The article was actually published in 1955 in the popular magazine "Good Housekeeping". While it seems crazy to think today that this was accepted and SERIOUS, back then it was just the way of life, the way of society.
I think this way really is kind of funny in a way and dont really mind it. Today its much better for women and thats good for them and im glad things change for the better but if things still stay the same like this its jsut like well dont really care much about it its not like they are being slaves now thats bad.
it changed completely because women don not stay home and take care of the kids and the house. In some cases men are the ones who take care of the kids and the women focusses more on there career. this is what has changed in over half a century
Life has changed since the '50's. Housewives barely exist, and women have more opportunities than ever to be the breadwinner in her own family. In my house, my mom does clean as much as she can before my dad comes home, but my dad cooks dinner, takes me and my sister to school, and still goes to work when needed. In the 21st century, people can have jobs, where they don't have to go to work everyday, they can work at home, relax and still get work done, this is like my dad, so instead of mom being home for the day, I walk through the door, too see my dad laying on the sofa.
I think that over the years things have taking a drastic change. Women no longer just sit home and wait for their husband, women actually have jobs now. Men, back then were known as "the master of the house" this is not really existent anymore. These days both women and men have jobs and go out, its been a long time and barely anyone lives like this, or does these things. Over time a lot of stuff has changed, and everything will keep changing.
The way of life has changed since the 1950's. Women now dont treat their men as kings and dont think of them as the man of the house. Yes women clean and cook dinner but they dont freshen up before their husband comes home. They dont quiet down their children so their husband can relax. Since women who clean, cook and raise their children, they excpet their husband to come home and be with their family and not want to relax and be in silence where the washing machine cant be on. I think thats rediculous how women used to treat their husbands like they were kings.Reading this made me realize how the way of life has changed since 1955.
This seems very ancient. The way of life is very different today. Both men and woman go out, work, and bring home a paycheck. When woman come home they then go ahead and cook, clean and do remaining house work. I personally feel that its better that way, it makes life more equal and fair and no body feels inferior to anyone.
Over the years, things has changed a lot. Women now are more independent and most make more money than the men and don't depend on men. Women nowadays don't stay home and watch the kids and clean the house. Women go to work and at some times the men stay home and take care of the kids. I think women today would be much offended if they read this article.
I partially agree with this article. Life was much more peaceful when one went to work and the other stayed home to watch the children and clean/cook. I do not believe it HAS to be the man , but their should be one and sometimes the man has the better job. However a BIG change from that time is that women are now going to college and achieving higher learning that 50 years ago would never have been. I find it a positive change since now If the man is the "Breadwinner" and the man dies the woman could support the family.
In many places of the world, the idea of a women working at home and a man having a full time job was the way of life back then. However, in the past years the way people live nowadays it's very different and women don't tend to stay home no more. In this society most parents both hold a job and seek a better opportunity for their children. Sometimes the mother works and the father don’t because the women make a good amount of money. It depends on the family's financial needs. However, it still exists the old idea. But now people are running around that people don't have the time to take care of the house. People have their own needs and people tend to complain which means that families aren't always as perfect as it was in the 1950's. Women still carry on the tasks with cooking and cleaning but now as responsibility increases the tasks are divided among each other.
I think many things have changed since the 50's. Since the 50's women have changed a lot in which they have more rights. Women have changed where they wouldn't follow this article and instead would choose what ever they wanted to do. They would not have to be told what to do by certain people. Also I thought this was a funny article about telling women what to do as a wife and what not to do as a wife which they think women would follow.
I think it is a little scary to think that if I was born 50 years sooner it would be expected of me to do all of things mentioned in the article. I think things are much better now, in a time when women have free will and are not depended upon to be the only one taking care of her home.
I do believe that our way of life has definitely changed over the years. Like it says on the article, women from the 1950's stayed at home while men go out and work in order to make a living. Men were also more educated than women since women were not allowed to go to school. Women's jobs were to stay at home and be a guidance to their husbands and to their children. Though today in our modern time, different people have fought for women's rights which has made a great impact in our world today. Some women in our present day earn more and work more hours than men do today.
Life in the 1950s has changed a lot. People now do not look at this article and agree on it. They would feel very offended and would say this is sexist because almost every woman in the world has a job and usually they are the one's that need the attention and rest. This article would also give us a good laugh because it enables us to look back on how different life was before and how far we have come to change it.
