Our first project was a wide open project. You got to choose the topic, and the objective was to have you understand the importance and uses of Digital Storytelling in the 21st Century, and to have you build a comfort level with the technologies available. Now that your first Digital Story is done, please answer the following questions.
1.What was the easiest part of this assignment?
2.What was the hardest part of this assignment?
3.What is the best part of this assignment?
4.What aspects/parts of your narrative changed because you were telling your story through images/photostory?
5.What would you have done differently?
The easiest part of this assignment was that we got to choose our own topic and create a story from that. The hardest part for me was setting up the music (I didn't do that right). The best part of this assignmet was that we got to make a story/movie about something we know, like, . . . My narrative and story didn't change much because I was telling it all through pictures, it just made it flow better.If I could, I would probably add a few more pictures to my story, fix the music, and maybe do voice-over.
This project taught me a lot more then i had expected.The easiest part of this assignment was choosing the photos to use for the story. The hardest part was choosing how to tell the story and what parts of the vacation to include.The best part of the assignment was seeing the result. Watching the final copy made me happy that i participated in it.My narrative of the story changed my story a lot because I could not add in every detail i wanted.The pictures and words were a little limited for me because the trip was so long and i have so many fun memories from it.If i could do it over i would probably choose better photos and explain a little better.
After completing this big project and putting alot of effort into it I learned many ideals. The easiest part of this assignment was finding the information you needed on the computer. The hardest part for me was to actually think of a topic because their were too many to choose from. However, the best part was adding music to the text slides because it made the story more interesting. I felt like I actually accomplishment something by learning how to use IMovie and IPhotos. It was one of my best work so far this year and being able to add videos and put it together was a spectacular My narrative and story changed because I was able to show people where I come from and my culture that I belong to. I was able to reach out to people and share my story. Next time, I hope I have the guts to do voice - over and to put more personal photos instead of images for the WEB.
Well this project was most of the most fun and entertaining thing we did in class yet. The easiest part of this story was putting in our own music and transitions. The hardest part of this assignment is coming up with a story line and gathering pictures to base our story around. The best part of the story was letting others know what we like or do and we get to see what they did and its entertaining to share eachothers videos. The parts that changed were that I had only pics of me and my family in washington and led me to writing a story of what we did in washington instead of it being about my likes and dislikes. One thing I would have done differently is put more pics of my family and different music but I'm proud that I actually finished it and hope to look back at it in senior year.
I felt that this assignment was a very fun one. The easiest part was probably using iMovie. It was very basic and didn’t require a lot of experience. The hardest part was definitely writing the script [in my case the song]. It was a little hard to connect the lyrics to the photos at the right time but I eventually figured it out. I had a lot of fun making my video and got to do some back-round research on my family that opened my eyes to a lot of things and how successful my family is. I did not really tell a lot about each person because I didn’t want my story to be very long, and I didn’t have that many images to talk about for each one. If I had the chance to do another video I would try to collect a lot more images.
This project was one of the most fun ones we have had yet. We got to use more sources, like imovie, garage band, the internet, etc. The easiest part was creating my storyline and collecting the pictures I wanted to use in this presentation. The hard part was coming up with a way to put it all together, with a background song that would fit the mood of the story. The best part of this project, I felt, was seeing the end result of the great work we have put together. The worst part of this project is taking the time to make the little things perfect, like fonts banners, size, color, etc. It takes too much time, just to make it look a little bit neater. But in the end it was worth it to see all of our presentations. If we were to do this project again, I think I would take the time to actually do a voice over because those seem to take a lot of time.
The easiest part of this assignment was gathering information.
The hardest part of this assignment was remembering to bring pictures to scan into my flash drive.
The best part of this assignment was finding out things i never knew happened to me, when i actually did.
What i would of done differently would be maybe change a few photos around a bit.
