i think it is a good thing that we are trying to change the world because i want to continue to live. i don't understand why the kids were talking about the global warming. I don't think they even understand what global fully is. I think something will get done to prevent global warming because there are over 100 leaders attending. I believe something has to get done because i don't think the leaders want to die either.
On global warming and listening to these audio clips, I don't know if I believe it. I've been skeptical about global warming for a very long time. There's so many companies out there who are becoming "green", which of course helps them make more money. But, that's what our economy is these day; money. All people want is money, and if that means advertising false facts to keep money flowing, then they will do it. Then again, who knows? Since most of the people in this nation agree that there is global warming, it influences other peoples opinions. I think everyone follows what everyone is believing in because they want to be apart of the change and don't want to seem like the odd one out. Supposedly, there's been global warming since our parents were our age, and we're still trying to solve it? If this has been an issue for decades why hasn't serious actions been taken this long ago? This just doesn't make sense to me. Yes, I do recycle paper, plastic, cans, etc. but that's doesn't mean I believe in global warming. I just recycle to preserve the environment for what it is now and not to make it any worse. If global warming is true, we should take action to make it better and stop it from getting any worse. I feel like if countries really wanted to stop global warming from getting any worse they would put the money in to save their country from possibly disappearing for whatever reason.
I thought that we need to stop how we are killing our planet. We should all get hybrids and not use fossil fuel cars. I myself want to keep living and i don't wanna die like how people died in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow, Or 2012. Something has to be done about this and people all over the world agree. If only everyone else would listen and try to make a change. I don't think they would like to die by flood or by freezing to death.
The Climate Change Conference was good. It explained that the nations were at the conference and that how they need to stop global warming. The climate change issue was also good because it was like radio talk show about global warming and how it needs the nations to cooperate.
I think that a treaty should be made during this upcoming Copenhagen meeting. All this extra carbon emissions into the atmosphere are taking its toll, for example: the climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago. Listening to these pod-casts I was surprised at how many people don't really care about this issue. I mean, there are big issues like the economy, but Global Warming is just as big an issue. With all the world leaders attending his meeting, I hope some kind of agreement is made, because if the climate changes too drastically, then the world as we know it might nit exist. . .
The "Climate Change Conference Begins" and "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" were very interesting to listen to. In "Climate Change Conference Begins" I was able to hear different representatives from different countries state their opinions about Global Warming and what it is doing to our planet, which was very interesting to hear. In the second audio "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" I learned, in the United States, many people are more worried about the economy then the climate change. In fact, climate is number 20 out of the 20 priorities of the United States. What really confused me though was, why would President Obama decide to delay his trip to Copenhagen? Why not go until the ending of the two week discussion when you can go for the whole discussion and become more aware of the other countries opinions? Overall I enjoyed listening to the audio's to better understand what truly is going on with global warming.
What I noticed most about, "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" was that it spoke a lot about the of how America is reacting to the climate problems. That audio is stating that America is being denial about global warming and ignoring it.
Anthony Leiserowitz said "It the economy, stupid". This is saying his opinion and what he thinks. Also this video is saying how America is trying to fix global warming by ignoring it. Also it said that global warming was important to the people when they were truly affected by it.
In the second audio titled "Climate Change Conference Begins" is explaining the beginning of the the conference. This video is stating about how many countries are arguing about the problems going on about global warming. Also this audio is saying about how hard it is going to be for 190+ countries are speaking on the topic of global warming.
In the story "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" by Richard Harris, talks about how people in america don't believe how carbon is making the earth warmer and causing "Global Warming". Also the video "It's All About Carbon" talks about how carbon works and people still don't believe how it cause global warming.
This audio was created by many people around the world to discuss the important topic of global warming. there were 2 different opinions on the audio's i listened to. the first audio was the actual conference that took place with the worlds country leaders. most leaders were very aware of what was going on and they wanted to help. although the first audio was positive the second had a different approach. the person talking said that people think they are doing the right thing by merely turning off a light when it is not used but the real thing is that it doesn't really do anything because not everyone in the world is doing it. there should be laws on the right things to do and people should get fined.
I believe that these audio's shared some good views. I think children talking about global warming and problems in the world like that shows them discussing global warming is important .If kids that aren't even in high school understand economic problems then we need to start trying to fix global warming because its only going to get worse and its going to make the economy worse , soon enough children won't be able to go outside and play because the weather & etc is going to get worse. Starting to clean up now will be probably best
i think that the worlds effort for a change in climate is very important. it may not change a great deal but it can definitely make a small change and it can lead to better and other change. this is the beginning of a world wide trend to save energy and lower carbon emissions
i think that the worlds effort for a change in climate is very important. it may not change a great deal but it can definitely make a small change and it can lead to better and other change. this is the beginning of a world wide trend to save energy and lower carbon emissions
I do also believe that with all the global leaders going to the Copenhagen convention something will get done. Sadly though China said that they will slow its production; still it will not be enough. As it is the single most producer of carbon it is crucial they lower their production not slow it down. Also it was mad funny when they spoke about Obama and his involvement with the copenhagen convention.
They don't think that people are really concered with global warming. I feel that they are right people are more concered about how this will affect them money wise. This is very about every body around the world, because all people care about is money.
I listened to 2 Degrees , it was about what would happen if the world climate where to increase 2 degrees celcius. the ice caps would melt and raise the water levels six feet. Africa would become very very hot and "turn into a furnice". Many nations made this the point at which they will not let it grow any more
I listened to 2 Degrees , it was about what would happen if the world climate where to increase 2 degrees celcius. the ice caps would melt and raise the water levels six feet. Africa would become very very hot and "turn into a furnice". Many nations made this the point at which they will not let it grow any more
the whole world needs to put a little effort into saving the world. global warming is turning into a big thing. but co2 is released every where. so all we need to do is for just a little bit stop using as much co2 as we do. it will help even if it is just for a little bit.
I watched about 5 videos on carbon. I learned a lot from the video's. Everything in this world is based on carbon. There is carbon in a piece of paper because we cut down tree's and that was made of carbon. Carbon always need a partner. It does not like to be alone. The reason we are having Global Warming is because of carbon. The sun rays do not always hit the earths surface it will sometimes go pass and jump to the sky wich is were a whole bunch of carbon's are at. That is the main reason why we are having global warming.
I watched about 3 videos and found them very cute and interesting. They explained a lot about carbon and the way the energy is moved throughout the carbon bonds. I believe in global warming because there's already proof out there that its happening so what else do people want to explain and show that its really happening? I think that if we keep waiting to long worse and worse things are going to happen and then we'll decide to act when its to late.
The Digital Audio informed me about many of the facts about Carbon Dioxide emissions as well as what is going on at the meeting where these decisions for solutions are being made. I realized that the Climate change not only effects one nation, but the enitre world as a whole, and therefore, we must work together to recieve a great result. The two Digital Audios I checked out contained many facts with opinions too, and I think that I got more knowledge from the Digital Audio files, rather than the videos. I would like to know why many countries are more concerned about their profit than the future of the Earth. I understand that money is important, but in the future, if nothing is done, then it will not matter about money. We must look towards the future, and the generations ahead. I feel as though the Digital Audio files could be revised if they gave more opinions because you would be able to get other people's views on this topic.
In the video It's "All About Carbon" they say "When the subject is global warming, our mood is usually "uh-oh." Which makes sense, because a warmer Earth will lead to all kinds of disruptions and expensive adjustments that we could do without." I agree and disagree with this video because even though a warmer earth will create a more expensive and more inconvienent world for us, the world is going to become more expensive either way. By going green, the companies are going to have to make products more expensive anyway. It's more expensive to by green products instead of the regular name brands. No matter what happens, the government and national leaders are going to have to do something to improve on this global warming situation.
I believe that global warming is a very important topic and that people should care because the weather isn't getting better on some days it is warm out and on others it is freezing cold that at times it would not surprise you if it snowed . the whole issue or global warming is centered on carbon , every living thing is centered around carbon,Carbon loves to attach to gasses it can attach up to four gasses, Carbons ability to attach is what gets us in trouble, carbon loves to connect with oxygen.. but not only one but two oxygens .=)
I think if everybody starts doing little steps like recycling the .people in the Ukraine have huge heating plants that heat the country and they cant control it so the just let the heat blow out the window and wast energy so if we stop doing things like i think we can stop global warming .
I watched all of the "All About Carbon" videos. I thought they were very funny and interesting. From what i learned there are changes occurring but I think that's just the way the Earth works. The Earth has gone through worse things and compared to previous events, this is nothing.
I am not saying that clean energy is bad, but it is just not that simple to change the way of living. It takes time and money. I really hope this COP15 conference turns out to be useful. I dont know why people cant just agree with the treaty because if they dont stop now in 50 years when global warming is at its turning point they will regret not signing the treaty.
I think that these videos where helpfull because they where funny so i actually payed attention.the climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago.
All audio clips that I listened to were very informative and interesting. I got to listen to people with many different opinions on global warming. I enjoyed listening to the environmentalist telling us to not go green green, and that going green is a waste of time. All this time I thought going green was good for our world but really it does not make that big of a difference. I learned a lot from just listening to conversations. Global warming is a big crisis in our world. Some people believe in the crisis of global warming and some people think that there is no such thing. Global warming is a situation that must be taken seriously.
