After reviewing a variety of websites and videos on he possibility of a global warming hoax or manipulation, please post your reflection on the topic. What interesting facts and opinions did you find? What are believable? Most importantly, what do YOU believe?
After reading all of those articles sbout weather Global Warming is a hoax or not, I am really confused. There is a lot of evidence showing that scientists are doing this out of their own personal gain, but there is also a lot of evidence showing that the climate really is changing (weather is different now, than 50 yeas ago). Well I guess if it is real of not, only time will tell. (if disaster strikes, then it is real)
Episode #2, "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talks about how carbon's chemical properties allows it to form 4 bonds. Carbon ccan into helpful things like fructose and glucose, however, carbon can also . With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil.
This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead. i think
Episode #2, "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talks about how carbon's chemical properties allows it to form 4 bonds. Carbon ccan into helpful things like fructose and glucose, however, carbon can also . With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil.
This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead. i think
I have just read about the term climatgate and the release of 13 years worth of emails that may or may not go against global warming. To hear about these email was a little shocking and disturbing. The emails were found by hackers and written about evidence going against global warming by top scientists in the global warming field. We do not know yet if the emails are worth relying on. However, I do feel that the people who wrote these emails should be put on trial. They should be put on trial for manipulating data and for lieing/ or trying to trick the public
I am honestly thinking that this aspect on Climate Gate and Climate Changes can go in 2 different directions. It could be possible that information leaked in the mails could be accurate. Also there is a chance that global warming could be as dangerous and deadly as many scientists stated them to be in the emails. But this issue can go a whole different way. This can go in the direction that Climate Gate and the leaked emails are a bunch of baloney. The scientists have been lying to us the whole time. Also that global warming is fake and there is no such thing. I think that they are over exaggerating now so that we do something now so it doesnt get to the state they say were in the future.
I believe global warming is really happening. Climategate is a really slight possibility. We barely had a summer or a winter last winter. I miss having 4 seasons. Please recycle
I wasn't too hot on the idea of global warming before, but now that emails have been leaked on the true statistics behind this global disaster, I am even more skeptical. I never liked Al Gore to begin with, and I expecially didn't like him when he got a nobel peace prize based on lies. To think that he made all this money and recived all this reognition based on the lies that our earth is on a path to doom is sickening. however, even though based on the leaked e mails it is obvious global warming is not really what scientists made it out to be, that doesnt mean it can't happen. On the bright side of all of this, those of you who were paranoid about global destruction can relax, because now you know that it isn't a major threat, so relax and take a breather.
I think global warming is a real issue and im happy that countries are caring and the world is making an effort in lowering the amount of pollution certain countries produce. Regardless weither global warming is true or not we should still make sure to keep the place we live clean. These carbon emissions don't only hurt the enviorment but they hurt us as well. We breath in this air and live on this earth, the least we can do is take care of it.
After reading the various articles and blogs about the global warming issue, I think that global warming is a real issue. Even though the people from Moscow hacked so many of the documents, that doesn't prove that global warming is one big hoax. I think some of the data collected about global warming might have been edited to make the situation seem worse then it really is. However, there is clear evidence that global warming will eventually take place.
All of the "Carbon" videos were really helpful. They taught us on what ways carbon does to the environment and especially why we need to plant trees. Global Warming is a real issue and everyone is trying to cut back on fossil fuels and also be eco-friendly. By planting more plants and trees and stop wasting paper.
These articles show that Global Warming might be a scam. All the information put out their about how its been getting warmer and polar ice-caps are melting, it could all be one sick mess. Emails exchanged between scientists have been leaked to the public talking about how they should keep specific data to themselves, so that they can keep being paid to research this information. I don't know what to believe as for now, but reading these articles does have me very skeptical.
After seeing the videos and reading the articles, I see now that Global Warming could possibly be a scam. With scientists data being stolen and their e-mails hacked, I don't know what to believe anymore. I didn't think the world would end in 2012 anyway but why would they create this hoax to scare people? If they wanted recognition they wouldn't have lied. People may not believe scientists about climate change after this.
