Post your reflection on the KWL chart completed yesterday. What did you read that you knew already? What stood out the most? What did you learn? Was there any information that you want to know more about?
i thought that i didn't really know anything but i acually realized i now more then i thought. i want to learn why they meet in copenhagen and why it takes so long to happen.i learned it takes a lot of time for all the changes to occur.
I knew that global warming, whether it be real or fake, is a world wide issue and is being taken very seriously. I really want to know if global warming is real because I have yet to see any real evidence for it to be true. To me, the temperature of the Earth increasing by .6 degrees isn't all that serious to me. I learned that they're have been more than one conferences like COP15, all of them having over 1,000 attendants.
Everyone keeps talking about how bad global warming is. The temperature has only gone up a few degrees.To me thats not that much, but i guess it is if almost everyone is meeting at COP. People should not produce as much carbon as they do even though it will cost them a good amount of money. would u rather help the earth or have a little bit more money then you do?
To me, the temperature of the Earth increasing by .6 degrees isn't all that serious to me. I learned that they're have been more than one conferences like COP15, all of them having over 1,000 attendants.
Reading this Fact Sheet on the Copenhagen Forum, I realized that the previous lesson we had in class only gave us a brief understanding of what was really going on at the meeting or debate in Denmark. I already knew the location of this conference and the basic reason for it, which was for youth leaders to discuss the problems surrounding Climate Change and find solutions to this. The main thing that stood out to me in this reading must have been the expenses that this whole showdown stirs up. It is a whopping 62 million dollars to conduct this important meeting and that is a huge amount. One of the things I learned from this Fact Sheet is that this meeting is not just conducted within an hour or two. It can take up several hours, and even continue until nightfall, but in the end the question in my mind was, "Why is this conference being advertised so much more as opposed to the ones similar to it in previous years?"
Well this issue about global warming is something that I already knew about because its worldwide. The thing that stood out to me the most was the money they are wasting for the COP15 meeting. That really shocked me because the results were greater than $60 million dollars.I learned that there is going to be 190+ countries attending the COP15 meeting. One thing I want to learn more about was how it is kept under control because of all the thousands of people attending.
Global warming is a huge issue in the world, wether people think that it is a myth or reality. As I was reading this article about the COP15 I realized that I know a lot about this issue and meeting. For example: all of the world leaders are meeting to find a solutiona and America and China are the largest producers of CO2 in the world. What surprised me was that to hold this meeting about 62 millon US. dollars have to be spent. Now my question is: If the world is in a recession, how is it that they can afford to give this much money for a conference? Is there any way they can meet at a place where it won't cost that much? And I learned that it can take decades for changes to be made if the treaty is signed.
Global Warming is a huge issue on our planet right now because it has affected a lot of things. The COP is trying to discuss to help stop Global Warming in its tracks by emitting less carbon dioxide into the air. I never knew that COP was a meeting party for Kyoto Protocol. I always thought it was its own meeting for representatives, ministers and presidents of countries around the world to discuss what is happening in our world and how we can fix it. What I would really like to know more about is why aren't other countries making it their goal to lower carbon emission? Why just Denmark?
People may not think that Global warming is not that big of a deal. If it was not would they have agencies and top people make the own group to help out this earth that we live it known as the COP. I believe Global Warming is a huge idea. The ice is melting and the water is rising. I did not learn this from the sheet but from the Carbon video that as we know Carbon is making Global Warming happen as we speak. We need to be aware of what is happening. The COP people are making an effort to actually make a change. Why aren't we?
Global warming was not something I new a ton about ,but I did have previous knowledge on the topic. I knew facts about the greenhouse affect and what global warming was. I wanted to learn more about the Copenhagen conference that we learned briefly about in class and more about the cause of global warming along with the solutions we have. I found out that the Copenhagen conference will take place in a couple of days and what the world leaders are signing will take affect in 2020. I also learned alot more about what the world leaders have intentions on speaking about and more about the world leaders solutions to global warming.
i though the most instresting part of the article was the amount of people going to the meating about 9300 and it will take 2 million dolares to fund the whole thing . but i think its worth it to stop global warming
I learned a lot of information by reading this fact sheet. it was something i wouldn't have bothered picking up if i wasn't force to do it for homework. I was shocked to found out that about 11,000 people would be attending the event. Most of them government officials and ministers. In the end i enjoyed reading this and i feel i know more about global warming and will try to do my part in stopping it from getting worse
Many people don't know that we use carbon every day. We use carbon from factories and we even breath them out too. If we keep on destroying trees then we wont have any oxygen to breath in, ever ! I looked at video two and three and I saw that they are explaining that carbon is affecting our planet causing global warming.
