Which skills do you feel are most important? Which do you feel are the most beneficial to your future? Which are you confused about? What can you add to the list or the explanation of a skill?
I think communicating is the most important and most beneficial. If you don't communicate then you can't communicate or collaborate on a story, blog etc. You can add to the list respond. To a collaboration or connection you respond to it and it would be helpful to have that option to just respond.
I think that information literacy is the most important. Then would come the skills of using their own unique learning and writing style. i feel that the tips givin by Adobe's Baker's Dozen will all help me since i might be thinking of being a reporter. I could use the tips in my articles and give across the story more clearly. I'm confused as to why the author worded the tips how he did. Most kids wouldn't understand what he means and would need help reading it. I would add the skill of obtaining information about your story and to always re-read it for errors.
the most important skill listed in the one about having to be creative and to think inventively. i think this is important because the only way to keep a reader reading is to keep him or her into the text. if someone is not into the text then he or she might just drop it and not finish it. then your point did not get across and your words would have been wasted. however, if you have creativity and your words interest the reader then the reader will remember what you wrote and your point will get across. the is always used in advertisements because they want to get the product into into the persons mind. tat s why i think that this is the most important rule of the list
I feel that Higher Order Thinking Skills is the most beneficiary skill. Students will be able to understand things more if they are able to go beyond the information that they are given, and they are able to connect with the information using a personal definition. I believe that if students are able to personally connect with the information that is given, they will be more comfortable with working with the existing information.
The skill, visual literacy, is important because not only it makes u think of what is happening in the book, but it makes it come to life. In some people's minds, they will input that the book is a movie. The skills that i feel that most beneficial to my future is the effective learning skill because it can help me read and write beyond what i am supposed to write.
I feel Information (media) literacy and effective communication are most important because more people understand a topic if it's visual and if you write a story, what will really capture the reader's attention is if you make the words visual and exciting. I feel the most beneficial to my future is Information (media) Literacy because I want to be a photographer or journalist so I want to really catch the reader or over lookers attention and make my pictures have a meaning behind them. I'm not confused about anything and I don't think I need to add anything.
I think Cognitive Apprenticeship is most useful because when you get a job you have to talk to people at your office that you don't like. You have to man-up and communicate.
Visual literacy plays a major role in story telling , people today pertain information 70 times visually then written because a picture can tell a thousand words. For me If I want to be a journalist Visual literacy would be a major role of my life. This concludes that visual is the most important to me as a writer. :)
In my opinion, Enduring Understanding seems really important to me. Everything that people say or post up online have a meaning, and what one means might not be how one takes it. If we all understood what each other meant without any second thoughts, things might be more clearer to us. Their wouldn't be as much commotion in the world if we all have a true understanding of each others thoughts. Even though truly understanding what someone really means is almost impossible, we should all just be plain and blunt with our thoughts. Enduring Understanding is very important in our technological world, so we should all try to make sure everyone else knows exactly what we are talking about.
The skill that I agree with the most is: "Visual Literacy — using images to show, not tell, the narrative story." I agree with this because people today are able to remember photos and videos more than words. There are videos that I remember watching when I was in 8th. grade. Now thats not that long ago, but I don't remember a lot, so that's pretty big for me.
All three of these aspects are stong to me, but I feel that connecting is the one that stands out the most to me:
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding
Enduring Understanding — by telling the story of what you know and understand for others, authors deepen their own self-meaning of the topic
I feel that these two are the most important because I would like to help others in my future. HOTS is good because as a student who strives to be the best, it's necessary to have these skills and use them wisely, by sharing knowledge to others. Enduring understanding is the one that I feel that everyone needs help with. It's important to understand people more because people just use assumptions on people on their looks, beliefs, and culture, rather than getting to know them.
Creative and inventive thinking is a little harder for me, because "multi-sensory" can mean different things. The authour should've been a little more broad with the definition.
In my opinion, the most important thing to storytelling is Visual Literacy. This is most important because of how much more potential the story has. Also, people remember seventy percent of what they see rather then what they hear.
I think that the most important skills of Digital Storytelling, posted up by Adobe's Digital Kids Club, are effective communication, visual literacy, and information literacy. It is very important to be information literate, because if you don't know what you are writing about. . . then there really isn't any point of writing. Visuals are important, because people remember better that way. Effective communication can capture the readers attention and help them understand your story a lot better
The skill that I think is most important Cognitive Apprenticeship because it says that your practicing real world work on communication. I think this is most important because your practicing and practice makes perfect. This skill is also most beneficial for the future because you need to know how to communicate through technology. All skills are straight forward and none of them confuse me. I can add an explanation and make the it that you communicate to others through technology.
I think multiple itelligances and learning styles is the most important because everyone learns differently and if you wnt someone to do the beast they can you have to teach them in a way they understand best. I think that multiple intelligances and learning styles is also the most benficial to my future. If I can learn and fully understand everything that is being taught then I can do well later on in life when asked about the topic. I find exploring affinity the most confusing. I do not understand what is being said in that step at all.