The 2 audio's that I have listened to are, "Environmentalist Says 'Going Green' Is A Waste Of Time", and "Climate Change Conference Begins". I thought these were interesting because in the first one, I heard that what we do may or may not have an effect on the climate change. It kinda confuses me, because first they said that whatever we can do helps the climate changing, and in this audio, it is saying that it does not do as much as we thought it would. Or at least I didn't. And in the second audio, was telling about other sountries, on how they are trying to fight for the global warming.
Dear, Robert Krulwich and Odd Todd http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=9943298 What I noticed most about "Episode 1: It's All About Carbon" was the outstanding way the creators of Odd Tod made their carbon videos so that students of a younger generation and age could and want to understand this topic.It's so important to make educational videos fun and entertainment because if they do not catch your eye than no one will want to watch them and the videos very important message will not get out to the public. When the scientist in the movie said" This is the introductory segment of a five-part series that explains how carbon atoms form bonds, break apart and create the conditions that can lead to global warming. Since most of us are beginners when it comes to elemental chemistry, this is a lesson in five, easy-to-grasp steps. And grasping, by the way, is a big part of our story." I was thinking that my fellow classmates and I would really understand the message the creator of the video are trying to put out. I think this is so important because if a younger generation like ourselves understand topics like these we can start to make changes from now and as we grow older are able to help our world more and more and teach other generations about it. I complelty agree that this video is easy to understand and remember. I believe this because if you asked a kid about carbon they probably wouldn't be able to tell you alot. However, after watching this video I bet they would be able to tell you a lot more information about carbon because the video was easy to keep up with. I very much enjoyed the five episodes from this video maker and would definitly keep a look out for further videos. These videos keep us aware of our world and explain the science behind the events in an easy, fun, educational way.
I think these conferences are the right way to go as far as making a difference in the world. They bring people together to make decisions that will affect the entire world, and it's future. However, the treaty should have sooner effects, rather than later effects, because climate change is happening now, and having effects happen in 20+ years to come isn't going to prevent global warming. I believe the global leaders need to work together to come up with alternate solutions, that will be just as powerful.
Climate Change Conference Begins Some climate scientists have been trying to figure out what all these pledges amount to. And the answer seems to be "not enough". Global temperatures might still rise three and a half degrees by the end of the century. If the temperature keeps increasing then not only the world will get hotter but the sea level will increase to the point in where New York will be under water. Climate change limit- 2 degrees celsuis.If the world get 2 degrees warmer it is more dangerous than it sounds. The glaciers in antartica is melting increasing sea level. 6 degrees warmer is even more of a threat.
I think that its good that what they are doing in the conference is good. They are taking consideration of the other countries. This is going to help a lot of people.
Russian delegate argue had to be legally bind caring finically wants to sell carbon ,
about money
arguing give us money to adapt and help us grow , 10 million dollars a year / they want more. every country want the best deal
Guatemala rain forest can disappear
us the us is fully committed if they all get together to work
the worlds largest perimeter towards green house gasses
motivate for our responsible attitude towards mankind
global temps might still rise /3 and a half degrees in the next century. words 2Nd largest perimeter of Green house gases the us Jonathan purrisan we all recognize we are in trouble / we are fully committed
I've learned from the "Time Is Up " blog that if we don't start agreeing on bettering the earth now , a couple generations ahead they won't have an option of waiting to do it later they'll be forced to do it because we would leave such a footprint on the world.
I have learned much more information now, then i had when our class had to do the first post. People all around the world have been getting involved with global warming. Their are musicians who have ad concerts about global warming. People have rode from other countries on bike just to be there in denmark for this major event. Even kids are getting active by have their opinions heard. Hopefully the COP15 convention will end with positive results and they will have a solutions to this global warming problem that we have been facing and that we continue to fact untill it is stopped!
I read a blog posted about a Maasai and a pastoralist from Kenya. He had never been out of Kenya before. The blog was very interesting because this man got to go to Copenhagen and let people know who he is. He talks about the hard times in Kenya. It is people like him who can make a difference in our wold.
Second and third days of the conference have come in and still there is yet to find a decent answer concerning the topic of global warming. The number of people involved in the meeting is amazing but the fact that some leaders are being selfish with money isn't helping the situation. Treaties are trying to be passed that are unfair to the pourer countries and are being opposed by the leaders. If these leaders don't do something fast the we will all be in trouble. 2009 has been recorded the 5th warmest year since it first started recording the temperature.
I read a blog called "Time is up – the deadline is Copenhagen" in class. The woman who wrote it seems very worried about the decisions being made in COP15. Many people are also worried about the outcome for the sake of the environment and even the future of mankind. She personally believes that it is not a hard choice to make with the current global warming problem. Personally i think that the leaders do have a difficult choice to make being that economically many countries would have to suffer.
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15 I'm starting to better understand how serious Copenhagen is. Guards and policemen are outside of the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they actually went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is even making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense. But either way I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure they are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
Some other information I learned are: This whole issue of COP15 is coming to an end and it can go in 2 different direction (Climate Change Blog) One direction could be that the nations waste a lot of money and try their hardest to fix the climate (Climate Change Blog) The other direction could be to leave it alone and leave money for as the blog said "Our kids and grand-kids to play with" (Climate Change Blog) The video with Gordan Brown stated many important facts on global warming Al Gore said that we have already overshot the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere Al Gore also said that it would be incredibly difficult to to reach our target. This is information that could help me on my assignment.
Some other information I learned are: This whole issue of COP15 is coming to an end and it can go in 2 different direction (Climate Change Blog) One direction could be that the nations waste a lot of money and try their hardest to fix the climate (Climate Change Blog) The other direction could be to leave it alone and leave money for as the blog said "Our kids and grand-kids to play with" (Climate Change Blog) The video with Gordan Brown stated many important facts on global warming Al Gore said that we have already overshot the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere Al Gore also said that it would be incredibly difficult to to reach our target. This is information that could help me on my assignment.
From the past few videos I have learned a lot more about Cop 15 there are many legally bind-ed situations that have to take place Also everyone wants something out of tis big meet. Here is what I learned;DEC 9TH 2009
Already the 2ND day and its already starting to get controversial. They are arguing between industrialized and more developed countries. one of the 1st controversial message , 2009 5Th warmest year 160 year record. Metro news Dec 9Th.
DEC 10, 2009
Day 4, division between developing nations, danish leader put forwarded a proposal , and there is a split between developing nations on it. Last statement signed the Kyoto treaty. small country's in favor,maximum security guard protected the conference, credited journalist get it and none else.
COP15: Daily video report from Copenhagen for Dec. 8 Day 8,2009 the us have established that green house gasses threaten human health, this meaning that they might cut admission with out going to the congress. South Africa Will cut there admission by 34% in 2020 as long as they get help from others countries.
COP15: Daily video report from Copenhagen for Dec. 7
day 1 representatives from over 190 countries are all here ready to battle out a climate change. We need a legally bind-ed agreement from all of the U.N.
'Humans can burn down forests...this has nothing to do with the climate.'
The man say's this on the video. I believe that when you do burn down tree it does not only hurt the environment but it also breaks up the many little carbon's.
Journalists Explore Denmark
Also this was a Blog that a man put up concerning the different affairs of the COP15. Which wa also talking about the people meeting talking about the different corncerns of "Global Warming".
I think that we should stop killing our planet. I say this b/c if we kill the planet then we kill the animals, plants, and even our selfs. It's is really sad b/c we are killing everything including our selfs and 15 of the biggest countries are not going to sign this treaty. I mean really, WE WILL ALL DIE..... well not us b/c by then we will most likely be dead, but our children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children would suffer our mistakes.
I watched both videos and they were very interesting and had a lot of useful information. I think it is good that were trying to stop global warming. I read Journalists in Denmark. The blog says how different people are coming together to sign the treaty. So hopefully we can stop global warming. But thats if everyone agrees.
I watched both videos and they were very interesting and had a lot of useful information. I think it is good that were trying to stop global warming. I read Journalists in Denmark. The blog says how different people are coming together to sign the treaty. So hopefully we can stop global warming. But thats if everyone agrees.
It is unfortunate that many of the larger countries seem to be opposing this treaty. It is an issue that needs to be consulted and fixed because it effects the entire world and all the countries in it. I learned that the emissions from the smaller, developing countries are expected to give off more in the future. This is a big problem. All the countries need to work together to make an agreement, and limit their emissions, or else there will be many consequences.
I watched Video 2 and chose blog "Crisis rhetoric has to be matched with crisis action" by Senator Christine Milne. They were both about the conference in copenhagenand the crisis of global warming and it's affect on the world. The blog was informative as well as the video.The video was little more intriging to watch because you are watching and not just reading. However, the blog was a little more easy for me to understand. I agree with the blog in that the blogger was saying that we need to act on and think of a solution for global warming and not wait for when the circustances are perfect. Global warming is happening right now and we need to find a way to slow the process down as soon as possible. I agree with the video in that it was saying how we are gambling with human civilization and that we aren't at the moment doing all we can to slow down the process of global warming.
In espisode #5- "WHAT CAN WE DO?" I learned that there is no way that we can get rid of carbon all together. However, we can get rid of the extra carbon that humans put into the air speeding up the global warming process. Scientists are working on new expensive ways of sucking carbon out of the air and distributing it into the ground. This episode made me realize how important it is for us to take care of our behavior and stop being so careless about things like carbon emission.