Before reading the article i didnt really know much. I thought that we had learned a lot about global warming in earth science last year, but i dont think we learned about the most important things. in my opinion, the leaders of the countries opinions on global waqrming is the most important thing. This article has taught me that the world's future is in the leader's hands.
The Fact Sheet of the COP15 Conference was really informative. The purpose of this conference is one of the things I already knew about. It is held in order to find and agree on solutions within the emissions of greenhouse gasses which greatly affects our environment. Another one is where the conference is being held at. I have learned in class that this conference is held at Copenhagen, though I did not know that the meeting place rotates within the five UN regional groups. The expenses of this conference stood out the most within this reading. The total amount exceeds $62 million; this includes the preparing, planning, and the servicing of the meeting. I would want to learn more about how are developing countries able to afford in attending this conference?
To be honest I thought that both the video and the cop15 fact sheet was missing a few important details. Doesnt anyone recall reading about all those wildfirers in the west or volcanoe eruptions through the san andres? A single Volcanoe eruption probaly emits more CO2 into the air, then the entire USA emits in an entire year. Wildfires, and I mean the ones caused by natural causes and not some kid experimenting with mathces in the woods, burn down miles of forest, and hundreds of thousands or plants, trees, bushes, and even kills animals. If any of you are interested in science, then you would no that this proccess, known as combustion, produces CO2 and H20, also known as carbon dioxide and water. I am sure this has probaly not occured to a lot of people that humans arent the main problem. Its nature. I am not denying the exixstance of global warming because Human or Natural caused, it is a problem, and maybe we could help by slowing down the process.
Global Warming is real whether people believe or not. Just take a look outside feel the whether, it should not be 61 degrees outside when its November it just isn't right. It's suppose to be cold when it's cold and hot when it's suppose to be hot. While reading this COP 15 Fact Sheet I realized I learned more than I have before, this has really open up my eyes to the world beyond my own.
Global warming is a huge issue, that affects not only the United States, but the entire globe, which means we all need to join together, and protect our planet. This fact sheet helped me learn more about this global crisis. Before reading this, some of the facts I knew made no sense, and meant nothing to me. However, this sheet showed me that the changes happening on the globe because of global warming are very serious, and very threatening to our planet. I also learned how the location of the conference is determined, and how many participants show up to these conferences, which is several thousand.
When I read about the Copenhagen conference I learned that it was to help the world out. I knew that global warming was going on but I didnt know that many people really cared! I think its cool that that many people form all over want to help the world out! One thing I want to learn more about is how are they going to try to put a stop to global warming now?
Global warming is a big issue and has been becoming more known around the world. i'm happy to know that the world is taking it seriously and their discussing what steps each country could take to slow the process and make our world more clean and safe.
I knew that global warming is a world wide issue. You could say it is being taken very seriously because there are world meetings about it and how it is affecting everyone everywhere. I didn't know that there were meetings taken place all around the world with thousands of participants. I learned that these meetings take up many hours and everyone gets a say in it. I also learned that these events are very expensive.
I already knew where COP15 met this year, and many of the people who were going. I wanted to learn what bills they would pass. I learned who goes all different years, where it is held different years, and how they choose who goes.
The COP15 is a meeting where environment officials from different countries come to discuss environmental issues. Right now, the biggest issue is global warming. I knew that this was a meeting to make decisions and make resolutions against the issue they are faced with. It takes every country's input and effort to take action. Some things I learned were that all solutions have to go by certain guidelines. Denmark has also decided to offset emissions for the meeting. I want to know what the first phase of the UN's Kyoto Protocol is and what isn't given out or shown by the media to the public during the meetings.
