Sunday, February 21, 2010

Geneation Representation Response

Class Assignment:
(in a short, well developed paragraph) Write a reflection piece to how you feel your generation is "identified". You may use what you know of past generations to compare, but your writing should be reflective in nature - meaning please use "I Phrases". I feel that our generation of people are (...adjective/explanation) because we (...reason/example). Before you complete your writing piece, consider the following questions and use them in your answer:

* Can recent events, current public opinion, inventions, fashion, etc influence the way groups are portrayed by the media or others?
* How do you think your generation is represented/portrayed by the media or others? To what extent is this accurate?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Student Technology Survey

Put the responses to today's and yesterdays check-in together to write a (medium stakes) description of who you are as a technology student. This can include your strengths and weaknesses, your questions, your hopes, and your previous technological experiences and current skills.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Elements of a Good Digital Story

After completing your story script and reviewing it for the the effective elements of a good digital story, you answered the following questions:

- Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
- Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
- Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain

Post your responses below

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


After reviewing a variety of websites and videos on he possibility of a global warming hoax or manipulation, please post your reflection on the topic. What interesting facts and opinions did you find? What are believable? Most importantly, what do YOU believe?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Climate Response - NPR, Audio/Video & Blogs

Using the Youth Voices response guides for responding to Audio or Video, post your response to the NPR Audio or Video you researched.

Monday, December 7, 2009

KWL - COP15 Fact Sheet

Post your reflection on the KWL chart completed yesterday. What did you read that you knew already? What stood out the most? What did you learn? Was there any information that you want to know more about?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Climate Quiz #1

Even after doing last night's homework, our knowledge of the climate change, the possibility of global warming, and the current climate forum in Copenhagen, Denmark is limited.

As global citizens it is our responsibility to become educated on this global issue, not just for the world, but for our own success.

Post your score and reflection below (a reflection should be a self evaluation of how you performed, how you approached the quiz, what you were surprised at in questions/results, what you were not surprised at... was there anything that you knew for sure?)