I read the blog "Free bicycles huge success in COP15". I found it quite interesting on how delegates chose co-neutral transportation to get around in Copenhagen. The organization "Baisikeli" has provided 160 free bicycles for COP15 and has donated 20 free bicycles of the Climate Change Conference. This is an initiative to lower CO2 emissions in Denmark and to create access to healthcare in Africa. The bicycles will be re-fitted with trailers right after the conference and will be sent to Tanzania where they can be used to transport patients to health care centers. I think this is a great idea as a means for using these electrical bikes for transportation instead of using a car or a motorbike. This will reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses that enters our atmosphere.
In Episode 3 "Break a Carbon Bond and - Presto! - Civilization", I've learned a lot of different facts about carbon. I've learned that burning is a very common way of releasing the energy in carbon bonds. Another way of releasing the energy in carbon bonds is by digestion or "bond breaking". The digestive juices in the stomach break the carbon bonds inside and release the energy in the form of calories which we use in order to do different physical activities. We break carbons all the time but we just don't realize it. Uranium and hydrogen are other sources of energy though they are rare and are more expensive. So as we break carbon bonds, we release more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere which heats up our earth. This is why we should reduce the emissions of these greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere to prevent global warming.
Episode #2 "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talked about how carbon can stay together. Carbon combines into helpful things like fructose and glucose. With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil. This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead.
Just listening to these audios, makes me think and worry more about global warming. So many people think it's not real, it doesn't affect anyone, not that big of a deal. Trust me it's becoming a big deal because if it wasn't then we wouldn't have a world wide discussion about the issue. Then people began to get shook about the idea of 2012/The Day After Tomorrow. Not saying that could actually happen but then again who knows. But those movies whole main idea is based off of global warming. Something needs to be done or maybe we face that same faith.
In episode four " When Carbon falls in Love, the World Heats Up". I learned that carbon is absolutely everywhere in foods the oceans, trees, it's just everywhere.That when carbon is broke away from carbon that it attaches it self on too oxygen. This harmful carbon and oxygen has cause a greenhouse affect. But if carbon can be helpful at times and if it lives everywhere then what can we do to try to eliminate it
In episode 5 "What Do We Do" I learned that people are trying to find a way to stop so much carbon from being released. Though when carbon is released then it can be stopped from what it likes to do. Some suggestion were capturing the released carbon dioxide and sticking it underground. The thing that is willing tostop carbon from spreading is humans. Can we change to care enough about global warming and waste millions to stop it? Or Not?
In one of the videos they are telling us that carbon is used everywhere. I think that is the main readon for global warming! I think if they didn't use as much as carbon as they use now we would not be in global warming! I think they should ease up on using so musch carbon!
In episode #4 "When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up" I learned that Carbon sticks to everything, and most commonly to oxygen. When carbon attaches itself to 2 oxygen atoms that creates CO2. That CO2 is absorbed by trees and oceans, but there is too much CO2 being produced, that it can't all be absorbed. And when the Sun hits those CO2 atoms, they heat up. When they heat up, they heat up the atmosphere, causing Global Warming. In my opinion, people are producing way too much CO2. There has to be some kind of alternate source of energy, so CO2 is not produced in large quantities.
In episode number 2 i learned that the green house effect is also effecting global warming.I didn't realize that they both effect eachother. This video also taught me a lot about how the carbons attach to other carbons. this increases the chance of global warming also. The video number 2 was very informative.
In this episode I learned that every single second and every single minute there's carbon getting released everywhere. Carbon doesn't like being alone. Carbon bonds with oxygen. It clings and bonds together and trees and other things absorb carbon. Since there is so much carbon up in the atmosphere it causes a greenhouse effect.
The NPR audio was very interesting. I learned a lot. Global warming affects everyone. There were over 190 delegates representing each country. Each delegate had their say on the issue. Carbon is a big issue in global warming because it greatly affects the global warming rates. The financial issue is discussed a lot in these meetings. I can't imagine how hard these meetings are because everyone has their own opinion and it's probably extremely hard for everyone to agree to something.
In episode 2: Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding I learned that a carbon atom is very social. It likes to be attached to other atoms. Carbon and other atoms can form almost anything. Carbon atoms are extremely strong, they're almost inseparable because they are attached with so much force and energy.
In episode 2 I learned about making carbon bonds. carbon grabs on to other atoms like hydrogen, oxygen etc. , it becomes a Methane fuel, then a ethanol fuel finally a Glucose. there are no limits to carbon structure, when combined they use an consumable force. energy helps holds creatures together. When you see a some road kill along the side of the road what's holding the body together, you may ask? Carbon!!!!!!!!! This tells that carbon plays a big role in creatures and even our life it is what helps the body stay together and in form, there is more to learn about carbon but this is the basics :)
(episode 4) i learned that-- Carbon always wants a partner. Carbon loves to bond with oxygen. Trees and plants cant keep up with all the carbon. We have so much carbon its called a green house affect. Global warming is when the sun hits off the earth and hits carbon witch makes it hotter.
In Episode 4 I've learned when carbon bonds are broken carbon usually creates anothher bond usually with oxygen and not just one but 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea but since we have so much Carbon Dioxide it doesn't all absorbe in Since we have so much we have a greenhouse effect going on
The video and the audio were very informative. The audio clips got my attention more. People keep saying that we need to take action against global warming. There's commercials all about it on TV, there's ads all over the streets, yet... we don't seem to do anything about it. We keep living about everyday as if nothing will affect us in the future. Half of Americans don't believe that global warming will affect us or think it's real at all. On the list of concerns in the country, to me it's pretty sad to see that climate is #20, and economy is about #1. We can't focus on the climate because the majority of our money goes to warfare. COP15 isn't just a matter of saying they'll take action then do it right away. They need the money to do it. I don't believe that the majority of our money should go to climate control, but it shouldn't be all going towards one concern.
In episode 2 I learned how carbon bonds with other atoms. I also learned what carbon can combine with other atoms to create. I also learned how oil was created.
I watched the COP15 Daily Report, Gordon Brown's answers, and read the blog "The time is up - The deadline is Copenhagen". In all of the sources I seemed to get a sense of disappointment. They came into a stalemate with the whole meeting. Some countries agreed to a treaty while others did not, and those who didn't made promises to help reduce greenhouse gases anyway. The one big question is: Are they going to keep this promise and help what COP15 was here for (climate control, global warming prevention)?
In episodes 2 and 3, I learned how carbon bonds are made and taken apart.
Episode2 "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" - Carbon bonds are always forming. They attach onto other molecules to make different things. Carbon interlocks with other carbon to make a living thing. If the living being dies, the carbon is still tightly interlocked. The partners of carbon, found in dead animals, can be made into oil, or fossil fuels.
Episode3 "Break a Carbon Bond and -- Presto! -- Civilization" - Now to break apart the partnership, for example: put a piece of paper in a fire. The heat makes the carbon move intensively, breaking the bond. The seperated carbon then again finds another partner, except the bond is more energetic than the last one.
i think we need to make changes in order to have a more healthier planet,we need to start becoming more of a difference to our communities along with the rest of the world. If everyone was just recycle ,stop smoking ,put your rappers and things you don need in the garbage , just by doing all the little things to change the world could turn into something huge like saving our planet as well as yourself.
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
------Note, i didn't check who was signed in on the library and i posted mine under nicks name ^^--
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
---note i didn't check who was signed in on gmail on the library's computer. i posted my comment under nicks name by accident ----
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
After reading all of those articles sbout weather Global Warming is a hoax or not, I am really confused. There is a lot of evidence showing that scientists are doing this out of their own personal gain, but there is also a lot of evidence showing that the climate really is changing (weather is different now, than 50 yeas ago). Well I guess if it is real of not, only time will tell. (if disaster strikes, then it is real)
I think global warming is a real issue and im happy that countries are caring and the world is making an effort in lowering the amount of pollution certain countries produce. Regardless weither global warming is true or not we should still make sure to keep the place we live clean. These carbon emissions don't only hurt the enviorment but they hurt us as well. We breath in this air and live on this earth, the least we can do is take care of it.
I wasn't too hot on the idea of global warming before, but now that emails have been leaked on the true statistics behind this global disaster, I am even more skeptical. I never liked Al Gore to begin with, and I expecially didn't like him when he got a nobel peace prize based on lies. To think that he made all this money and recived all this reognition based on the lies that our earth is on a path to doom is sickening. however, even though based on the leaked e mails it is obvious global warming is not really what scientists made it out to be, that doesnt mean it can't happen. On the bright side of all of this, those of you who were paranoid about global destruction can relax, because now you know that it isn't a major threat, so relax and take a breather.
I believe global warming is really happening. Climategate is a really slight possibility. We barely had a summer or a winter last winter. I miss having 4 seasons. Please recycle
I am honestly thinking that this aspect on Climate Gate and Climate Changes can go in 2 different directions. It could be possible that information leaked in the mails could be accurate. Also there is a chance that global warming could be as dangerous and deadly as many scientists stated them to be in the emails. But this issue can go a whole different way. This can go in the direction that Climate Gate and the leaked emails are a bunch of baloney. The scientists have been lying to us the whole time. Also that global warming is fake and there is no such thing. I think that they are over exaggerating now so that we do something now so it doesnt get to the state they say were in the future.