What I already knew about copenhagen was that it's a discussion between World leaders and it is happening in denmark.I wanted to know why they decided on their place of meeting and I had learned that 70 to 150 ministers and senior officials meet at these meetings and it rotates among the 5 U.N. groups and their are thousands of participants
What I know is that people are trying to help out the environment. That is one of the reason's why they are putting this all together. What I would like to know is who else would be able to join. I would love to join something like that but I would not have the time to do such things. What I learned is that people are trying to change Global Warming from happening. There are governments and agencies that are joining it to be able to help the world.
Global warming is something that we all need to be thinking about, Believe it or not global warming is a major effect to our environment. I honestly was not aware about cop 15 or the united nations change conference and climate change but as i keep learning about it i will keep an open eye on what is going on.
This fact sheet mainly taught the specific details of what I knew. Like I knew that there will be a extremely high amount of representatives at copenhagen, but I did not know there will be about 11,000 people there. Also that the U.S.A is spending about sixty-two million dollars on COP activities. This fact sheet did help me to learn that copenhagen is quite the serious matter, and if global warming is or is not as much of a problem as we thought; we should still try to help our planet.
It's really annoying to me that there's so much evidence out there that says global warming isn't as big of an issue as people make it to be. Yet, everyone ignores it and spends 2 million dollars to have a meeting to discuss global warming. It doesn't make sense. Yes, I learned more about what COP15 was and who goes to them, what they discuss, etc. The whole 5 yards, but I just don't think I can read another thing about global warming without wanting to burst.
the sheet was very helpful if you didnt know anything about global warming and what issues have been talked about it. whether it is real or fake it still has an issue on people and what will happen in the next couple of years. no matter what this topic should be figured out now that way if anything dangerous did occur, the people in the nation would know exactly what to do since they have already been told and not neglected.
Before i read this article i didn't know very much about global warming. I always thought that i knew a lot about this becuase of what we learned in science class. Now i realize that even though we learned somewhat about global warming we didn't learn all the important facts and information. After reading this article it showed me how the leaders have a big impact on global warming and what is said and done. If we wish to end this a big part is in their hands too rather than just ours.
I thought that Global Warming is real. I'm actually trying to be eco-friendly because i'm mostly typing up m work. In the KWL sheet, i didn't know most of it, but some of it was familiar to me. It will take a while for changes because the treaty needs to be signed by the president and he will sign it 12/17/09. The changes should be good because its mostly for the ozone layer.
I Knew that Global Warming is a very series challenge our world faces today. Whether it be real or fake it is a Challenge for international government and conversation. I Would like to know if we are in a constant cycle of warming that constantly occurs, or if we are actually going through the process of global warming. I have Learned that COP meetings have happened before and that they were unsuccessful in the past.
What I thought that i did not know anything about global warming or COP 15. I learned a lot about COP 15 and that it takes a lot of time to talk and a lot of time to change.
As I was learning about the COP15 I didn't know much about it. I learned that a group of representatives go to copenhagen to talk about what they could do about global warming. I also learned that there is a treaty that was turned down.
Before reading this article i didn't know about that this meeting can cost up to 2 million dollars. what i want to know is why does it cost up to 2 million to bring these people together in a room to discuss something? yes important, but i can have a conversation about global warming in my living room with my friends and family, for free..
I learned that copenhagen national leaders from all around the world are coming together to discuss global warming issues. an the actions they should take to fix the problems.
I think that this meeting is really important for the environment. The meeting is important, but I personally think that the cost of $2 million dollars is a bit too much. Even though the leaders cannot figure out everything in the time of COP15, it's great that they can clarify key points. The agreements that are trying to be made make sense, but also I think that it might make an strain in the economy.
Everyone knows about Global Warming. I KNOW how important Global Warming is. Whether it be truth or myth, it is an issue that is affecting people worldwide. I WANT to learn about the actions people are taking towards resolving this problem. Global Warming is a global issue. Not only do Americans experience he effects, but the entire human race is influenced by Global Warming. What I LEARNED from reading this fact sheet is that COP15 is a huge summit where world leaders come together to discuss climate change. Over 1,000 people attend this. World leaders come, as well as members of newspaper publications, and observers.