I did like this project because we got to use iMovie, which I have, but I never understood it. And iPhoto; I do know how to use this application, but I didnt think that we'd use them in school =)
The easiest part of the digital story was telling my story. I found htis part the easiest because I knew what i wanted to tell about myself. The hardest part was makign the transitions and tehnical features absolutley perfect. I wanted everything to be perfect, from graphics, to music, to transitions. The best part of the assignment was doing the assignment itself. By this I mean I always wanted to write a story, but whats better than writing your story? I felt like I was writting a biography, it was a lot of fun. My story did not have much writting since the majority of it was self explanitory through the pictures. I am happ with my story but I probaly would have put more time in the technical features. For example, I would try to get more visible pictures, as mine were blurry, and I would have put in a song I like, rather than selecting one from garage band.
The easiest part of the assignment was selecting the song I wanted to represent me in the presentation. The hardest part of the assignment was putting all my thoughts together and putting my ideas in order so a viewer could understand me. I'm not a very organized person unless I take time and absolutely focus on being organized. The best part of this assignment was going through the picture boxes of all the memories. I laughed at the times when I cried, and cried at where I laughed... isn't that how the quote goes? Some aspects of being a narrator rather than the viewer were harder to adjust to than others. For example, I already know what I would like to see in my presentation as someone viewing it. Putting it together in a way where I can keep others than myself hooked onto the video was pretty hard. Making it on iMovie was actually a relief to me, because I thought it would make it a lot easier to show it in a more appealing matter. My aspects have changed slightly on "Narrarator vs. Viewer". If I had to go back and do anything differently, it would have to be to get all my thoughts more organized in less time. I would thought more carefully on what I want the viewers to see and know about me. I'm not unsatisfied with my presentation, but I know in some shape, form, or style, my project could've came out differently (for better or for worse, I don't know. It just would've been different).
I had thought the digital story was fun! I had used pictures of things that are important to me such as : My family, friends, home ,etc . I thought it was easy because I found making the video interesting and fun.Dealing with the past had brought back memories and it was great.
The easiest part of this assignment was making the story come together and gathering the pictures I had wanted to put into the story. The hardest part was trying to fit everything into a minimum amount of only 4 minutes. I had a lot of really interesting pictures from my culture and having to take some out was tough because I wanted to make sure I had the right ones. The best part of the assignment was putting all the pictures and text and audio into one big movie and being able to watch what you created/made. I think because I was telling my story through pictures, my classmates could better understand about my culture and what I like because we are all visual learners. If I could have I would have put more pictures of my dad's side but his family didn't take to many pictures back then so I didn't have much to show but overall it was a good project and I liked it a lot.
The easiest part of this assignment was getting the pictures and thinking of a topic to make the story about. The hardest part was making doing the transactions and writing the text for each picture. The best part of this assignment was creating the story from the pictures i got.
I had to make sure that the viewers would understand my story through the pictures that i had, so i tried to be clear and explained my pictures. If i could do something differently i would probably use more pictures to create a clearer story so the viewers can understand better.
I had a lot of fun making this project. The easiest thing was knowing what i was gonna have the story based on. The hardest thing was trying to find pictures to show what i was trying to show. The best part of this project was watching it when it was finished. It made me feel accomplished. I thought that through pictures it was harder to tell because it was hard to find the images i wanted. Next time i would try to add more videos and voices overs in my project.
I had a lot of fun making this project. I felt that I was more into the class because it is something people love to do and I had a lot of fun with it. It was interesting to learn how to use imovie and iphoto in a new way that other wise I would not have done. Thank you Mr. Miano for teaching us how to do this and I hope that the next project will be more fun!!!!!