CLIMATEGATE REFLECTION I have just read about the term climatgate and the release of 13 years worth of emails that may or may not go against global warming. To hear about these email was a little shocking and disturbing. The emails were found by hackers and written about evidence going against global warming by top scientists in the global warming field. We do not know yet if the emails are worth relying on. However, I do feel that the people who wrote these emails should be put on trial. They should be put on trial for manipulating data and for lieing/ or trying to trick the public
Episode #2, "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talks about how carbon's chemical properties allows it to form 4 bonds. Carbon ccan into helpful things like fructose and glucose, however, carbon can also . With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil. This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead. i think
In Episode 2, "Carbon's Special Knack for Bonding", I learned about carbon bonding with other atoms, using 4 bonds. Carbon helps make things like glucose, which are good for the environment, but because there are decomposing animals and humans, carbon can stay put, which turns carbon into oil. I basically learned about how carbon makes other things, and how other things are made.
In episode 4 of "its all about carbon" I learned about carbons ability to form bonds. I knew some of this before but i learned the reason now. This is because carbon has 4 electrons, so they can link with other elements. When carbon is burned, it links with Oxygen therefor creating Carbon dioxide, or CO2. When carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, it creates a greenhouse affect, because it prevents heat from leaving earth. The thing about this though is that they talk all about the combustion of fossil fuels, or cows digestion process, which they emit Methane, or to some people, flacuance. But they don't say anything about Volcanoe eruptions, or wild fire, or even cellular respiration. They should really give us more facts.
In episode 2 "its all about carbon" many things are stated. It shows that carbon is a very important factor that makes global warming bigger than it could be. Not only does carbon attach itself to everything it possibly could but it also pops up in almost everything you could imagine. If something isn't done to decrease the level of carbon in the earth it will become a serious problem for the later aspects of global warming.
On the second video that I have watched, I have learned that carbon is in everything, and is everywhere. When it is alone, it targets up with carbon dioxide. I think that these little videos are helpful to inform the video watchers all about carbon, and how it works.
in the 5th episode of carbon learned about global warming on a molecular level like how the trees cant take in all the carbon that producing with cars and other things that run of fossil flue and how we need to plant more trees or stop polluting.
in the 3rd episode,it talks about how fire excites carbon.it is warm because fire releases carbon.food even has carbon,which gets us hyper.calories power the stomach.the more richer we become,the more carbon we spend.carbon creates a very big problem.
In episode four I learned only one main thing; how carbon is specifically attached to oxygen. I knew that they attached to them but i did not know they favored them. Besides that i knew that all the other information like: How they heat up ,and how humans release carbon dioxide.
In episode four I learned that CO2 is everywhere and it there is way to much of it to be consumed by trees and other plant life. I feel that if we don't cut down then the world will heat up more and more.
I think that it is a good thing that we are trying to change what is happening in the world. I don't think that people fully understand the concept of global warming and how it is affecting us and the world.
Changing the world is great but what I don't understand is why it's taking so long. World leaders cant make a decisions on what they want to do to help the earth. i think that they should make a decision before any thin gets worse or they cant do anything to stop it.
I think that its a pretty good idea that we are changing the world by stopping the greenhouse gases so we can clean up the earth. Many people are being serious about global warming, I think that its a myth though.
I watched three videos on the climate,global warming and carbon. our climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago. by watching these videos I was surprised at how many people don't really care about this issue. I mean, there are big issues like the economy, but Global Warming is just as big an issue. With all the world leaders attending this meeting, I hope some kind of agreement is made, because if the climate changes too drastically, then the world as we know it might nit exist. . .
.I think it is a good thing that we are trying to change the world because i want to continue to live.If global warming is true, we should take action to make it better and stop it from getting any worse.If something isn't done to decrease the level of carbon in the earth it will become a serious problem
global warming and listening to these audio clips, I don't know if I believe it. I've been skeptical about global warming for a very long time. I don't think they even understand what global fully is. I think something will get done to prevent global warming because there are over 100 leaders attending.
After listening to the Digital Audio, I learned more about Cop Hagen and what the goals, they are trying to be established. The audio really made me think if the temperature is increasing then we need to take action. Even though, they want to make products to be greener, it’s going to cost us and since there is a rescission, theirs going to be problems to pay for cleaner products. Climate change is affecting the whole world and I agree with Chris Smart, that the most information came from the Digital Audio. The whole process to help Climate change is going to be costly. The industrialized nations need to reduce their gas emissions which could affect their mass production. However, we must look forward to the future and understand different views of the people because this will help us reach a destination. We can’t leave the work to be fixed for our children or grandchildren because our world is in our hand and we have to handle our own problems before something corrupts.
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about it?"
In video # 2, When carbon falls in love, the world heats up it shows and explains that the more fossil fuels we burn the more carbon gets released into the air. This video is great because it gives great facts and its more interesting watching rather than listening to someone speak in the classroom.
I am going to agree with video 2 because it explains that if we don't do something then we are going to have a serious problem. I think that its a pretty good idea that we are changing the world by stopping the greenhouse gases so we can clean up the earth. Many people are being serious about global warming, I think that it's a myth though.
Its smart for us to start trying to stop global warming because even if it isn't true we still have to much pollution on this earth.I don't believe in 2012 or anything like that because they said it before when my mother was younger and it didn't happen. Plus the temperature hasn't raisin to much so the world cant end yet anyway.
Everyone needs to help save the world from all these problems. Global warming isn't a joke, and if everyone just puts a little effort into it, everything could change. Pollution is a big problem in the world, if no one liters anymore it could be a big help. Hopefully by the COP15 meeting there will be improvement and alot fixed.
I listened to other audio blogs about COP15 and found that a lot of people are concerned about the outcome of it all. Many think that the Koyoto Treaty is the last hope for the fight for Global Warming. I think that this treaty would be a good idea, but I can understand the reasons why some countries would debate doing it.
After watching these videos and listening to these clips on carbon and global warming, I gained more insight into what exactly is factual, and what is falsified. I learned a lot from these educational videos. There is by far too much co in the air, and we use far too many electric devices that are not of high efficiency. There is a real issue that is affecting many large countries all round the world today. This problem is the fuel emissions. Larger countries are emitting more than the smaller countries, but it is a growing problem for everyone.
watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15 I'm starting to better understand how serious Copenhagen is. Guards and policemen are outside of the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. I myself want to keep living and i don't wanna die like how people died in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow, Or 2012
on episode 4 i learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates another bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea.
on episode two i learned that a carbon atom is very social. It likes to be attached to other atoms. Carbon and other atoms can form almost anything. it can make good things. but because of human and ani mal decaying decompose its actually harmfull as well
listening to the audios and watching the video clips about global warming.And just hearing about whats its doing to our universe makes me wish i can do something to help stop this. when i read about the journalist in denmark that are coming together to sign treatys to try and make a differce and help change global warming. i thought it was a wonderful idea i think everyone should aleast try and do something about global warming because it will show a good signs that we care about our earth ..just think about it if there really is such a thing as global warming and this really is the reason why things on earth are not the same and is slowly changing over time than sooner or later there will be no such thing as earth and no earth means no such thing as you or myself. so we need to start now when we are already aware of whats going on with global warming so we can start making changes that we wont regret later years now.
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about i
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about it
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15, I am beginning to realize the seriousness of Copenhagen. Guards and policemen are outside the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they even went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is also making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense to me. Either way, I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure that our world leaders are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15, I am beginning to realize the seriousness of Copenhagen. Guards and policemen are outside the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they even went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is also making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense to me. Either way, I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure that our world leaders are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
it can be so easy for people to help and save the world. pollution is a big problem and people can reduce the risk of the world ending because of pollution. global warming is a big issue and something needs to be done. poeple are working on this project and it may make a big affect and something will be done.
Everyone has to put a little effort into saving our planet.Globalwarming is turning out to be a big crisis and even thought people say going green is a waist of time, I still believe that we should go for it.Then we can actually say hey, aleast I tried to make a difference to our planet.
While it's good that we are at least trying to make an effort to try and stop climate change it's pretty hard to believe it when most countries are only going to lower their carbon emissions for more money. That's basically what it seems to all come down to, money; it's as if they don't care about the earth or climate change they'll just believe it if it gets them money.
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i think it is a good thing that we are trying to change the world because i want to continue to live. i don't understand why the kids were talking about the global warming. I don't think they even understand what global fully is. I think something will get done to prevent global warming because there are over 100 leaders attending. I believe something has to get done because i don't think the leaders want to die either.
On global warming and listening to these audio clips, I don't know if I believe it. I've been skeptical about global warming for a very long time. There's so many companies out there who are becoming "green", which of course helps them make more money. But, that's what our economy is these day; money. All people want is money, and if that means advertising false facts to keep money flowing, then they will do it. Then again, who knows? Since most of the people in this nation agree that there is global warming, it influences other peoples opinions. I think everyone follows what everyone is believing in because they want to be apart of the change and don't want to seem like the odd one out. Supposedly, there's been global warming since our parents were our age, and we're still trying to solve it? If this has been an issue for decades why hasn't serious actions been taken this long ago? This just doesn't make sense to me. Yes, I do recycle paper, plastic, cans, etc. but that's doesn't mean I believe in global warming. I just recycle to preserve the environment for what it is now and not to make it any worse. If global warming is true, we should take action to make it better and stop it from getting any worse. I feel like if countries really wanted to stop global warming from getting any worse they would put the money in to save their country from possibly disappearing for whatever reason.