Everyone keeps talking about how bad global warming is. The temperature has only gone up a few degrees. Fact Sheet on the Copenhagen Forum, I realized that the previous lesson we had in class only gave us a brief understanding of what was really going on at the meeting or debate in Denmark. I was reading this article about the COP15 I realized that I know a lot about this issue and meeting.
I found this very interesting. It didnt occur to me that it was going to cost all that money to run the conference. I also didnt know why it was being held in Copenhagen. I can say one thing though action needs to be taken to help stop global warming
I learned lot about COP 15. Global warming has put a impact on my life tremendously. Weather is a world wide issue for everyone, but are we caring about the climate gate. Climate gate is a scandal, well thats how i view it. We don't actually know what is going on behind the close doors of the government. They only tell us what they ant us to know. The temperature of the earth is increasing and soon the earth will end. What will you do to end this ?
I knew already that global warming is a serious issue on the Earth. I don't think the temperature increasing .6 degrees is that bad, but then a again since everyone says it is it must be. I would like to know if global warming is fake, because I don't really think something like this could be fake. I learned that there are people from every country are at COP15 to talk about the issue of global warming.
I thought that I knew many things about carbon, but apparently I did not know as much as I had learned though. For example: I did know that Global Warming existed. However, I did not know that carbon was a main cause for it.
i knwo a lot about global warming and ive learned more also. i learned that people are actually taking it seriously, because it is really dangerous. i want to knwo if it really true as its being described. i need more evidence to believe it more.
Global warming is a topic discussed whether it be real or fake it is a Challenge for international government and conversation. Ive recently learned there was a treaty that was turned down. We all wonder if that was the right choice to make.
I already knew that Climate change is a big issue all over the world and that we have scientists researching climate change. What stood out the most from what I've learned is that the Earths temperature heating up .6 degrees which doesn't sound so serious but it must be if there is such a big a deal about it that they need to have a huge conference in Denmark. I would like to know why they meet in Denmark.
i thought that i didn't really know anything but i acually realized i now more then i thought. i want to learn why they meet in copenhagen and why it takes so long to happen.i learned it takes a lot of time for all the changes to occur.
I knew that global warming, whether it be real or fake, is a world wide issue and is being taken very seriously. I really want to know if global warming is real because I have yet to see any real evidence for it to be true. To me, the temperature of the Earth increasing by .6 degrees isn't all that serious to me. I learned that they're have been more than one conferences like COP15, all of them having over 1,000 attendants.
this was very insperational. people need help and we need to help them some how.
Everyone keeps talking about how bad global warming is. The temperature has only gone up a few degrees.To me thats not that much, but i guess it is if almost everyone is meeting at COP. People should not produce as much carbon as they do even though it will cost them a good amount of money. would u rather help the earth or have a little bit more money then you do?
To me, the temperature of the Earth increasing by .6 degrees isn't all that serious to me. I learned that they're have been more than one conferences like COP15, all of them having over 1,000 attendants.
Reading this Fact Sheet on the Copenhagen Forum, I realized that the previous lesson we had in class only gave us a brief understanding of what was really going on at the meeting or debate in Denmark. I already knew the location of this conference and the basic reason for it, which was for youth leaders to discuss the problems surrounding Climate Change and find solutions to this. The main thing that stood out to me in this reading must have been the expenses that this whole showdown stirs up. It is a whopping 62 million dollars to conduct this important meeting and that is a huge amount. One of the things I learned from this Fact Sheet is that this meeting is not just conducted within an hour or two. It can take up several hours, and even continue until nightfall, but in the end the question in my mind was, "Why is this conference being advertised so much more as opposed to the ones similar to it in previous years?"
Well this issue about global warming is something that I already knew about because its worldwide. The thing that stood out to me the most was the money they are wasting for the COP15 meeting. That really shocked me because the results were greater than $60 million dollars.I learned that there is going to be 190+ countries attending the COP15 meeting. One thing I want to learn more about was how it is kept under control because of all the thousands of people attending.
