Sunday, February 21, 2010

Geneation Representation Response

Class Assignment:
(in a short, well developed paragraph) Write a reflection piece to how you feel your generation is "identified". You may use what you know of past generations to compare, but your writing should be reflective in nature - meaning please use "I Phrases". I feel that our generation of people are (...adjective/explanation) because we (...reason/example). Before you complete your writing piece, consider the following questions and use them in your answer:

* Can recent events, current public opinion, inventions, fashion, etc influence the way groups are portrayed by the media or others?
* How do you think your generation is represented/portrayed by the media or others? To what extent is this accurate?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Student Technology Survey

Put the responses to today's and yesterdays check-in together to write a (medium stakes) description of who you are as a technology student. This can include your strengths and weaknesses, your questions, your hopes, and your previous technological experiences and current skills.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Elements of a Good Digital Story

After completing your story script and reviewing it for the the effective elements of a good digital story, you answered the following questions:

- Which Elements did you use very well? Explain
- Which Elements did you "touch on" but did not fully develop? Why?
- Which Elements were ignored in your story? Explain

Post your responses below