I thought that we need to stop how we are killing our planet. We should all get hybrids and not use fossil fuel cars. I myself want to keep living and i don't wanna die like how people died in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow, Or 2012. Something has to be done about this and people all over the world agree. If only everyone else would listen and try to make a change. I don't think they would like to die by flood or by freezing to death.
The Climate Change Conference was good. It explained that the nations were at the conference and that how they need to stop global warming. The climate change issue was also good because it was like radio talk show about global warming and how it needs the nations to cooperate.
I think that a treaty should be made during this upcoming Copenhagen meeting. All this extra carbon emissions into the atmosphere are taking its toll, for example: the climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago. Listening to these pod-casts I was surprised at how many people don't really care about this issue. I mean, there are big issues like the economy, but Global Warming is just as big an issue. With all the world leaders attending his meeting, I hope some kind of agreement is made, because if the climate changes too drastically, then the world as we know it might nit exist. . .
The "Climate Change Conference Begins" and "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" were very interesting to listen to. In "Climate Change Conference Begins" I was able to hear different representatives from different countries state their opinions about Global Warming and what it is doing to our planet, which was very interesting to hear. In the second audio "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" I learned, in the United States, many people are more worried about the economy then the climate change. In fact, climate is number 20 out of the 20 priorities of the United States. What really confused me though was, why would President Obama decide to delay his trip to Copenhagen? Why not go until the ending of the two week discussion when you can go for the whole discussion and become more aware of the other countries opinions? Overall I enjoyed listening to the audio's to better understand what truly is going on with global warming.
What I noticed most about, "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" was that it spoke a lot about the of how America is reacting to the climate problems. That audio is stating that America is being denial about global warming and ignoring it.
Anthony Leiserowitz said "It the economy, stupid". This is saying his opinion and what he thinks. Also this video is saying how America is trying to fix global warming by ignoring it. Also it said that global warming was important to the people when they were truly affected by it.
In the second audio titled "Climate Change Conference Begins" is explaining the beginning of the the conference. This video is stating about how many countries are arguing about the problems going on about global warming. Also this audio is saying about how hard it is going to be for 190+ countries are speaking on the topic of global warming.
In the story "For Public, Climate Change Not A Priority Issue" by Richard Harris, talks about how people in america don't believe how carbon is making the earth warmer and causing "Global Warming". Also the video "It's All About Carbon" talks about how carbon works and people still don't believe how it cause global warming.
This audio was created by many people around the world to discuss the important topic of global warming. there were 2 different opinions on the audio's i listened to. the first audio was the actual conference that took place with the worlds country leaders. most leaders were very aware of what was going on and they wanted to help. although the first audio was positive the second had a different approach. the person talking said that people think they are doing the right thing by merely turning off a light when it is not used but the real thing is that it doesn't really do anything because not everyone in the world is doing it. there should be laws on the right things to do and people should get fined.
I believe that these audio's shared some good views. I think children talking about global warming and problems in the world like that shows them discussing global warming is important .If kids that aren't even in high school understand economic problems then we need to start trying to fix global warming because its only going to get worse and its going to make the economy worse , soon enough children won't be able to go outside and play because the weather & etc is going to get worse. Starting to clean up now will be probably best
i think that the worlds effort for a change in climate is very important. it may not change a great deal but it can definitely make a small change and it can lead to better and other change. this is the beginning of a world wide trend to save energy and lower carbon emissions
i think that the worlds effort for a change in climate is very important. it may not change a great deal but it can definitely make a small change and it can lead to better and other change. this is the beginning of a world wide trend to save energy and lower carbon emissions
I do also believe that with all the global leaders going to the Copenhagen convention something will get done. Sadly though China said that they will slow its production; still it will not be enough. As it is the single most producer of carbon it is crucial they lower their production not slow it down. Also it was mad funny when they spoke about Obama and his involvement with the copenhagen convention.
They don't think that people are really concered with global warming. I feel that they are right people are more concered about how this will affect them money wise. This is very about every body around the world, because all people care about is money.
I listened to 2 Degrees , it was about what would happen if the world climate where to increase 2 degrees celcius. the ice caps would melt and raise the water levels six feet. Africa would become very very hot and "turn into a furnice". Many nations made this the point at which they will not let it grow any more
I listened to 2 Degrees , it was about what would happen if the world climate where to increase 2 degrees celcius. the ice caps would melt and raise the water levels six feet. Africa would become very very hot and "turn into a furnice". Many nations made this the point at which they will not let it grow any more
the whole world needs to put a little effort into saving the world. global warming is turning into a big thing. but co2 is released every where. so all we need to do is for just a little bit stop using as much co2 as we do. it will help even if it is just for a little bit.
I watched about 5 videos on carbon. I learned a lot from the video's. Everything in this world is based on carbon. There is carbon in a piece of paper because we cut down tree's and that was made of carbon. Carbon always need a partner. It does not like to be alone. The reason we are having Global Warming is because of carbon. The sun rays do not always hit the earths surface it will sometimes go pass and jump to the sky wich is were a whole bunch of carbon's are at. That is the main reason why we are having global warming.
I watched about 3 videos and found them very cute and interesting. They explained a lot about carbon and the way the energy is moved throughout the carbon bonds. I believe in global warming because there's already proof out there that its happening so what else do people want to explain and show that its really happening? I think that if we keep waiting to long worse and worse things are going to happen and then we'll decide to act when its to late.
The Digital Audio informed me about many of the facts about Carbon Dioxide emissions as well as what is going on at the meeting where these decisions for solutions are being made. I realized that the Climate change not only effects one nation, but the enitre world as a whole, and therefore, we must work together to recieve a great result. The two Digital Audios I checked out contained many facts with opinions too, and I think that I got more knowledge from the Digital Audio files, rather than the videos. I would like to know why many countries are more concerned about their profit than the future of the Earth. I understand that money is important, but in the future, if nothing is done, then it will not matter about money. We must look towards the future, and the generations ahead. I feel as though the Digital Audio files could be revised if they gave more opinions because you would be able to get other people's views on this topic.
In the video It's "All About Carbon" they say "When the subject is global warming, our mood is usually "uh-oh." Which makes sense, because a warmer Earth will lead to all kinds of disruptions and expensive adjustments that we could do without." I agree and disagree with this video because even though a warmer earth will create a more expensive and more inconvienent world for us, the world is going to become more expensive either way. By going green, the companies are going to have to make products more expensive anyway. It's more expensive to by green products instead of the regular name brands. No matter what happens, the government and national leaders are going to have to do something to improve on this global warming situation.
I believe that global warming is a very important topic and that people should care because the weather isn't getting better on some days it is warm out and on others it is freezing cold that at times it would not surprise you if it snowed . the whole issue or global warming is centered on carbon , every living thing is centered around carbon,Carbon loves to attach to gasses it can attach up to four gasses, Carbons ability to attach is what gets us in trouble, carbon loves to connect with oxygen.. but not only one but two oxygens .=)
I think if everybody starts doing little steps like recycling the .people in the Ukraine have huge heating plants that heat the country and they cant control it so the just let the heat blow out the window and wast energy so if we stop doing things like i think we can stop global warming .
I watched all of the "All About Carbon" videos. I thought they were very funny and interesting. From what i learned there are changes occurring but I think that's just the way the Earth works. The Earth has gone through worse things and compared to previous events, this is nothing.
I am not saying that clean energy is bad, but it is just not that simple to change the way of living. It takes time and money. I really hope this COP15 conference turns out to be useful. I dont know why people cant just agree with the treaty because if they dont stop now in 50 years when global warming is at its turning point they will regret not signing the treaty.
I think that these videos where helpfull because they where funny so i actually payed attention.the climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago.
All audio clips that I listened to were very informative and interesting. I got to listen to people with many different opinions on global warming. I enjoyed listening to the environmentalist telling us to not go green green, and that going green is a waste of time. All this time I thought going green was good for our world but really it does not make that big of a difference. I learned a lot from just listening to conversations. Global warming is a big crisis in our world. Some people believe in the crisis of global warming and some people think that there is no such thing. Global warming is a situation that must be taken seriously.
The 2 audio's that I have listened to are, "Environmentalist Says 'Going Green' Is A Waste Of Time", and "Climate Change Conference Begins". I thought these were interesting because in the first one, I heard that what we do may or may not have an effect on the climate change. It kinda confuses me, because first they said that whatever we can do helps the climate changing, and in this audio, it is saying that it does not do as much as we thought it would. Or at least I didn't. And in the second audio, was telling about other sountries, on how they are trying to fight for the global warming.
Dear, Robert Krulwich and Odd Todd
What I noticed most about "Episode 1: It's All About Carbon" was the outstanding way the creators of Odd Tod made their carbon videos so that students of a younger generation and age could and want to understand this topic.It's so important to make educational videos fun and entertainment because if they do not catch your eye than no one will want to watch them and the videos very important message will not get out to the public. When the scientist in the movie said" This is the introductory segment of a five-part series that explains how carbon atoms form bonds, break apart and create the conditions that can lead to global warming. Since most of us are beginners when it comes to elemental chemistry, this is a lesson in five, easy-to-grasp steps. And grasping, by the way, is a big part of our story." I was thinking that my fellow classmates and I would really understand the message the creator of the video are trying to put out. I think this is so important because if a younger generation like ourselves understand topics like these we can start to make changes from now and as we grow older are able to help our world more and more and teach other generations about it. I complelty agree that this video is easy to understand and remember. I believe this because if you asked a kid about carbon they probably wouldn't be able to tell you alot. However, after watching this video I bet they would be able to tell you a lot more information about carbon because the video was easy to keep up with. I very much enjoyed the five episodes from this video maker and would definitly keep a look out for further videos. These videos keep us aware of our world and explain the science behind the events in an easy, fun, educational way.