Global warming is a huge issue in the world, wether people think that it is a myth or reality. As I was reading this article about the COP15 I realized that I know a lot about this issue and meeting. For example: all of the world leaders are meeting to find a solutiona and America and China are the largest producers of CO2 in the world. What surprised me was that to hold this meeting about 62 millon US. dollars have to be spent. Now my question is: If the world is in a recession, how is it that they can afford to give this much money for a conference? Is there any way they can meet at a place where it won't cost that much? And I learned that it can take decades for changes to be made if the treaty is signed.
Global Warming is a huge issue on our planet right now because it has affected a lot of things. The COP is trying to discuss to help stop Global Warming in its tracks by emitting less carbon dioxide into the air. I never knew that COP was a meeting party for Kyoto Protocol. I always thought it was its own meeting for representatives, ministers and presidents of countries around the world to discuss what is happening in our world and how we can fix it. What I would really like to know more about is why aren't other countries making it their goal to lower carbon emission? Why just Denmark?
People may not think that Global warming is not that big of a deal. If it was not would they have agencies and top people make the own group to help out this earth that we live it known as the COP. I believe Global Warming is a huge idea. The ice is melting and the water is rising. I did not learn this from the sheet but from the Carbon video that as we know Carbon is making Global Warming happen as we speak. We need to be aware of what is happening. The COP people are making an effort to actually make a change. Why aren't we?
Global warming was not something I new a ton about ,but I did have previous knowledge on the topic. I knew facts about the greenhouse affect and what global warming was. I wanted to learn more about the Copenhagen conference that we learned briefly about in class and more about the cause of global warming along with the solutions we have. I found out that the Copenhagen conference will take place in a couple of days and what the world leaders are signing will take affect in 2020. I also learned alot more about what the world leaders have intentions on speaking about and more about the world leaders solutions to global warming.
i though the most instresting part of the article was the amount of people going to the meating about 9300 and it will take 2 million dolares to fund the whole thing . but i think its worth it to stop global warming
I learned a lot of information by reading this fact sheet. it was something i wouldn't have bothered picking up if i wasn't force to do it for homework. I was shocked to found out that about 11,000 people would be attending the event. Most of them government officials and ministers. In the end i enjoyed reading this and i feel i know more about global warming and will try to do my part in stopping it from getting worse
Many people don't know that we use carbon every day. We use carbon from factories and we even breath them out too. If we keep on destroying trees then we wont have any oxygen to breath in, ever ! I looked at video two and three and I saw that they are explaining that carbon is affecting our planet causing global warming.
I thought that I knew many things about carbon, but apparently I did not know as much as I had learned though.
Before reading the article i didnt really know much. I thought that we had learned a lot about global warming in earth science last year, but i dont think we learned about the most important things. in my opinion, the leaders of the countries opinions on global waqrming is the most important thing. This article has taught me that the world's future is in the leader's hands.
The Fact Sheet of the COP15 Conference was really informative. The purpose of this conference is one of the things I already knew about. It is held in order to find and agree on solutions within the emissions of greenhouse gasses which greatly affects our environment. Another one is where the conference is being held at. I have learned in class that this conference is held at Copenhagen, though I did not know that the meeting place rotates within the five UN regional groups. The expenses of this conference stood out the most within this reading. The total amount exceeds $62 million; this includes the preparing, planning, and the servicing of the meeting. I would want to learn more about how are developing countries able to afford in attending this conference?
i really didnt know anything about coppenhagen intill i read the fact sheet it really helped me understand more about what issues are disscused there
To be honest I thought that both the video and the cop15 fact sheet was missing a few important details. Doesnt anyone recall reading about all those wildfirers in the west or volcanoe eruptions through the san andres? A single Volcanoe eruption probaly emits more CO2 into the air, then the entire USA emits in an entire year. Wildfires, and I mean the ones caused by natural causes and not some kid experimenting with mathces in the woods, burn down miles of forest, and hundreds of thousands or plants, trees, bushes, and even kills animals. If any of you are interested in science, then you would no that this proccess, known as combustion, produces CO2 and H20, also known as carbon dioxide and water. I am sure this has probaly not occured to a lot of people that humans arent the main problem. Its nature. I am not denying the exixstance of global warming because Human or Natural caused, it is a problem, and maybe we could help by slowing down the process.