I think this project was a great way to show others who I really am as a person. It helped me help them rethink there opinions of me. I take great pride in who I am as a person and what makes me to be this person. It helps me express my creativity. The easiest part was collecting pictures and getting my ideas. The hardest part was trying to put up captions and putting the pictures in order. Overall i had a great time doing this project.
i think this project was very easy. i learned alot form making this project. i also learned alot more about my culture and the history of it. i think it was fun working on this and i look foward to working with this in the future
i think this project was fun and easy. The best part was putting up the texts. The worst part was when i had to put my song in the project. The best parts of the story is when I talk about how im puerto-rican and chinese and what happened to both my parents families. I think i would of added more pictures.
This project we did was fun, The easiest part of this project was finding the pictures and putting them in story form. The hardest part was making my own beta/music using garageband. The best part was making my own beat because listening to something you made, makes you feel good. Nothing really changes but when would I do to make it better is to add a few more pictures like of me and my family and make it longer.
This project was so much fun to do, especially because I have never done a project like this before. The easiest part of the project for me was choosing what to do the project on and then choosing all the other aspects of the project like;images and sounds. The hardest part of this project was making the Digital Story flow together with the images,sound, and transitions while still keeping the point of the project clear. The best part of the project was getting to make all the choices like what images to use and whcih song goes best with the projects main idea.If I could have done something differently I would have chosen more than one song and made the songs fit better with my slide show than the present song does now. The aspects of my narrative changed because the narrative was made shorter.There wasn't as much narrative in the script as there was captions explaining my story in the images.
The easiest part of this first Digital Story assignment was gathering the pictures. I enjoyed finding and reminiscing on what happened during my trip (my trip was my topic for this project). The hardest part of this project had to be the timing and adding music. Each slide had to flow and the music was difficult to find since I had a song in mind. My favorite part of the project was probably getting the opportunity to watch and grade other student's Digital Stories. This project was difficult because I, as well as many other students, have never really done Digital Storytelling within the classroom. There is more preparation for this kind of project rather than just a written essay. If I were to change something in my Digital Story I would probably change the program I used for it because it did not let me work with different fonts and colors. This program had a more fixed fixed layout rather than others which allow you to be more creative.
In my story I'm going to tell and show you things about me. I am going to also say what my favorite movies are and my favorite games too. I'm going to say that I like some roller coasters and I like to watch wrestling most of the time or during my free period. This is what I'm going to be telling to show and watch.
I felt that this assignment was my favorite one of all. The easiest part was probably using iMovie. It was very basic but putting the movie together required some time and a lot of thinking for me. The hardest part was writing the words to describe myself. I had a lot of fun making my video but my favorite part was being able to show and tell people a little something about myself. If I had the chance to do another video I would have made it a little longer and put a few more images of myself.
The easiest part of this assignment was picking the images to tell my story and the music that went along with it. I believe that the hardest part of this story waswas putting the images in order so that my story made sense to the people watching it. The best part this assignment was being creative and making something different. Nothing in my story really changed while I was creating it. I would have used more images and a made the transitions more organized.
I felt like this project sounded much harder then it really was. The hardest part of the project was to find the perfect time for each picture. The easiest part of the project was to get the pictures themselves because they were all about me. The best part of this project was trying to be creative on how the pictures come in the slide show. During the project,I did add a few pictures while i was working on it. If I could change anything in my project,It would be to add more pictures and add a real song not just a theme.
1.What was the easiest part of this assignment?
The easiest part of the project was finding and taking pictures. I found it intresting that we can use technology to tell a life story.
2.What was the hardest part of this assignment?
I believe the hardest part was deciding the order and which music best suited your Movie/Video.
3.What is the best part of this assignment?
The best part of this project was to be able to accomplish something that can mean something to you. I really liked to watch and grade others work.
4.What aspects/parts of your narrative changed because you were telling your story through images/photostory? Your story seems to be less detailed and juciy, because your not actualy catching the moment; unless you happen to video it at the right momment.
5.What would you have done differently? I think I should of put my voice in certian parts if I had more time. Overall I was attched to my movie, so I wouldn't wan't to change it. That's just the way it is.