In the 1950's, Men where called "the masters". Men were mostly in charge back then but in now and days woman get to stick up for their own rights and do or say whatever they like. Im not saying they can all get away with anything because of course consequences will be done. The way of life was different than our lives today. It was for the better in my point of view because I do not believe in what that article said so therefore I will not follow those rules.
Compared to today much has changed. Women don't stay in the house cooking and cleaning all day anymore. My mother doesn't have to cook and clean. She has a job at Kingsborough High School as a tutor and teachers assistant. There are even men that do all the cooking and cleaning now while the wives work.
Life during the 1950's has greatly changed compared to this decade. In that period of time women had to take care of the household and their husbands. They would have to prepare and keep everything clean before their husbands got home. Now-a-days most women work and provide for their home and family without being a housewife. In this decade women have the freedom to do more things and activities.
Life was extremely different back in the '50s. Their view of "modern life" is way different compared to ours. While then it was the most common lifestyle for the wife to stay home and take care of the children when the husband was off at work, nowadays we view this as a ridiculous thought. In most families, both parents work, and the thought of being a housewife like this is an odd idea. Over the years, women gained freedom, and changed their lifestyle to fit in with modern society.
Women and men have changed over the years. In that decade, the wives would have to comfort the husbands when they come home from work. But this decade, the wives don't even do that. It has changed over the last 50 years. I think in the next 50 years it would still be the same as it is now. But back then, the women would do all the housework and shopping. Still to this day, it caries on. But it evenly weighs out with both the husband and the wife.
Life during the 1950's was definitely different than how life is now. Now a days women don't treat their husbands like they are kings and like they own the house. When women's husbands come home today they greet them but also talk about each other's day, not just the husbands. This was a funny article but I couldn't believe how women used to pamper their husband's in the 50's. Men were so well pampered and women were always thought of as just the housewife. It seemed as if women could not hold jobs once they were married with children. Well now we know society certainly has changed.
To me being a girl and seeing this article made me laugh. Yes, back ten this was appropriate for women to do but now that so much has changed people don't really think of this. It's not that women don't want to make their husbands happy but its that now the men aren't the most important thing in someone's life. Pleasing your husband isn't the top priority to women now. When you get married you share an equal friendship. the wife pleases the husband but the husband pleases the wife as well. Equality and giving each other the same opportunity is part of what makes a marriage go well. =)
I found this article very interesting. The article states how life was back in the 50's , Now things aren't like that . Women now have jobs and are more less equal to men . In today's world their is men besides women staying at home taking the "House Wife " role . Their are even fathers who make dinner for the family, so by the time the mother comes home food is ready .
This article shows exactly how the United States has changed over the past 50 year. I thought that the article was very descriptive about how life was life in the 50's and how much respect the women had for the men. The women had their list of jobs to do for the man of the house or "Master". Things have changed in the United States but I believe that there are still other places in the world that women still practice that routine. I think that this shows how far the U.S has come and advanced.
Life today and life in the 1950s is very different than it is now. If that article was published in tomorrows paper then A LOT of women and even men would disagree. this is because the time is different and things have changed. however that type of thinking was alright for that time. who knows maybe in another 50 years women would be saying that about us. and MEN will be staying at home and MEN will be preparing the meals and taking the shoes off their wives.
I found this article very funny and something that is not very likely to happen today. I really don't think that this will happen again in the next 50 years because there is most likely a lot more divorces in our time than there was in that time. In our time now the people that do most of the work our the house maids. Women in this time have jobs a lot more that women in that time did. In my opinion this article was very funny and it did speak the truth of how women acted towards their husbands back then. The world can see many changes if this happens again and that can lead to even more changes like less women working because being devoted to their husbands.
i believe its wrong in this day of age but back then the male was doing everything possible to pay for the house,food,expenses. All the female has to do is take care of the children and make the male comfortable. in this day of age,the male and female both work so this article does not apply.
It's so hard to believe that this is the way life has changed in the past 50 years. Way of life today, women are independent and we have our own thoughts, and yes, we do work. It seems like these women were like their husbands servants, which is not right . It made women seem really superior to men, which we all know that's not true. I believe that the changes that have occurred over the years were for the better for women's rights and that we are just as equal as men. I bet that if the men were put in this position to do everything for the women, like cook, clean, and be the perfect husband they would have an argument about it.
Just from this article, it explains that back then things were more simpler for the "men of the house". I love the fact that that things have changed over the past 50 years. Women have gotten more power and more independence. The women of today don't have enough time to clean the house, the kids, and make herself "better looking" just for her husband. She's all tied up with working, the kids, cooking, cleaning (not just for her husband) but so the house isn't a mess all the time. Nothing is perfect today. Maybe back then some people thought it was, but in reality, nothing it 100% perfect. Ughh!