Global Warming is real whether people believe or not. Just take a look outside feel the whether, it should not be 61 degrees outside when its November it just isn't right. It's suppose to be cold when it's cold and hot when it's suppose to be hot. While reading this COP 15 Fact Sheet I realized I learned more than I have before, this has really open up my eyes to the world beyond my own.
Global warming is a huge issue, that affects not only the United States, but the entire globe, which means we all need to join together, and protect our planet. This fact sheet helped me learn more about this global crisis. Before reading this, some of the facts I knew made no sense, and meant nothing to me. However, this sheet showed me that the changes happening on the globe because of global warming are very serious, and very threatening to our planet. I also learned how the location of the conference is determined, and how many participants show up to these conferences, which is several thousand.
When I read about the Copenhagen conference I learned that it was to help the world out. I knew that global warming was going on but I didnt know that many people really cared! I think its cool that that many people form all over want to help the world out! One thing I want to learn more about is how are they going to try to put a stop to global warming now?
Global warming is a big issue and has been becoming more known around the world. i'm happy to know that the world is taking it seriously and their discussing what steps each country could take to slow the process and make our world more clean and safe.
I knew that global warming is a world wide issue. You could say it is being taken very seriously because there are world meetings about it and how it is affecting everyone everywhere. I didn't know that there were meetings taken place all around the world with thousands of participants. I learned that these meetings take up many hours and everyone gets a say in it. I also learned that these events are very expensive.
I already knew where COP15 met this year, and many of the people who were going. I wanted to learn what bills they would pass. I learned who goes all different years, where it is held different years, and how they choose who goes.
The COP15 is a meeting where environment officials from different countries come to discuss environmental issues. Right now, the biggest issue is global warming. I knew that this was a meeting to make decisions and make resolutions against the issue they are faced with. It takes every country's input and effort to take action. Some things I learned were that all solutions have to go by certain guidelines. Denmark has also decided to offset emissions for the meeting. I want to know what the first phase of the UN's Kyoto Protocol is and what isn't given out or shown by the media to the public during the meetings.
What I already knew about copenhagen was that it's a discussion between World leaders and it is happening in denmark.I wanted to know why they decided on their place of meeting and I had learned that 70 to 150 ministers and senior officials meet at these meetings and it rotates among the 5 U.N. groups and their are thousands of participants
What I know is that people are trying to help out the environment. That is one of the reason's why they are putting this all together. What I would like to know is who else would be able to join. I would love to join something like that but I would not have the time to do such things. What I learned is that people are trying to change Global Warming from happening. There are governments and agencies that are joining it to be able to help the world.
Global warming is something that we all need to be thinking about, Believe it or not global warming is a major effect to our environment. I honestly was not aware about cop 15 or the united nations change conference and climate change but as i keep learning about it i will keep an open eye on what is going on.
This fact sheet mainly taught the specific details of what I knew. Like I knew that there will be a extremely high amount of representatives at copenhagen, but I did not know there will be about 11,000 people there. Also that the U.S.A is spending about sixty-two million dollars on COP activities. This fact sheet did help me to learn that copenhagen is quite the serious matter, and if global warming is or is not as much of a problem as we thought; we should still try to help our planet.
It's really annoying to me that there's so much evidence out there that says global warming isn't as big of an issue as people make it to be. Yet, everyone ignores it and spends 2 million dollars to have a meeting to discuss global warming. It doesn't make sense. Yes, I learned more about what COP15 was and who goes to them, what they discuss, etc. The whole 5 yards, but I just don't think I can read another thing about global warming without wanting to burst.
the sheet was very helpful if you didnt know anything about global warming and what issues have been talked about it. whether it is real or fake it still has an issue on people and what will happen in the next couple of years. no matter what this topic should be figured out now that way if anything dangerous did occur, the people in the nation would know exactly what to do since they have already been told and not neglected.
Before i read this article i didn't know very much about global warming. I always thought that i knew a lot about this becuase of what we learned in science class. Now i realize that even though we learned somewhat about global warming we didn't learn all the important facts and information. After reading this article it showed me how the leaders have a big impact on global warming and what is said and done. If we wish to end this a big part is in their hands too rather than just ours.
