ignored were Develop craftsmanship and Living in your story because those werent with my story.
I used living in your story by giving my opinion on Climate Gate. I also used economizing the story told by making my digital story short and to the point. I used showing not telling by using many descriptive pictures to get my point across. I also used good craftsmanship by adding transitions and cropping my images.
I did not use unfolding lessons learned because I did not tell how it has touched my life or taught me a lesson. I also did not use creative tension because there is nothing to make tense.
Unfolding Lessons Learning and Developing Craftsmanship are the elements which I think I have used well in my Digital Story. Within my script, I've recognized that the main idea or the central message in my work is about what climate change is and how it affects us. Another point that I've clearly showed is to take action saving our planet. I've also showed some originality and creativity within my work.
Economizing the Story Told, Developing Creative Tension, and Showing Not Telling are the ones I have touched upon. I did not fully develop these elements because I think that these are less more important than actually making a point, delivering the message, and communicating with the viewer.
I have completely ignored Living Your Story because I do not want the story to only be based on myself and what I think of. I view into other people's perspectives and opinions. Also, it is because global warming affects everybody and not just myself.
element two changes people opinion ob global waninng there believe in and and reduce it so we can safe ozone layers and our selfs
I think I used Element 4 Economizing the Story Told because I was able to shorten my slides with information that's summarys the point of view and get's to the point. Instead, of making the idea of Global Warming , a long story,I just used the fewest images and the words to understand my view. I touched on Element 2, unfolding lessons learned because I didnt feel like I got into the heart of global warming and how it's affectng my life around me. I ignored the tension part instead I jsut stated facts but I want to be able to live a cliff hanger and to change person's mind on really helping Global Warming.
Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
I think I used element 4: economizing the story very well because my story had a point to make , climate change is bad.
Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
I think I touched on element 5: developing craftsmanship but did not fully develop it because it's not something that you can specifically show through art.
Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain
The elements that were ignored in my story were elements 1,2,3, and 6 because I had just totally forgotten about them and I used elements 4 and 5 by chance.
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