The four websites given on the class website, as well as other knowledge I have come to a conclusion that Global Warming is still an important issue, but it is not as close as it seems. The websites call this a hoax and all show excerpts of the emails that have been released to the public, which must create confusion within the mind's of the individual because they were easily fooled. It is hard to understand how these emails were hidden for so long, and why the evidence was altered but it seems like Global Warming is still an issue that needs to be solved. From reading these articles, I believe that the scientists have not created this entire concept up, but it is somewhat true and is not going to occur as soon as we have been told. If the emails are accurate I don't see why the scientists caught in the middle of this are not questioned to a higher extent or put before a judge.
i think that global warming can be true. After reading all about scientists doing it for money, im starting to think. If global warming isnt true people should still recylce and take care of their city and community beause it can happen. learning about glbal warming and what it can be, its scary and we dont want that. if its true or not people should make an effort and start working to prevent global warming if it didnt happen already.
I thing global warming is true but people made it seem more deadly then it still is. it is still an on going research. i believe that we have to cut using fossil fuels because its affecting the ozone layer and two we really dont have that much we need another natrual resource to use
Climate Gate - Argument or belief that global warming is a lie, and made up by scientist? Why
ยบ They may make this up because of money reasons / shall I elaborate, government always try to make money
RT News
standing by the data that it has despite of his resigning they call it a victory for science ,
Chris Monk Stated will hopefully lead to a proper investigation, everything should just be canceled.
they are up to their eye balls in global warming money
he has to go to cop , it should be shut down and wait until the next meeting in Mexico city,
causing bad blood in Washington they feel liked they are being forced to vote
Phil Jones resigned after being caught of Manipulative data through emails
Emails that were leaked with crucial data , the university hasn't released all the information of the Freedom of in-formations act.
make all there data public 95 percent is available but now the other 5% will be published , not knowing how long the investigation will prolong.
The U.N. wants to launch their own investigations on this situations.
Phil Jones director, released emails through manipulative data
climate gate is beginning to show up
Australian is going to have an election about global warming
politically 83 year 2050 legal binding
climate gate gets 20 million hits on google. 10 million only for global warming.
After I read all of these articles about Global Warming and the fake emails, I firmly believe in global warming being a lie. These emails were saying how they made global warming seem like much more of an issue then it really is. Why would they do this if global warming was actually an issue? Maybe they wanted recognition for something that is non existent. Global Warming is a hoax and it's time for everyone to see that they've been saying we've been suffering from global warming since the 1970's and still nothing has happened. It's all fake.
After a viewing several episodes and reading articles I am not on any side. These facts put me in a mutual view there is evidence saying there is a real thing such as global warming and there is evidence that it doesn't i just think if their is global warming we should start cleaning up the world now so it won't create chaos later on in our futures
After I have read these articles, I'm not sure what to think. If this story about global warming is all false or not. Yes, I know that people have their own minds, so they can think what ever the want. But what I think, is that people think that this big discussion about global warming is real or not. Nobody wants to live on this earth with all natural disasters, even if there not natural.
Honestly, at first I thought that global warming was a serious issue and people everywhere should be Cautioned about it and try to do the right thing. After reading the many articles and watching videos I think global warming is still real just not as big of a deal as certain people say it is. If it was then people everywhere wouldn't have been so shocked to see that someone in the U.K. Hacked into the scientist emails and leaked it onto the internet. Lots of people claim that the fact of global warming
After reading all that there is about climate gate in my articles, i have learned that global warming might be a fake. Scientists have been changing data for money and to become well known. Yet there is evidence that it is getting warmer. Icebergs are melting and seas have become bigger.
i looked up so many sites. people really did open up my mind. it was pretty amazing. people should really make a difference. global warming is a big part of life.
After reading the article I've been thinking that people are over exagerated about global warming. I think that its a fake and people should just move on with their lives.
After reading about the climate gate e-mails, and how the scientists changed the data, it made me question if global waring is true or not. i still believe it is true, but it may not be happening as fast as the scientist claim. The scientists just wanted extra money to continue the research.
Even if there were hoax emails being sent out, I still believe global warming exist. Just take a look outside even though it may be freezing cold this week just last week it was 66 degrees, something is seriously wrong even if many of us don't believe so.I really feel something should be done even if the global warming issue is not as big as some think it is. We could work to fix the problem so it doesn't have to become a big issue. I learned so much about global warming, why it's happening, what's it's doing but still need to know the answer to how can we fix it.
i really don't think global warming is fake even if the emails say theirs not as mush their is still some and we should stop that .