Making this digital story was actually pretty fun. I was able to learn how to use new programs, and they were very easy to operate. What was hard about this project was projecting the image in my head onto iMovie. While creating a movie is easy, it takes a lot of work. I knew what I wanted it to look like in my head, but I couldn't create it virtually. I'm happy with how my project came out, though. Another thing that was hard was formatting my pictures, and finding the right ones for my project. Because I didn't use voice, I used text which meant I had to properly describe my pictures. The experience of making this video was something I enjoyed. I used multiple new programs, which can only help me in the future. Now I can use my lovely new video to project the image of I have of myself. Overall, making this project was very fun, and my project came out the way I like it.
Overall, I liked doing this project. I thought it was interesting to learn about iMovie and iPhoto. I liked gathering pictures that described me and the things I that are important to me. All of the pictures in my video represent a different part of what helps make me me. The easiest part of the assignment was picking our own topic. I also think that was the best part of the assignment. The hardest part of the assignment was finding pictures that I thought fit the story I was telling. Telling the story is much harder when you tell it in pictures, because its harder to get your point across without words, or using less words. I think if I did this again, I would use more pictures.
No matter what we had to do in global tech it was fun. The easiest part of the assignment was that we got to pick what we wanted to do and research the topics that would best fit with what we wanted. The hardest part was probably looking for a voice or sound to go with each and every frame we had. The best part of the assignment was that we had to do everything ourself and make what we did more creative. This helps our skills develop more and faster than it usually would. After finishing my project i would try and put better music hat fits me on it instead of what i had and also i would put pictures that go along wit certain words of the song to make a better story line. over all, i oved tis project!
Well in my eyes making the digtal story was very difficult, but the easiest part of the assigment was gathering up the pictures because it made me think back to old mermories and as well getting the music toether. But the hardest part was actually posting he story up on my blogger which took me forever. The best part was picking the words for each pictures, every picture made me think back and made me laugh.
I had to change many words around to fix the images and make it work.
I would have done alot different such as I would of voice narrate it because I had alot to say that I couldnt write.
The easiest part of this assignment was the selection of pictures and the capitions that i got to put up. It was the easiest part because it was things that i loved and it realated to me. The hardest part of the project was adding the music and finding the file that would fit my project and make it sound nice. The best part of the iMovie was the captions and expressing myself. I didn`t have a narritive. I wouldn`t do anything different.
The easiest part of this assignment was basically everything. I really enjoyed doing this project. The only hard part about this assignment was the music and finding the right music to match the length of the slideshow. The best part about this assignment was getting to show many of my pictures and how I spent my summer. Truthfully, I believe that I wouldn't have changed a thing about the project because it was a hard piece of work and one that I am really proud of.
The easiest part of this assignment was googling the pictures. The hardest part was geting the music background for it. It was so hard i needed my friend to do it for me and to download it to my flashdrive. The best part of this assignment was puting it on my blog so the whole blogger world can see it. Notting really changed while i was telling my story through images/photostory. The only thing i would change though was making the peanut butter jelly time song longer in my video thats it. well i did this homework so...ITS NOT MISSING ANYMORE!!! <(^_^)>
The easiest part of the project was when we just had to collect the pictures. Even though that was the easiest part there was also the hardest part. The hardest part was when I was trying to find the right music to download. That was also the hardest part because I did not get to put it on the slideshow in the first place. The best part of the assignment that I liked is how I could have a whole slide show about my family and the different crazy thing that they do when we are on vacation. If I could do the project again then I would not change anything but instead try to add a few more things that I missed.
The easiest part of this project was being able to pick our own topic to talk about. It was easy to upload the pcitures also. I think the hardest part of the project was putting the music onto our digital story. That didnt turn out too well.The best part of doing this was i got to write about myself. I posted pictures and told people what they represented. If i was to go back and change anything about my project I would fix my music add more pictures and talk more deeply about the photo.