I think these conferences are the right way to go as far as making a difference in the world. They bring people together to make decisions that will affect the entire world, and it's future. However, the treaty should have sooner effects, rather than later effects, because climate change is happening now, and having effects happen in 20+ years to come isn't going to prevent global warming. I believe the global leaders need to work together to come up with alternate solutions, that will be just as powerful.
Climate Change Conference Begins
Some climate scientists have been trying to figure out what all these pledges amount to. And the answer seems to be "not enough". Global temperatures might still rise three and a half degrees by the end of the century. If the temperature keeps increasing then not only the world will get hotter but the sea level will increase to the point in where New York will be under water.
Climate change limit- 2 degrees celsuis.If the world get 2 degrees warmer it is more dangerous than it sounds. The glaciers in antartica is melting increasing sea level. 6 degrees warmer is even more of a threat.
I think that its good that what they are doing in the conference is good. They are taking consideration of the other countries. This is going to help a lot of people.
Climate Connections
Russian delegate argue had to be legally bind caring finically wants to sell carbon ,
about money
arguing give us money to adapt and help us grow , 10 million dollars a year / they want more. every country want the best deal
Guatemala rain forest can disappear
us the us is fully committed if they all get together to work
the worlds largest perimeter towards green house gasses
motivate for our responsible attitude towards mankind
global temps might still rise /3 and a half degrees in the next century.
words 2Nd largest perimeter of Green house gases the us
Jonathan purrisan we all recognize we are in trouble / we are fully committed
I've learned from the "Time Is Up " blog that if we don't start agreeing on bettering the earth now , a couple generations ahead they won't have an option of waiting to do it later they'll be forced to do it because we would leave such a footprint on the world.
I have learned much more information now, then i had when our class had to do the first post. People all around the world have been getting involved with global warming. Their are musicians who have ad concerts about global warming. People have rode from other countries on bike just to be there in denmark for this major event. Even kids are getting active by have their opinions heard. Hopefully the COP15 convention will end with positive results and they will have a solutions to this global warming problem that we have been facing and that we continue to fact untill it is stopped!
I read a blog posted about a Maasai and a pastoralist from Kenya. He had never been out of Kenya before. The blog was very interesting because this man got to go to Copenhagen and let people know who he is. He talks about the hard times in Kenya. It is people like him who can make a difference in our wold.
I learned all that from the Klimaforum09: Voices of the People blog.
Second and third days of the conference have come in and still there is yet to find a decent answer concerning the topic of global warming. The number of people involved in the meeting is amazing but the fact that some leaders are being selfish with money isn't helping the situation. Treaties are trying to be passed that are unfair to the pourer countries and are being opposed by the leaders. If these leaders don't do something fast the we will all be in trouble. 2009 has been recorded the 5th warmest year since it first started recording the temperature.
I read a blog called "Time is up – the deadline is Copenhagen" in class. The woman who wrote it seems very worried about the decisions being made in COP15. Many people are also worried about the outcome for the sake of the environment and even the future of mankind. She personally believes that it is not a hard choice to make with the current global warming problem. Personally i think that the leaders do have a difficult choice to make being that economically many countries would have to suffer.
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15 I'm starting to better understand how serious Copenhagen is. Guards and policemen are outside of the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they actually went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is even making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense. But either way I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure they are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
Some other information I learned are:
This whole issue of COP15 is coming to an end and it can go in 2 different direction (Climate Change Blog)
One direction could be that the nations waste a lot of money and try their hardest to fix the climate (Climate Change Blog)
The other direction could be to leave it alone and leave money for as the blog said "Our kids and grand-kids to play with" (Climate Change Blog)
The video with Gordan Brown stated many important facts on global warming
Al Gore said that we have already overshot the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
Al Gore also said that it would be incredibly difficult to to reach our target. This is information that could help me on my assignment.
Some other information I learned are:
This whole issue of COP15 is coming to an end and it can go in 2 different direction (Climate Change Blog)
One direction could be that the nations waste a lot of money and try their hardest to fix the climate (Climate Change Blog)
The other direction could be to leave it alone and leave money for as the blog said "Our kids and grand-kids to play with" (Climate Change Blog)
The video with Gordan Brown stated many important facts on global warming
Al Gore said that we have already overshot the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
Al Gore also said that it would be incredibly difficult to to reach our target. This is information that could help me on my assignment.
From the past few videos I have learned a lot more about Cop 15 there are many legally bind-ed situations that have to take place Also everyone wants something out of tis big meet. Here is what I learned;DEC 9TH 2009
Already the 2ND day and its already starting to get controversial. They are arguing between industrialized and more developed countries. one of the 1st controversial message , 2009 5Th warmest year 160 year record. Metro news Dec 9Th.
DEC 10, 2009
Day 4, division between developing nations, danish leader put forwarded a proposal , and there is a split between developing nations on it. Last statement signed the Kyoto treaty.
small country's in favor,maximum security guard protected the conference, credited journalist get it and none else.
COP15: Daily video report from Copenhagen for Dec. 8
Day 8,2009
the us have established that green house gasses threaten human health, this meaning that they might cut admission with out going to the congress. South Africa Will cut there admission by 34% in 2020 as long as they get help from others countries.
COP15: Daily video report from Copenhagen for Dec. 7
day 1 representatives from over 190 countries are all here ready to battle out a climate change. We need a legally bind-ed agreement from all of the U.N.
I watched video number 2.
'Humans can burn down forests...this has nothing to do with the climate.'
The man say's this on the video. I believe that when you do burn down tree it does not only hurt the environment but it also breaks up the many little carbon's.
Journalists Explore Denmark
Also this was a Blog that a man put up concerning the different affairs of the COP15. Which wa also talking about the people meeting talking about the different corncerns of "Global Warming".
I think that we should stop killing our planet. I say this b/c if we kill the planet then we kill the animals, plants, and even our selfs. It's is really sad b/c we are killing everything including our selfs and 15 of the biggest countries are not going to sign this treaty. I mean really, WE WILL ALL DIE..... well not us b/c by then we will most likely be dead, but our children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children's, children would suffer our mistakes.
I watched both videos and they were very interesting and had a lot of useful information. I think it is good that were trying to stop global warming.
I read Journalists in Denmark. The blog says how different people are coming together to sign the treaty. So hopefully we can stop global warming. But thats if everyone agrees.
I watched both videos and they were very interesting and had a lot of useful information. I think it is good that were trying to stop global warming.
I read Journalists in Denmark. The blog says how different people are coming together to sign the treaty. So hopefully we can stop global warming. But thats if everyone agrees.
It is unfortunate that many of the larger countries seem to be opposing this treaty. It is an issue that needs to be consulted and fixed because it effects the entire world and all the countries in it. I learned that the emissions from the smaller, developing countries are expected to give off more in the future. This is a big problem. All the countries need to work together to make an agreement, and limit their emissions, or else there will be many consequences.
in episode number 5 of carbon i learned that there is to much co2 in the air and we use to many electronics.
in episode number 5 of carbon i learned that there is to much co2 in the air and we use to many electronics.
I watched Video 2 and chose blog "Crisis rhetoric has to be matched with crisis action" by Senator Christine Milne. They were both about the conference in copenhagenand the crisis of global warming and it's affect on the world. The blog was informative as well as the video.The video was little more intriging to watch because you are watching and not just reading. However, the blog was a little more easy for me to understand. I agree with the blog in that the blogger was saying that we need to act on and think of a solution for global warming and not wait for when the circustances are perfect. Global warming is happening right now and we need to find a way to slow the process down as soon as possible. I agree with the video in that it was saying how we are gambling with human civilization and that we aren't at the moment doing all we can to slow down the process of global warming.
In espisode #5- "WHAT CAN WE DO?" I learned that there is no way that we can get rid of carbon all together. However, we can get rid of the extra carbon that humans put into the air speeding up the global warming process. Scientists are working on new expensive ways of sucking carbon out of the air and distributing it into the ground. This episode made me realize how important it is for us to take care of our behavior and stop being so careless about things like carbon emission.
I read the blog "Free bicycles huge success in COP15". I found it quite interesting on how delegates chose co-neutral transportation to get around in Copenhagen. The organization "Baisikeli" has provided 160 free bicycles for COP15 and has donated 20 free bicycles of the Climate Change Conference. This is an initiative to lower CO2 emissions in Denmark and to create access to healthcare in Africa. The bicycles will be re-fitted with trailers right after the conference and will be sent to Tanzania where they can be used to transport patients to health care centers. I think this is a great idea as a means for using these electrical bikes for transportation instead of using a car or a motorbike. This will reduce the emissions of greenhouse gasses that enters our atmosphere.
i really think they should think of a way to take co2 from the atmosphere w/e it cost the world should coroperate and join to find a way
In Episode 3 "Break a Carbon Bond and - Presto! - Civilization", I've learned a lot of different facts about carbon. I've learned that burning is a very common way of releasing the energy in carbon bonds. Another way of releasing the energy in carbon bonds is by digestion or "bond breaking". The digestive juices in the stomach break the carbon bonds inside and release the energy in the form of calories which we use in order to do different physical activities. We break carbons all the time but we just don't realize it. Uranium and hydrogen are other sources of energy though they are rare and are more expensive. So as we break carbon bonds, we release more carbon dioxide in our atmosphere which heats up our earth. This is why we should reduce the emissions of these greenhouse gasses into our atmosphere to prevent global warming.