After reading and seeing all of the video's and blogs I bleive that we are in Global Warming. The only thing is that a certian amount of people are helping out with this cause. The reason I say this is because that the temperutare has rised over the years and nobody saw the difference until now. I also think that now will be to late for us to change what is going on. Carbon is half of he reason and we are also poluting the world with all of our gases.
i believe that global warming is fake because of the emails that were dicovered.i also think it is fake because the scientists are making money off this.i also want to believe it is fake because as an adult i dont want to have to payt more taxes then i would have.this is just a scam to make money out of us citizens.i think it is a fake
I feel after reading the article that something like this would happen because everything that the government does has some sort of illegal thing behind it. I was expecting something like this to happen because it always does. I feel that global warming is an issue but not a big as a problem as it made out to be.
I highly doubt that global warming was made up. I mean maybe its a little far fetched but i mean its highly unrealistic that somebody just made it up.
The articles have really left me in a confused state. I honestly do believe that global warming is real, and that we do need to lower carbon emissions. However, looking at the accusations made, I think that global warming may be exaggerated a little. Scientists may think that this is just for their benefit; they leave the media and their audiences in a state of confusion. Maybe they over exaggerated global warming so that we won't get into that time of crisis. It's like they're trying to prepare us for the future. But, can't they prepare us for the future without having to scare us that the Sun is going to overheat the Earth?
after looking through all the articles i'm not sure if global warming is true or not. there is a lot of evidence that shows that scientist are changing information. I think that I would have to witness it for myself to believe it.
Although i don't agree with how the information was retrieved i believe it was necessary to find out about it no matter what the cast. On the other hand one can say the scientists altered the data for the good of man. If we worked on solving global warming before it was a major issue many lives can be saved and we will have more time to do what must be done. I just hope that there will be no major effect these email will have on Copenhagen and the treaty being passed right now.
I don't think that global warming is a hoax I think that its not a big as they make it out to be. I think they are preparing us for it so they make all big and scary but its really not.
After reviewing a variety of websites and videos on the possibility of a global warming hoax or manipulation i started to think that this aspect on Climate Gate and Climate Changes can go in 2 different directions. It could be possible that information leaked in the mails could be accurate. Also there is a chance that global warming could be as dangerous and deadly as many scientists stated them to be in the emails. But this issue can go a whole different way. This can go in the direction that Climate Gate and the leaked emails are a bunch of baloney. The scientists have been lying to us the whole time. Also that global warming is fake and there is no such thing. I think that they are over exaggerating now so that we do something now so it doesnt get to the state they say were in the future.
After reading the articles on the hacked, i find it disappointing that people won't beleive the study of science. however, science has been getting us nervous and they've been controlling our life such as telling us the weather is bad or good. We get shocked or scared when hear the ice caps are melting. but is that enough proof? scientists need to share information with the public so we see if their doing their job. Also carbon is a big reason but it's effecting the reason why we should have started early. This Earth was made with a certain amount of resources and if we dont learn to preserve and something does happen later then is Global Warming really a hoax.
After reading many of these articles, and all of the evidence they provide to support their opinions, I don't know what to think. I am mostly leaning to believing global warming exists, but I can't ignore the facts, or the actions of the scientists.
After reading many articles on the climategate I gained many strong feelings on this issue. The climategate issue is a whole bunch of emails and documents that were leaked onto the internet. I believe that the scientists/climatologists who wrote these emails should be greatly emabrassed. They have exaggerated warming data. They have manipulated data and told us lies about global warming making it seem worse then it is. In one of the emails a scientist wrote "In an odd way this is cheering news." about a sceptics death in 2004 (John L Daly). The scientist who wrote that comment probably said that because John L Daly had and showed real and true facts to us instead of the lies the other scientists were creating. The scientists who wrote these emails and told us these lies should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. In another email one scientist said that he had just completed Mike's Nature trick and so on and at the end of that he said it was to hide the decline. There is a whole lot of evidence on the wrong doings of these scientists. There is evidence of the scientists telling each other to delete emails and make new ones, one scientist said he was tempted to beat the crap out of another scientist, discussing how to get rid of other scientists from proving them wrong, getting rid of the peer review process, and much much more.
I don't agree with the fact that global waring isn't true, I don't think someone could fake something this big. Global warming is a serious problem that is effecting everyone. People need to be more aware of what is going on in the world, and help stop global warming.