The easiest part of the assignment was finishing it. It never seemed to come out how i pictured it in my head, but instead it came out better. The hardest part of the assignment was choosing a topic, because Im interested in so many things, but I didn't really wanna talk about myself, so I chose a hobby. The best part of the assignment was adding the video. Hockey's oldest tradition is fighting, so it was just common sense for adding that video. My story is talking about the experiences I have when going to Ranger games, and I think the pictures I used really captured that because they were pictures I took myself from my last visit to Madison Square Garden. If i had to do anything differently, I would have used voice narration, because it would have given me more points and it would have made the whole thing better.
The easiest part of the project was gathering pictures and taking new pictures with my friends.The hardest part was making sure that every slide went well with the music. The best part is when my digital story was actually finished.One thing that i think my partner could have changed is the way we told the story it we could have been more descriptive.
The easiest part of the digital story was deciding on what music to use. The hardest part was finding the music online and the timing of all the pictures. The best part was taking more pictures with my partner and our friends and being able to watch the slideshow in the end.
Aspects that have changed were how people are going to look at it. It is alot easier, in my opinion, to understand things throught pictures than words. My partner and I showed in the project not only our friends but what we and our friends do. one thing I would have changed was to have started earlier on narration so we could have gotten more of it done.
In this digital story I found that the easiest thing about it was getting the pictures for the assignment. The hardest part of it was to choose the music. In the end I chose "rainbow in the rose" by winger as the music. The best part of this assignment is viewing it and seeing what I made. I fully believe that photography and imagry can never replace ones thoughts, and talking to them face to face. In this assignment I would have made the texts more elaborite and catchy.
The easiest part of the Digital Story project was getting all the picture together. The hardest part was getting the timing right for the music and the slides. The best part of this project was being finished and viewing my work i have done. I wouldn't change anything in this project because i think the project was perfectly done.
In my digital story telling project there were a lot of things that I could've changed to make it better. In the project i could've put sounds like, narration or music into it instead of just text. Also, I should have put more pictures of the topic.
I think the easiest part of this project was finding the right pictures to fit my story. The thing I thought was the hardest was how to fit all the things I had to say in 2 minutes or less. After i was done and had my friends peer edit it they all thought it was funny. I didn't think it was that funny because it was a pretty sad time for me. But i feel i did a good job and im happy it made people laugh.
The easiest part of this project was finding the pictures. The hardest part of this project was getting the pictures the right transitions and times. The best part of this project was the video. There wasn't much that I had to change except that I used text instead of voice. I wouldn't change anything except add a video of myself playing instead of someone else's video
i think i did good on i movie. i could of spoke on the movie but i chose not to. i basically just wrote about things that made me who i am today like sport cars and famous athletes like kobe Bryant. i really did not show pictures of me because there was no need to. the powerpoint is suppose to explain who you are and how things made you who you are not what you look like as a baby and what you look now. this is what my powerpoint was about and i how i thought i did.
This project was quite interesting and different from all the other projects we've done in school. The easiest part of this assignment was being able to add images and being able to point out all the different parts within my story. The best part of this assignment was being able to tell my story within a different style and using a different kind of technique to make my story even more interesting. Being able to tell my story through images and pictures made it more easier and more unique in a way that my story was not told using words like every other story.
I felt like this project sounded much harder then it really was. The hardest part of the project was to find the perfect time for each picture. The easiest part of the project was to get the pictures themselves because they were all about me.
i loved to do this project. it was so much fun. i love to use the computer. and making a video of something i did was so interesting. the easy part of the project was to get images to put onto the video. i think the whole thing was done and i love to work on it.
This project was not as hard as it sounded and i had a good time doing it. I hope that we get to do more projects on iMovie. I think that i did good on this project because all the pictures matched what it was saying on the bottom of the screen and it was very organized.
1) The project itself was easy. It was just long.
2)The hardest part was just trying to think of a topic.
3)The best part of the project was me finishing it.
4) Nothing changed really.
5) I would pick a different topic.
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