I think the view back then in the 50's were ridicules. They didn't let women have any will power to be independent. what's said in that article today would be looked down upon as crazy and sad. I was brough up to be independent and have a good head on my shoulder. There are no more housewives in this day in age. And if there are they are exploting them selfs on the tv about how they are wealthy and stay at home its nonsense.and who said i would be home when my husband got home??
Wow. The way of life has really changed over the past 50 years! I can see that this was the way of life back in the 50s, because whenever I see shows like "I Love Lucy", I always see it as the perfect house. Back then, women were wholly dedicated to their husbands. Nowadays, women are more independant and could do a man's work if she wanted to. Housewives aren't common anymore. A woman doesn't dedicate her evenings making everything for her husband perfect on a daily basis. I think this would be considered absolute craziness if this article was read in 50 years. In 50 more years, I bet that the women will be coming home later than the men. Just kidding, the sexism role in the couple will definitely die down one day... but it would be nice.
I think the life style of household families has changed dramatically. In the 50s the household was very systematic and the wives were stay at home and only thought about the comfort of their families and husbands. In our times both parents or spouses usually work and women have just as many rights as men. These views have changed dramatically and so has the advancements in time.
Although the article is funny I find that the reason it is funny because it is so different. Wives where undermined ,and men where treated like kings to them. Even though men made the money and women just did their part, their past was worse and demeaning. In fifty years i view the world as a cleaner place due to global warming. Plus, with inventions that might come to be like Carbon absorbers, or tree enhancers the world will be a better place. For political and social changes ,I find we have evolved greatly from the past and there is not that much more room for advancements in thoughts categories. Technology, science, and mathematics still have a long way to go.
I found this really funny how the house wife' life was more like a slave following a code of conduct and how they had to listen to her husband. Nowadays the men have to listen to all the women's problem, and if they didn't listen she would leave him.
life 50 years ago was a lot different then it is now. Women were very devoted to their husbands and keeping the house in order. I don't exactly disagree with this article because thats just how the life style was back then, with women caring for the house and children while the husband made a living and put bread on the table. It is much more conveniant today however. Both husband and wife makes a living, and children are more independent and less dependent on their parents.
From the time this article was published and many things in the world have changed. Women weren't really working, and all they needed to do was take care of the house, children, and husband. In the present day, women are mostly needed to work, and not stay home. Men and women are treated equally. In the 1950's women had to do everything around the men getting home, and this was a special time when nothing could go wrong. Now men and women both work, and one isn't the only one that is treated special.
Back in 1950, women were expected to stay at home and take care of the home & children. The men were the providers, and women were expected to serve them. Well, things have hanged a lot since then. Women are providers (just like men), and not just caretakers of the household. Now the previously believed women's chores are shared by both men and women. In our modern world, women and men are equals.
It is very clear that time have changed. Back then when my grandparents were young this is how life was and how it was accepted. I guess it's a good thing hat now everyone is equal and women can d as much as men. Judging from what I read, I would've much rather lived in the 1950's.
This article really goes to show how much things can change. In just fifty short years, lifestyle and home life has dramatically changed. Looking back on the way of life in the fifties, many of us would disagree with many of the accepted ideas. Women now have a more significant role in society, not only being a stay at home. Men are not the only ones that hold jobs. Many women are working. Women today do not only cater to the man's needs, but also have in mind their own interests.
life itself has not changed throughout the years but the lifestyle on its own changed dramatically. Women now have choices of independence to make their own choices on where they want to be in life. in todays generation women expect more then a happy, healthy household, now its about how happy the husbands make the lives of wife's." As long as she's satisfied she'll stick around". Women in this generation have all rights and some... Once the wife realizes she's tired of her life, she has the ability to leave the husband, take the kids, and the paycheck too. people ask why relationships don't last in this generation, maybe because marriage is now an investment ... Where is life going in fifty years?
Women's rights have been ignored for so long, but they have come a long way. Women population take up 51% of world. This article presented in a way that people believed was correct. Women's rights have been ignored and now are fixed thanks to women like Carrie Lane Chapman Catt Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
Life in the 1950s was very different from today because women didn't work as much as in today world. For example my mom works 12 hours a day 5 days a week. Unlike in the 1950s
I think that this article has been changed since when it was written. I don't think that any women feel the same way. I think that in a relationship everything should be equal.In 1950 the things were different and wives were meant to be house wives and now both men and women work and carry the same amount of weight.