Episode #2 "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talked about how carbon can stay together. Carbon combines into helpful things like fructose and glucose. With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil.
This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead.
Just listening to these audios, makes me think and worry more about global warming. So many people think it's not real, it doesn't affect anyone, not that big of a deal. Trust me it's becoming a big deal because if it wasn't then we wouldn't have a world wide discussion about the issue. Then people began to get shook about the idea of 2012/The Day After Tomorrow. Not saying that could actually happen but then again who knows. But those movies whole main idea is based off of global warming. Something needs to be done or maybe we face that same faith.
In episode four " When Carbon falls in Love, the World Heats Up". I learned that carbon is absolutely everywhere in foods the oceans, trees, it's just everywhere.That when carbon is broke away from carbon that it attaches it self on too oxygen. This harmful carbon and oxygen has cause a greenhouse affect. But if carbon can be helpful at times and if it lives everywhere then what can we do to try to eliminate it
In episode 5 "What Do We Do" I learned that people are trying to find a way to stop so much carbon from being released. Though when carbon is released then it can be stopped from what it likes to do. Some suggestion were capturing the released carbon dioxide and sticking it underground. The thing that is willing tostop carbon from spreading is humans. Can we change to care enough about global warming and waste millions to stop it? Or Not?
In one of the videos they are telling us that carbon is used everywhere. I think that is the main readon for global warming! I think if they didn't use as much as carbon as they use now we would not be in global warming! I think they should ease up on using so musch carbon!
In episode #4 "When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up" I learned that Carbon sticks to everything, and most commonly to oxygen. When carbon attaches itself to 2 oxygen atoms that creates CO2. That CO2 is absorbed by trees and oceans, but there is too much CO2 being produced, that it can't all be absorbed. And when the Sun hits those CO2 atoms, they heat up. When they heat up, they heat up the atmosphere, causing Global Warming. In my opinion, people are producing way too much CO2. There has to be some kind of alternate source of energy, so CO2 is not produced in large quantities.
In episode number 2 i learned that the green house effect is also effecting global warming.I didn't realize that they both effect eachother. This video also taught me a lot about how the carbons attach to other carbons. this increases the chance of global warming also. The video number 2 was very informative.
Episode 4
Carbon Falls In Love.
In this episode I learned that every single second and every single minute there's carbon getting released everywhere. Carbon doesn't like being alone. Carbon bonds with oxygen. It clings and bonds together and trees and other things absorb carbon. Since there is so much carbon up in the atmosphere it causes a greenhouse effect.
The NPR audio was very interesting. I learned a lot. Global warming affects everyone. There were over 190 delegates representing each country. Each delegate had their say on the issue. Carbon is a big issue in global warming because it greatly affects the global warming rates. The financial issue is discussed a lot in these meetings. I can't imagine how hard these meetings are because everyone has their own opinion and it's probably extremely hard for everyone to agree to something.
In episode 2: Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding I learned that a carbon atom is very social. It likes to be attached to other atoms. Carbon and other atoms can form almost anything. Carbon atoms are extremely strong, they're almost inseparable because they are attached with so much force and energy.
In episode 2 I learned about making carbon bonds. carbon grabs on to other atoms like hydrogen, oxygen etc. , it becomes a Methane fuel, then a ethanol fuel finally a Glucose.
there are no limits to carbon structure, when combined they use an consumable force.
energy helps holds creatures together. When you see a some road kill along the side of the road what's holding the body together, you may ask? Carbon!!!!!!!!!
This tells that carbon plays a big role in creatures and even our life it is what helps the body stay together and in form,
there is more to learn about carbon but this is the basics :)
(episode 4)
i learned that--
Carbon always wants a partner.
Carbon loves to bond with oxygen.
Trees and plants cant keep up with all the carbon.
We have so much carbon its called a green house affect.
Global warming is when the sun hits off the earth and hits carbon witch makes it hotter.
In Episode 4 I've learned when carbon bonds are broken carbon usually creates anothher bond usually with oxygen and not just one but 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea but since we have so much Carbon Dioxide it doesn't all absorbe in Since we have so much we have a greenhouse effect going on
The video and the audio were very informative. The audio clips got my attention more. People keep saying that we need to take action against global warming. There's commercials all about it on TV, there's ads all over the streets, yet... we don't seem to do anything about it. We keep living about everyday as if nothing will affect us in the future. Half of Americans don't believe that global warming will affect us or think it's real at all. On the list of concerns in the country, to me it's pretty sad to see that climate is #20, and economy is about #1. We can't focus on the climate because the majority of our money goes to warfare. COP15 isn't just a matter of saying they'll take action then do it right away. They need the money to do it. I don't believe that the majority of our money should go to climate control, but it shouldn't be all going towards one concern.
In episode 2 I learned how carbon bonds with other atoms. I also learned what carbon can combine with other atoms to create. I also learned how oil was created.
I watched the COP15 Daily Report, Gordon Brown's answers, and read the blog "The time is up - The deadline is Copenhagen". In all of the sources I seemed to get a sense of disappointment. They came into a stalemate with the whole meeting. Some countries agreed to a treaty while others did not, and those who didn't made promises to help reduce greenhouse gases anyway. The one big question is: Are they going to keep this promise and help what COP15 was here for (climate control, global warming prevention)?
In episodes 2 and 3, I learned how carbon bonds are made and taken apart.
Episode2 "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" - Carbon bonds are always forming. They attach onto other molecules to make different things. Carbon interlocks with other carbon to make a living thing. If the living being dies, the carbon is still tightly interlocked. The partners of carbon, found in dead animals, can be made into oil, or fossil fuels.
Episode3 "Break a Carbon Bond and -- Presto! -- Civilization" - Now to break apart the partnership, for example: put a piece of paper in a fire. The heat makes the carbon move intensively, breaking the bond. The seperated carbon then again finds another partner, except the bond is more energetic than the last one.
i think we need to make changes in order to have a more healthier planet,we need to start becoming more of a difference to our communities along with the rest of the world. If everyone was just recycle ,stop smoking ,put your rappers and things you don need in the garbage , just by doing all the little things to change the world could turn into something huge like saving our planet as well as yourself.
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
------Note, i didn't check who was signed in on the library and i posted mine under nicks name ^^--
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
---note i didn't check who was signed in on gmail on the library's computer. i posted my comment under nicks name by accident ----
Episode 4 I've learned that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates anothher bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea. Not all of it is absorbed. Since we have so much carbon we have a greenhouse effect going on
After reading all of those articles sbout weather Global Warming is a hoax or not, I am really confused. There is a lot of evidence showing that scientists are doing this out of their own personal gain, but there is also a lot of evidence showing that the climate really is changing (weather is different now, than 50 yeas ago). Well I guess if it is real of not, only time will tell. (if disaster strikes, then it is real)
I think global warming is a real issue and im happy that countries are caring and the world is making an effort in lowering the amount of pollution certain countries produce. Regardless weither global warming is true or not we should still make sure to keep the place we live clean. These carbon emissions don't only hurt the enviorment but they hurt us as well. We breath in this air and live on this earth, the least we can do is take care of it.
I wasn't too hot on the idea of global warming before, but now that emails have been leaked on the true statistics behind this global disaster, I am even more skeptical. I never liked Al Gore to begin with, and I expecially didn't like him when he got a nobel peace prize based on lies. To think that he made all this money and recived all this reognition based on the lies that our earth is on a path to doom is sickening. however, even though based on the leaked e mails it is obvious global warming is not really what scientists made it out to be, that doesnt mean it can't happen. On the bright side of all of this, those of you who were paranoid about global destruction can relax, because now you know that it isn't a major threat, so relax and take a breather.
I believe global warming is really happening. Climategate is a really slight possibility. We barely had a summer or a winter last winter. I miss having 4 seasons. Please recycle
I am honestly thinking that this aspect on Climate Gate and Climate Changes can go in 2 different directions. It could be possible that information leaked in the mails could be accurate. Also there is a chance that global warming could be as dangerous and deadly as many scientists stated them to be in the emails. But this issue can go a whole different way. This can go in the direction that Climate Gate and the leaked emails are a bunch of baloney. The scientists have been lying to us the whole time. Also that global warming is fake and there is no such thing. I think that they are over exaggerating now so that we do something now so it doesnt get to the state they say were in the future.
I have just read about the term climatgate and the release of 13 years worth of emails that may or may not go against global warming. To hear about these email was a little shocking and disturbing. The emails were found by hackers and written about evidence going against global warming by top scientists in the global warming field. We do not know yet if the emails are worth relying on. However, I do feel that the people who wrote these emails should be put on trial. They should be put on trial for manipulating data and for lieing/ or trying to trick the public
Episode #2, "Carbon's Special Knack For Bonding" talks about how carbon's chemical properties allows it to form 4 bonds. Carbon ccan into helpful things like fructose and glucose, however, carbon can also . With all of the decomposing animals and humans, carbon stays put. Also, the already dead animals that are compressed underground with the carbon, gets turned into oil.