I thought that Global Warming is real. I'm actually trying to be eco-friendly because i'm mostly typing up m work. In the KWL sheet, i didn't know most of it, but some of it was familiar to me. It will take a while for changes because the treaty needs to be signed by the president and he will sign it 12/17/09. The changes should be good because its mostly for the ozone layer.
I Knew that Global Warming is a very series challenge our world faces today. Whether it be real or fake it is a Challenge for international government and conversation. I Would like to know if we are in a constant cycle of warming that constantly occurs, or if we are actually going through the process of global warming. I have Learned that COP meetings have happened before and that they were unsuccessful in the past.
What I thought that i did not know anything about global warming or COP 15. I learned a lot about COP 15 and that it takes a lot of time to talk and a lot of time to change.
As I was learning about the COP15 I didn't know much about it. I learned that a group of representatives go to copenhagen to talk about what they could do about global warming. I also learned that there is a treaty that was turned down.
Before reading this article i didn't know about that this meeting can cost up to 2 million dollars. what i want to know is why does it cost up to 2 million to bring these people together in a room to discuss something? yes important, but i can have a conversation about global warming in my living room with my friends and family, for free..
I learned that copenhagen national leaders from all around the world are coming together to discuss global warming issues. an the actions they should take to fix the problems.
I think that this meeting is really important for the environment. The meeting is important, but I personally think that the cost of $2 million dollars is a bit too much. Even though the leaders cannot figure out everything in the time of COP15, it's great that they can clarify key points. The agreements that are trying to be made make sense, but also I think that it might make an strain in the economy.
Everyone knows about Global Warming.
I KNOW how important Global Warming is. Whether it be truth or myth, it is an issue that is affecting people worldwide.
I WANT to learn about the actions people are taking towards resolving this problem. Global Warming is a global issue. Not only do Americans experience he effects, but the entire human race is influenced by Global Warming.
What I LEARNED from reading this fact sheet is that COP15 is a huge summit where world leaders come together to discuss climate change. Over 1,000 people attend this. World leaders come, as well as members of newspaper publications, and observers.
Everyone keeps talking about how bad global warming is. The temperature has only gone up a few degrees. Fact Sheet on the Copenhagen Forum, I realized that the previous lesson we had in class only gave us a brief understanding of what was really going on at the meeting or debate in Denmark. I was reading this article about the COP15 I realized that I know a lot about this issue and meeting.
I found this very interesting. It didnt occur to me that it was going to cost all that money to run the conference. I also didnt know why it was being held in Copenhagen. I can say one thing though action needs to be taken to help stop global warming
I learned lot about COP 15. Global warming has put a impact on my life tremendously. Weather is a world wide issue for everyone, but are we caring about the climate gate. Climate gate is a scandal, well thats how i view it. We don't actually know what is going on behind the close doors of the government. They only tell us what they ant us to know. The temperature of the earth is increasing and soon the earth will end. What will you do to end this ?
I knew already that global warming is a serious issue on the Earth. I don't think the temperature increasing .6 degrees is that bad, but then a again since everyone says it is it must be. I would like to know if global warming is fake, because I don't really think something like this could be fake. I learned that there are people from every country are at COP15 to talk about the issue of global warming.
I thought that I knew many things about carbon, but apparently I did not know as much as I had learned though. For example: I did know that Global Warming existed. However, I did not know that carbon was a main cause for it.
i leanred alot on how carbon is affecting us and how the cope 15 is a big stop of stop use use of using to much carbon.
i knwo a lot about global warming and ive learned more also. i learned that people are actually taking it seriously, because it is really dangerous. i want to knwo if it really true as its being described. i need more evidence to believe it more.
Global warming is a topic discussed whether it be real or fake it is a Challenge for international government and conversation. Ive recently learned there was a treaty that was turned down. We all wonder if that was the right choice to make.
I already knew that Climate change is a big issue all over the world and that we have scientists researching climate change. What stood out the most from what I've learned is that the Earths temperature heating up .6 degrees which doesn't sound so serious but it must be if there is such a big a deal about it that they need to have a huge conference in Denmark. I would like to know why they meet in Denmark.
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