I couldn't post but if this goes through here it is. I think that in todays era we work (women included) a lot harder the in the 1950s. This is what I think.
I wish life was more like it was in the 50's xD. All joking aside i like that women have more rights and are able to be more independent. Back then it was good because the wife was able to take care of the children, but the house took in less money. Today, the wife may not spend as much time with the children, but the house makes more money because both sides of the marriage.
Say What!!!! this was not right. i do not even think it was right in the 1950s. maybe they agreed to it but i do not think they were treated right. Of coarse if you marry a man you love him. but both boys and girls should be treated equally. Not only should the boybe treated right but girls should to.
I thought that it was kind of a good idea but also I thought that women should have a right for only a certain things like driving they shouldn't do also making to many decisions too.
i think its kinda weird that america changed so much in only 50 years . how women were not aloud to work and were expected to stay home and watch the kids and clean . but now 50 years later they are running their own business .
This was not funny. To believe that women really did those things and thought it was right. Let your husband rule you and your child? I think not. No one should rule anybody unless that is your parents and you are not at the right age to make the right choices for yourself. There is a huge change from back then and now. Today if a man said that to a woman they would most likely get slapped in the face. Woman today are a lot more aggresive then they were back then. In the day of today woman are getting pregnant before they get married and it is just fine. Teenagers get pregnant and they would be fine about it. If something like that would happen in the 1950's then they would be called sluts or not be talked to.
In the 1950's men would pay for the house and food. Back then women really didn't work they would stay home. It was hard for women to get jobs. now a day most women work and sometimes make more then men or there husbands. most women now would probably laugh or would think it was stupid to follow the rules. Some rules or "suggestions" are good and some are not so good.
It is amazing how things can change in such a small matter of time. The roles of women in society have altered so greatly people now laugh at these views that are posted in this article. Looking back a good fifty-five years ago, the way of life has differed so much and a lot the change comes directly from the influence of technology in lives all across the world. Television shows, and movies from back then showing the daily activities of a family are watched and don't really have much of an effect on people today because life is so different now. Women have more respect today, and unlike back then, women hold prestigious jobs, and do not stay at home and revolve their lives around others.
I found this article interesting. The article tells us how life was back in the 50's . Women now have jobs and are more less equal to men . In today's world their is men besides women staying at home taking the "House Wife " role . Today men even work for their wifes and make them feel comfortable when they get home instead of the wifes doing that for the men
Its safe to say that since this article was published a husband and wife's home lifestyle has changed a considerable amount. In todays world there are not many housewives, today it is very normal for both husband and wife to work. I don't agree with this article because this article states how women can make their husbands life more comfortable when wives aren't the only one that should try to make their spouses life better. A married couple should work equally to have a good marriage. This article sounds ridiculous to a modern day person because it is so far from what a married couples lifestyle is and how women were like their husbands personal slave.
This article makes me laugh because it is funny. These times were absolutely ridiculous. Never in my life when I have a husband will i ever wait on them hand and foot like they did in the past. My husband will be waiting on me, not the other way around. If anything the relationship will be equal. During these times i don't think the wife would really care treating the husband like this, because they seemed like there fine with it. Now during these times things are way different and no women in their right mind would wait on their husband. The relationship should be equal.
I think its a little scary to think that over only fifty years. The women's role in society isn't the only thing that has changed drastically. Some people may think this article is ridiculous in our day. However, back then it probably seemed perfectly normal.If we could see into the future we would probably think that the ways of life were different and maybe even a little scary. Overtime things are going to change and we will have to adapt to those changes. I wsih everything could just stay the same.
Im glad life has changed so much from this time. I couldnt even imagine being a house wife and having to tend to my husbands need all the time. Like who would even have the time to do all of this you know we gotta think of ourselves sometimes not to sound selfish. Thank god in the age we live in women are seen as powerful figures and not just a maid for their husbands. Women are backbone of our country we hold what's broken together.
I thought that this article was funny. Although quiet offensive. Anyways this was in a different time period, and it was important back then. Also I do disagree with some of the stuff in this article.
things now are ways different from the 50's. The women of today have jobs like teachers,lawyers,doctors. women have an education now.Things have really changed over the past few years believe it or of the things that changed the most was womens rights to sum it up. beacause if women did not have the chance to get the respect they wanted and deserved. men will rule this world women will be slaving over the stove an cleaning the house ans watching the kid 24/7. but thank goodness its not like that anymore.because the women of today need an education and jobs especially if they dont have a man in there life to give them what they need.