I think global warming is real but the numbers aren't really that high because as yo can see the word climate gate is data that is change to seem worse then it really is. But all in all i believe in global warming because the winters are getting warming and summers are getting longer.
To hear about these email was a little shocking and disturbing. The emails were found by hackers and written about evidence going against global warming by top scientists in the global warming field. This can go in the direction that Climate Gate and the leaked emails are a bunch of baloney. The scientists have been lying to us the whole time.
After reading all the articles i wonder if global warming is fake or real. Scientist could making up things for money for them selfs. Plus global warming might be real but it might not be as bad as scientist really say it is. Also the only thing that really supports global warming is its getting hotter(not by much) and the sea level is raising.
I think that there is a possibility that there is global warming, but if there isn't global warming then there could be a chance of it coming soon. I think that if there isn't really global warming then it is good that the scientist are lying because it is preparing us for it.
It is also bad because it is scaring a lot of people in the world.
In my opinion i think that global warming could be real, but there are also possibilities that people could be making it look worse than it is. Everything that were doing is good even if it isn't true. We should try to make the Earth a nicer place.
My idea about global warming hasn't changed. I knew it was fake the whole time, and the hacked e-mails only help prove my point. The scientists fabricated the whole idea of global warming and sent the Earth into a panic attack. Besides if global warming is real, please explain the two feet of snow we just had.
After reading the articles about the weather and the issue of global warming I'm starting to think that global warming and the issues that are happening are fake. There is different things that are happening and different results and researching that are being bought about. There is much evidence that scientists are doing this for their own benefit. No one will for shure know till diaster happens.
Even before reading all of the articles about Climate Gate, I didn't believe global warming was real, and I still don't. The articles didn't change my opinion on climate change. There is evidence that climate change isn't real, and I've never seen any that says it is real.
After reading the articles that were hacked by Russian scientists I was shocked. There was so much detail reveiling the controversy of climate gate. This gives me some evidence to realize that Global Warming is a hoax. Due to the hacking of these articles i believe that there are other people in our world like scientists that could be lying about an important event that is happening in our world today.
Reading all of those articles about Global Warming and whether or not it is a hoax made me realize just how falsified the "facts" about global warming were. I still think that Global Warming is true, however i do not feel that it is as bad as scientists say it is. Most scientists altered the information for their own personal gain. I believe that the numbers are high, but just not as astounding as scientists make it out to be.
After looking at all the articles on if Global Warming is real or not I say it is REAL!!! I say this because there are too many things or evidence saying that it is. For example the ice caps are melting, the glaciers are falling apart and the Earth is warming up all together.
After reviewing a variety of websites and videos. i wasnt sure if global warming is a hoax or manipulation,i read and listend to the opinions of different people and scientist around the world and it kind of made me more confused than i already was about global warming....in some of the videos and facts that i read all stated that carbon is whats causing global warming...but i dont think thats the only thing..yea almost everything is made up of mostly carbon but maybe thats not it. so i guess i would have to say its this whole "Global warming' is a manipulation.
I think Global Warming is a serious effect on the world and we have to do something about it. Even if Global Warming is a hoax we should still cut down on carbon emissions so that "Global Warming" doesn't occur in the future.
Climategate, is a very controversial issue. There have been many emails that were declared void and found as lies. This has caused a lot of arguments within governments and scientists of the world and many people are now skeptics of global warming and don't believe that is a true process. There has been verification of false evidence and many questions are now being asked, perhaps the biggest one is, Is Global Warming real?
The four different websites showing all the evidence of the hoax or manipulation of global warming was very mind boggling. One of the websites shows a direct quote found within one of the e-mails sent by the scientist. Though if examined carefully, these evidences of global warming being a hoax equals the amount of evidence scientists have come up with about global warming being valid. Considering to be a witness of the drastic changes in the Earth for the past years, I still do believe that global warming is real and not a manipulation. One fact which I clearly believe in why I think global warming is real are the many species being endangered or extinct not only because of human activities, but also with the severe changes in our climate in present day.
The articles made me seriously confused. They show evidence of the climate researchers just using climate change as a way to make money but then there is evidence of climate change. In a way I do believe climate change because of the natural evidence such as the glaciers melting but seeing as how there is evidence climate researchers are lying I don't believe climate change
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