This episode was great because i didnt know that anything still lives in something thats already dead. i think
In Episode 2, "Carbon's Special Knack for Bonding", I learned about carbon bonding with other atoms, using 4 bonds. Carbon helps make things like glucose, which are good for the environment, but because there are decomposing animals and humans, carbon can stay put, which turns carbon into oil. I basically learned about how carbon makes other things, and how other things are made.
In episode 4 of "its all about carbon" I learned about carbons ability to form bonds. I knew some of this before but i learned the reason now. This is because carbon has 4 electrons, so they can link with other elements. When carbon is burned, it links with Oxygen therefor creating Carbon dioxide, or CO2. When carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere, it creates a greenhouse affect, because it prevents heat from leaving earth. The thing about this though is that they talk all about the combustion of fossil fuels, or cows digestion process, which they emit Methane, or to some people, flacuance. But they don't say anything about Volcanoe eruptions, or wild fire, or even cellular respiration. They should really give us more facts.
In episode 2 "its all about carbon" many things are stated. It shows that carbon is a very important factor that makes global warming bigger than it could be. Not only does carbon attach itself to everything it possibly could but it also pops up in almost everything you could imagine. If something isn't done to decrease the level of carbon in the earth it will become a serious problem for the later aspects of global warming.
On the second video that I have watched, I have learned that carbon is in everything, and is everywhere. When it is alone, it targets up with carbon dioxide. I think that these little videos are helpful to inform the video watchers all about carbon, and how it works.
in the 5th episode of carbon learned about global warming on a molecular level like how the trees cant take in all the carbon that producing with cars and other things that run of fossil flue and how we need to plant more trees or stop polluting.
in the 3rd episode,it talks about how fire excites carbon.it is warm because fire releases carbon.food even has carbon,which gets us hyper.calories power the stomach.the more richer we become,the more carbon we spend.carbon creates a very big problem.
In episode four I learned only one main thing; how carbon is specifically attached to oxygen. I knew that they attached to them but i did not know they favored them. Besides that i knew that all the other information like: How they heat up ,and how humans release carbon dioxide.
In episode four I learned that CO2 is everywhere and it there is way to much of it to be consumed by trees and other plant life. I feel that if we don't cut down then the world will heat up more and more.
I think that it is a good thing that we are trying to change what is happening in the world. I don't think that people fully understand the concept of global warming and how it is affecting us and the world.
Changing the world is great but what I don't understand is why it's taking so long. World leaders cant make a decisions on what they want to do to help the earth. i think that they should make a decision before any thin gets worse or they cant do anything to stop it.
I think that its a pretty good idea that we are changing the world by stopping the greenhouse gases so we can clean up the earth. Many people are being serious about global warming, I think that its a myth though.
I watched three videos on the climate,global warming and carbon. our climate is a lot different now, compared to what it was 10- 15 years ago. by watching these videos I was surprised at how many people don't really care about this issue. I mean, there are big issues like the economy, but Global Warming is just as big an issue. With all the world leaders attending this meeting, I hope some kind of agreement is made, because if the climate changes too drastically, then the world as we know it might nit exist. . .
.I think it is a good thing that we are trying to change the world because i want to continue to live.If global warming is true, we should take action to make it better and stop it from getting any worse.If something isn't done to decrease the level of carbon in the earth it will become a serious problem
global warming and listening to these audio clips, I don't know if I believe it. I've been skeptical about global warming for a very long time. I don't think they even understand what global fully is. I think something will get done to prevent global warming because there are over 100 leaders attending.
After listening to the Digital Audio, I learned more about Cop Hagen and what the goals, they are trying to be established. The audio really made me think if the temperature is increasing then we need to take action. Even though, they want to make products to be greener, it’s going to cost us and since there is a rescission, theirs going to be problems to pay for cleaner products. Climate change is affecting the whole world and I agree with Chris Smart, that the most information came from the Digital Audio. The whole process to help Climate change is going to be costly. The industrialized nations need to reduce their gas emissions which could affect their mass production. However, we must look forward to the future and understand different views of the people because this will help us reach a destination. We can’t leave the work to be fixed for our children or grandchildren because our world is in our hand and we have to handle our own problems before something corrupts.
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about it?"
In video # 2, When carbon falls in love, the world heats up it shows and explains that the more fossil fuels we burn the more carbon gets released into the air. This video is great because it gives great facts and its more interesting watching rather than listening to someone speak in the classroom.
I am going to agree with video 2 because it explains that if we don't do something then we are going to have a serious problem. I think that its a pretty good idea that we are changing the world by stopping the greenhouse gases so we can clean up the earth. Many people are being serious about global warming, I think that it's a myth though.
Its smart for us to start trying to stop global warming because even if it isn't true we still have to much pollution on this earth.I don't believe in 2012 or anything like that because they said it before when my mother was younger and it didn't happen. Plus the temperature hasn't raisin to much so the world cant end yet anyway.
Everyone needs to help save the world from all these problems. Global warming isn't a joke, and if everyone just puts a little effort into it, everything could change. Pollution is a big problem in the world, if no one liters anymore it could be a big help. Hopefully by the COP15 meeting there will be improvement and alot fixed.
I listened to other audio blogs about COP15 and found that a lot of people are concerned about the outcome of it all. Many think that the Koyoto Treaty is the last hope for the fight for Global Warming. I think that this treaty would be a good idea, but I can understand the reasons why some countries would debate doing it.
After watching these videos and listening to these clips on carbon and global warming, I gained more insight into what exactly is factual, and what is falsified. I learned a lot from these educational videos. There is by far too much co in the air, and we use far too many electric devices that are not of high efficiency.
There is a real issue that is affecting many large countries all round the world today. This problem is the fuel emissions. Larger countries are emitting more than the smaller countries, but it is a growing problem for everyone.
watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15 I'm starting to better understand how serious Copenhagen is. Guards and policemen are outside of the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. I myself want to keep living and i don't wanna die like how people died in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow, Or 2012
on episode 4 i learned
that when carbon bonds are broken carbon creates another bond with 2 oxygens When there is rain the Carbon Dioxide is absorbed by the sea.
on episode two i learned that a carbon atom is very social. It likes to be attached to other atoms. Carbon and other atoms can form almost anything. it can make good things. but because of human and ani mal decaying decompose its actually harmfull as well
Enormous post-- you make so many points that simply make knowledge for me. Thanks for this informative post.
listening to the audios and watching the video clips about global warming.And just hearing about whats its doing to our universe makes me wish i can do something to help stop this. when i read about the journalist in denmark that are coming together to sign treatys to try and make a differce and help change global warming. i thought it was a wonderful idea i think everyone should aleast try and do something about global warming because it will show a good signs that we care about our earth ..just think about it if there really is such a thing as global warming and this really is the reason why things on earth are not the same and is slowly changing over time than sooner or later there will be no such thing as earth and no earth means no such thing as you or myself. so we need to start now when we are already aware of whats going on with global warming so we can start making changes that we wont regret later years now.
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about i
This entry is based on the NPR "All About Carbon" Video #2, entitled, When Carbon Falls in Love, the World Heats Up. This video breifly discusses how the more carbon we burn, the more Carbon Dioxide is released into the air. These videos are a different alternative for learning in the classroom because it is entertaining you while giving you facts and details. I learned in this video that Carbon likes to bond with two Oxygens, and clings to them. The CO2 gets distributed across the oceans, and also absorbed into forests and trees; basically all over the world. Another term I learned more about was the Greenhouse Effect. Since there is so much CO2 in the atmosphere, the sun is heating up these molecules, adding to the increasing temperature. This series of videos is informative, and then ends of posing the question, "If Carbon is making us warmer, what can we do about it
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15, I am beginning to realize the seriousness of Copenhagen. Guards and policemen are outside the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they even went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is also making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense to me. Either way, I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure that our world leaders are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
After watching these two videos and reading the blog site for COP15, I am beginning to realize the seriousness of Copenhagen. Guards and policemen are outside the Copenhagen building making sure no one comes in unless the are accredited journalists. Some journalists want to get the story about Copenhagen so bad they even went through the men's toilet system. Al Gore is also making comments about the Copenhagen meeting. Even though he gets millions of dollars a year for making green products it doesn't make much sense to me. Either way, I'm gad we have Copenhagen to ensure that our world leaders are trying to find a better way to lower CO2 levels.
it can be so easy for people to help and save the world. pollution is a big problem and people can reduce the risk of the world ending because of pollution. global warming is a big issue and something needs to be done. poeple are working on this project and it may make a big affect and something will be done.
Everyone has to put a little effort into saving our planet.Globalwarming is turning out to be a big crisis and even thought people say going green is a waist of time, I still believe that we should go for it.Then we can actually say hey, aleast I tried to make a difference to our planet.
While it's good that we are at least trying to make an effort to try and stop climate change it's pretty hard to believe it when most countries are only going to lower their carbon emissions for more money. That's basically what it seems to all come down to, money; it's as if they don't care about the earth or climate change they'll just believe it if it gets them money.
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