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I think this way really is kind of funny in a way and dont really mind it. Today its much better for women and thats good for them and im glad things change for the better but if things still stay the same like this its jsut like well dont really care much about it its not like they are being slaves now thats bad.
it changed completely because women don not stay home and take care of the kids and the house. In some cases men are the ones who take care of the kids and the women focusses more on there career. this is what has changed in over half a century
Life has changed since the '50's. Housewives barely exist, and women have more opportunities than ever to be the breadwinner in her own family. In my house, my mom does clean as much as she can before my dad comes home, but my dad cooks dinner, takes me and my sister to school, and still goes to work when needed. In the 21st century, people can have jobs, where they don't have to go to work everyday, they can work at home, relax and still get work done, this is like my dad, so instead of mom being home for the day, I walk through the door, too see my dad laying on the sofa.
I think that over the years things have taking a drastic change. Women no longer just sit home and wait for their husband, women actually have jobs now. Men, back then were known as "the master of the house" this is not really existent anymore. These days both women and men have jobs and go out, its been a long time and barely anyone lives like this, or does these things. Over time a lot of stuff has changed, and everything will keep changing.
The way of life has changed since the 1950's. Women now dont treat their men as kings and dont think of them as the man of the house. Yes women clean and cook dinner but they dont freshen up before their husband comes home. They dont quiet down their children so their husband can relax. Since women who clean, cook and raise their children, they excpet their husband to come home and be with their family and not want to relax and be in silence where the washing machine cant be on. I think thats rediculous how women used to treat their husbands like they were kings.Reading this made me realize how the way of life has changed since 1955.
This seems very ancient. The way of life is very different today. Both men and woman go out, work, and bring home a paycheck. When woman come home they then go ahead and cook, clean and do remaining house work. I personally feel that its better that way, it makes life more equal and fair and no body feels inferior to anyone.
Over the years, things has changed a lot. Women now are more independent and most make more money than the men and don't depend on men. Women nowadays don't stay home and watch the kids and clean the house. Women go to work and at some times the men stay home and take care of the kids. I think women today would be much offended if they read this article.
I partially agree with this article. Life was much more peaceful when one went to work and the other stayed home to watch the children and clean/cook. I do not believe it HAS to be the man , but their should be one and sometimes the man has the better job.
However a BIG change from that time is that women are now going to college and achieving higher learning that 50 years ago would never have been. I find it a positive change since now If the man is the "Breadwinner" and the man dies the woman could support the family.
In many places of the world, the idea of a women working at home and a man having a full time job was the way of life back then. However, in the past years the way people live nowadays it's very different and women don't tend to stay home no more. In this society most parents both hold a job and seek a better opportunity for their children. Sometimes the mother works and the father don’t because the women make a good amount of money. It depends on the family's financial needs. However, it still exists the old idea. But now people are running around that people don't have the time to take care of the house. People have their own needs and people tend to complain which means that families aren't always as perfect as it was in the 1950's. Women still carry on the tasks with cooking and cleaning but now as responsibility increases the tasks are divided among each other.
I think many things have changed since the 50's. Since the 50's women have changed a lot in which they have more rights. Women have changed where they wouldn't follow this article and instead would choose what ever they wanted to do. They would not have to be told what to do by certain people. Also I thought this was a funny article about telling women what to do as a wife and what not to do as a wife which they think women would follow.
I think it is a little scary to think that if I was born 50 years sooner it would be expected of me to do all of things mentioned in the article. I think things are much better now, in a time when women have free will and are not depended upon to be the only one taking care of her home.
I do believe that our way of life has definitely changed over the years. Like it says on the article, women from the 1950's stayed at home while men go out and work in order to make a living. Men were also more educated than women since women were not allowed to go to school. Women's jobs were to stay at home and be a guidance to their husbands and to their children. Though today in our modern time, different people have fought for women's rights which has made a great impact in our world today. Some women in our present day earn more and work more hours than men do today.
Life in the 1950s has changed a lot. People now do not look at this article and agree on it. They would feel very offended and would say this is sexist because almost every woman in the world has a job and usually they are the one's that need the attention and rest. This article would also give us a good laugh because it enables us to look back on how different life was before and how far we have come to change it.
In the 1950's, Men where called "the masters". Men were mostly in charge back then but in now and days woman get to stick up for their own rights and do or say whatever they like. Im not saying they can all get away with anything because of course consequences will be done. The way of life was different than our lives today. It was for the better in my point of view because I do not believe in what that article said so therefore I will not follow those rules.
Compared to today much has changed. Women don't stay in the house cooking and cleaning all day anymore. My mother doesn't have to cook and clean. She has a job at Kingsborough High School as a tutor and teachers assistant. There are even men that do all the cooking and cleaning now while the wives work.
Life during the 1950's has greatly changed compared to this decade. In that period of time women had to take care of the household and their husbands. They would have to prepare and keep everything clean before their husbands got home. Now-a-days most women work and provide for their home and family without being a housewife. In this decade women have the freedom to do more things and activities.
Life was extremely different back in the '50s. Their view of "modern life" is way different compared to ours. While then it was the most common lifestyle for the wife to stay home and take care of the children when the husband was off at work, nowadays we view this as a ridiculous thought. In most families, both parents work, and the thought of being a housewife like this is an odd idea. Over the years, women gained freedom, and changed their lifestyle to fit in with modern society.
Women and men have changed over the years. In that decade, the wives would have to comfort the husbands when they come home from work. But this decade, the wives don't even do that. It has changed over the last 50 years. I think in the next 50 years it would still be the same as it is now. But back then, the women would do all the housework and shopping. Still to this day, it caries on. But it evenly weighs out with both the husband and the wife.
Life during the 1950's was definitely different than how life is now. Now a days women don't treat their husbands like they are kings and like they own the house. When women's husbands come home today they greet them but also talk about each other's day, not just the husbands. This was a funny article but I couldn't believe how women used to pamper their husband's in the 50's. Men were so well pampered and women were always thought of as just the housewife. It seemed as if women could not hold jobs once they were married with children. Well now we know society certainly has changed.
To me being a girl and seeing this article made me laugh. Yes, back ten this was appropriate for women to do but now that so much has changed people don't really think of this. It's not that women don't want to make their husbands happy but its that now the men aren't the most important thing in someone's life. Pleasing your husband isn't the top priority to women now. When you get married you share an equal friendship. the wife pleases the husband but the husband pleases the wife as well. Equality and giving each other the same opportunity is part of what makes a marriage go well. =)
I found this article very interesting. The article states how life was back in the 50's , Now things aren't like that . Women now have jobs and are more less equal to men . In today's world their is men besides women staying at home taking the "House Wife " role . Their are even fathers who make dinner for the family, so by the time the mother comes home food is ready .
This article shows exactly how the United States has changed over the past 50 year. I thought that the article was very descriptive about how life was life in the 50's and how much respect the women had for the men. The women had their list of jobs to do for the man of the house or "Master". Things have changed in the United States but I believe that there are still other places in the world that women still practice that routine. I think that this shows how far the U.S has come and advanced.
Life today and life in the 1950s is very different than it is now. If that article was published in tomorrows paper then A LOT of women and even men would disagree. this is because the time is different and things have changed. however that type of thinking was alright for that time. who knows maybe in another 50 years women would be saying that about us. and MEN will be staying at home and MEN will be preparing the meals and taking the shoes off their wives.
I found this article very funny and something that is not very likely to happen today. I really don't think that this will happen again in the next 50 years because there is most likely a lot more divorces in our time than there was in that time. In our time now the people that do most of the work our the house maids. Women in this time have jobs a lot more that women in that time did. In my opinion this article was very funny and it did speak the truth of how women acted towards their husbands back then. The world can see many changes if this happens again and that can lead to even more changes like less women working because being devoted to their husbands.
i believe its wrong in this day of age but back then the male was doing everything possible to pay for the house,food,expenses. All the female has to do is take care of the children and make the male comfortable. in this day of age,the male and female both work so this article does not apply.
It's so hard to believe that this is the way life has changed in the past 50 years. Way of life today, women are independent and we have our own thoughts, and yes, we do work. It seems like these women were like their husbands servants, which is not right . It made women seem really superior to men, which we all know that's not true. I believe that the changes that have occurred over the years were for the better for women's rights and that we are just as equal as men. I bet that if the men were put in this position to do everything for the women, like cook, clean, and be the perfect husband they would have an argument about it.
Just from this article, it explains that back then things were more simpler for the "men of the house". I love the fact that that things have changed over the past 50 years. Women have gotten more power and more independence. The women of today don't have enough time to clean the house, the kids, and make herself "better looking" just for her husband. She's all tied up with working, the kids, cooking, cleaning (not just for her husband) but so the house isn't a mess all the time. Nothing is perfect today. Maybe back then some people thought it was, but in reality, nothing it 100% perfect.
I think the view back then in the 50's were ridicules. They didn't let women have any will power to be independent. what's said in that article today would be looked down upon as crazy and sad. I was brough up to be independent and have a good head on my shoulder. There are no more housewives in this day in age. And if there are they are exploting them selfs on the tv about how they are wealthy and stay at home its nonsense.and who said i would be home when my husband got home??
Wow. The way of life has really changed over the past 50 years! I can see that this was the way of life back in the 50s, because whenever I see shows like "I Love Lucy", I always see it as the perfect house. Back then, women were wholly dedicated to their husbands. Nowadays, women are more independant and could do a man's work if she wanted to. Housewives aren't common anymore. A woman doesn't dedicate her evenings making everything for her husband perfect on a daily basis. I think this would be considered absolute craziness if this article was read in 50 years. In 50 more years, I bet that the women will be coming home later than the men. Just kidding, the sexism role in the couple will definitely die down one day... but it would be nice.
I think the life style of household families has changed dramatically. In the 50s the household was very systematic and the wives were stay at home and only thought about the comfort of their families and husbands. In our times both parents or spouses usually work and women have just as many rights as men. These views have changed dramatically and so has the advancements in time.
Although the article is funny I find that the reason it is funny because it is so different. Wives where undermined ,and men where treated like kings to them. Even though men made the money and women just did their part, their past was worse and demeaning. In fifty years i view the world as a cleaner place due to global warming. Plus, with inventions that might come to be like Carbon absorbers, or tree enhancers the world will be a better place. For political and social changes ,I find we have evolved greatly from the past and there is not that much more room for advancements in thoughts categories. Technology, science, and mathematics still have a long way to go.
I found this really funny how the house wife' life was more like a slave following a code of conduct and how they had to listen to her husband. Nowadays the men have to listen to all the women's problem, and if they didn't listen she would leave him.
life 50 years ago was a lot different then it is now. Women were very devoted to their husbands and keeping the house in order. I don't exactly disagree with this article because thats just how the life style was back then, with women caring for the house and children while the husband made a living and put bread on the table. It is much more conveniant today however. Both husband and wife makes a living, and children are more independent and less dependent on their parents.
From the time this article was published and many things in the world have changed. Women weren't really working, and all they needed to do was take care of the house, children, and husband. In the present day, women are mostly needed to work, and not stay home. Men and women are treated equally. In the 1950's women had to do everything around the men getting home, and this was a special time when nothing could go wrong. Now men and women both work, and one isn't the only one that is treated special.
Back in 1950, women were expected to stay at home and take care of the home & children. The men were the providers, and women were expected to serve them. Well, things have hanged a lot since then. Women are providers (just like men), and not just caretakers of the household. Now the previously believed women's chores are shared by both men and women. In our modern world, women and men are equals.
It is very clear that time have changed. Back then when my grandparents were young this is how life was and how it was accepted. I guess it's a good thing hat now everyone is equal and women can d as much as men. Judging from what I read, I would've much rather lived in the 1950's.
This article really goes to show how much things can change. In just fifty short years, lifestyle and home life has dramatically changed. Looking back on the way of life in the fifties, many of us would disagree with many of the accepted ideas. Women now have a more significant role in society, not only being a stay at home. Men are not the only ones that hold jobs. Many women are working. Women today do not only cater to the man's needs, but also have in mind their own interests.
life itself has not changed throughout the years but the lifestyle on its own changed dramatically. Women now have choices of independence to make their own choices on where they want to be in life. in todays generation women expect more then a happy, healthy household, now its about how happy the husbands make the lives of wife's." As long as she's satisfied she'll stick around". Women in this generation have all rights and some... Once the wife realizes she's tired of her life, she has the ability to leave the husband, take the kids, and the paycheck too. people ask why relationships don't last in this generation, maybe because marriage is now an investment ... Where is life going in fifty years?
Women's rights have been ignored for so long, but they have come a long way. Women population take up 51% of world. This article presented in a way that people believed was correct. Women's rights have been ignored and now are fixed thanks to women like Carrie Lane Chapman Catt Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
Life in the 1950s was very different from today because women didn't work as much as in today world. For example my mom works 12 hours a day 5 days a week. Unlike in the 1950s
I think that this article has been changed since when it was written. I don't think that any women feel the same way. I think that in a relationship everything should be equal.In 1950 the things were different and wives were meant to be house wives and now both men and women work and carry the same amount of weight.
I couldn't post but if this goes through here it is. I think that in todays era we work (women included) a lot harder the in the 1950s. This is what I think.
when i read this article i thought it was funny because i would so not do this. our society has really changed alot throughout the years.
I wish life was more like it was in the 50's xD. All joking aside i like that women have more rights and are able to be more independent. Back then it was good because the wife was able to take care of the children, but the house took in less money. Today, the wife may not spend as much time with the children, but the house makes more money because both sides of the marriage.
Say What!!!! this was not right. i do not even think it was right in the 1950s. maybe they agreed to it but i do not think they were treated right. Of coarse if you marry a man you love him. but both boys and girls should be treated equally. Not only should the boybe treated right but girls should to.
but right now it is 2009.
everyone s treated equally.
gabriella iacono
I thought that it was kind of a good idea but also I thought that women should have a right for only a certain things like driving they shouldn't do also making to many decisions too.
i think its kinda weird that america changed so much in only 50 years . how women were not aloud to work and were expected to stay home and watch the kids and clean . but now 50 years later they are running their own business .
This was not funny. To believe that women really did those things and thought it was right. Let your husband rule you and your child? I think not. No one should rule anybody unless that is your parents and you are not at the right age to make the right choices for yourself. There is a huge change from back then and now. Today if a man said that to a woman they would most likely get slapped in the face. Woman today are a lot more aggresive then they were back then. In the day of today woman are getting pregnant before they get married and it is just fine. Teenagers get pregnant and they would be fine about it. If something like that would happen in the 1950's then they would be called sluts or not be talked to.
In the 1950's men would pay for the house and food. Back then women really didn't work they would stay home. It was hard for women to get jobs. now a day most women work and sometimes make more then men or there husbands. most women now would probably laugh or would think it was stupid to follow the rules. Some rules or "suggestions" are good and some are not so good.
It is amazing how things can change in such a small matter of time. The roles of women in society have altered so greatly people now laugh at these views that are posted in this article. Looking back a good fifty-five years ago, the way of life has differed so much and a lot the change comes directly from the influence of technology in lives all across the world. Television shows, and movies from back then showing the daily activities of a family are watched and don't really have much of an effect on people today because life is so different now. Women have more respect today, and unlike back then, women hold prestigious jobs, and do not stay at home and revolve their lives around others.
I found this article interesting. The article tells us how life was back in the 50's . Women now have jobs and are more less equal to men . In today's world their is men besides women staying at home taking the "House Wife " role . Today men even work for their wifes and make them feel comfortable when they get home instead of the wifes doing that for the men
Its safe to say that since this article was published a husband and wife's home lifestyle has changed a considerable amount. In todays world there are not many housewives, today it is very normal for both husband and wife to work. I don't agree with this article because this article states how women can make their husbands life more comfortable when wives aren't the only one that should try to make their spouses life better. A married couple should work equally to have a good marriage. This article sounds ridiculous to a modern day person because it is so far from what a married couples lifestyle is and how women were like their husbands personal slave.
This article makes me laugh because it is funny. These times were absolutely ridiculous. Never in my life when I have a husband will i ever wait on them hand and foot like they did in the past. My husband will be waiting on me, not the other way around. If anything the relationship will be equal. During these times i don't think the wife would really care treating the husband like this, because they seemed like there fine with it. Now during these times things are way different and no women in their right mind would wait on their husband. The relationship should be equal.
I think its a little scary to think that over only fifty years. The women's role in society isn't the only thing that has changed drastically. Some people may think this article is ridiculous in our day. However, back then it probably seemed perfectly normal.If we could see into the future we would probably think that the ways of life were different and maybe even a little scary. Overtime things are going to change and we will have to adapt to those changes. I wsih everything could just stay the same.
Im glad life has changed so much from this time. I couldnt even imagine being a house wife and having to tend to my husbands need all the time. Like who would even have the time to do all of this you know we gotta think of ourselves sometimes not to sound selfish. Thank god in the age we live in women are seen as powerful figures and not just a maid for their husbands. Women are backbone of our country we hold what's broken together.
I thought that this article was funny. Although quiet offensive. Anyways this was in a different time period, and it was important back then. Also I do disagree with some of the stuff in this article.
things now are ways different from the 50's. The women of today have jobs like teachers,lawyers,doctors.
women have an education now.Things have really changed over the past few years believe it or of the things that changed the most was womens rights to sum it up. beacause if women did not have the chance to get the respect they wanted and deserved. men will rule this world women will be slaving over the stove an cleaning the house ans watching the kid 24/7. but thank goodness its not like that anymore.because the women of today need an education and jobs especially if they dont have a man in there life to give them what they need.
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