I think that the most important skill is the one about communication.It is important because without communicating you can not listen to others oppinions and reflect on them.It is also beneficial to our future because without communication you will not be able to get a job.
Ithink the most important skill is communication because it gives you freedom to express your thoughts, opinions and critical thinking.Also without communication nothing can be done and you can't collaborate and connect.
in my opinion connection is the most important i think this because with out connection u cant have communication or collabration. connection is memories, expierences, and thoughts. you need memories to share and also experiences.
I believe that the most important one would be communication. Without talking to other people we can not collaborate with each other or even connect at that matter. I think that the most beneficial one would be connect. Since everything today has to do with technology. You can go to collage classes online to your bills even. Everything is connected virtually. I am confused about calloboration since not everybody in the world can work with each other even though we try our best we can only take so much. I would add Technology to add to the connect since the people of today use technology to connect to each other.
In my opinion, the most important aspect of digital story telling is visual literacy and communication. This is the most important because life is about communication and visualizing when communicating. What I mean by this is that when telling a story, it is important to speak the right words, so that the listeners of the story will understand what is being said. It is also important to use details, such as emphasizing important facts to give the listener/reader a better picture or idea of what is going on.
The skills that I feel are the most important are visual literacy, information literacy, High Order Thinking Skills, effective communication, and technical literacy. The skills that I consider beneficial to my future are information and visual literacy. The skills that confuse me are cognitive apprenticeship and exploring affinity. I do not think that there is any more to add to the list.
If I had to choose one aspect of the Digital Storytelling skills is the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). This is the act of, "going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding." It is beneficial to all writing in the future in a way, because, this addresses most or many of the tasks on the list to create a well developed story. You can add images, videos, or descriptive text, to get your point across in a way that connects and allows the reader to understand the story. Each aspect works with the other on the list and I believe each are important when writing a complete story. I would add to this defintion of HOTS that with adding personal meaning, this also makes a connection with others that may be reading the story. Making a connection is key in most writing because it grabs the reader and often keeps them hooked and reading.
i think connection is the most important one because how will u tell a story if you dont have a connection to tell it to. also the details and base of the story have a huge role.
i think communicating is most important because with out communication we really cant do anything. I think that the most beneficial one would be connect. Since everything today has to do with technology
I think Connect is the most important. When you connect with others, you also communicate, so basically it's a two in one. Without connection the world would definitely not be the same. Communication is the foundation of a successful and technical society. Without it we have nothing.
I think that communication is the most important in my opinion. I feel communication is what connects every one everywhere. Whether it is through writing talking or even through email it was helps to connect us. Without communication there is no connection or collaboration.
Of all three the one I most confused with is collaboration because it is hard for me to work with others at time. It tends to be very difficult at times.
The skill i feel is the most important is "Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding." Because i believe that adding more then what is asked will get you a higher grade. The skill i feel is the most beneficial to me is digital storytelling.
My opinion is that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is useful. Since its going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding. You can get your point across in a way a reader can understand.
In my opinion, Enduring Understanding is one of the most important because you get to incorporate your own thoughts and ideas and what you know about something in your own personal experience or point of view. You "deepen your own self-meaning of the topic".
In my opinion, creativity and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)are the most important characteristics. Creativity and HOTS is important because in each assignment you do there should be a little something representing you. By puting a little of your personality in a project I think shows the teacher that you really care about your grade and you took the time to not only do the project to the best of your ability, but then added even more. I would say that HOTS ,creativity and communications are beneficial to my future. If you go to work and don't put these three characteristics into you work you are not working to the best of your ability and wont move up. These three characteristics will help you move higher, and higher in the work place. Collaboration confuses me because I feel you should be able to do your best work on your own and by doing more work on your own you are showing what you are good at, when you do collaborative work it's more than one person working on the same thing so the work becomes easier.If I could add to the list I would add having other people check your work and getting their opinion on it, so you can change little things that might need fixing.
in my opinon,the most important skill is Exploring Affinity — Melvin Levin’s findings that when students create meaningful, engaged work, they discover themselves as successful learners. when students are able to be to find deeper meaning through story telling its lets them speak their mind, express and use different gestures it makes story telling unique, it benefits me because i like to tell storys that have alot of meaning or else theres no point to it at all when using exploring affinity it allow u to be creative and have a lot of fun . most difficult would most likely be creative and intentive.
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the skill which I think is the most important in order to storytell. Thinking outside the box enables the author to capture a reader's attention and get hooked into it. Adding outside information lets the story expand more which allows readers to have a better understanding about a certain topic provided in the story. Likewise, Creativity and Inventive Thinking is also one of the most important skills in Adobe's Baker's Dozen Storytelling Skills which demonstartes an author's originality. Though I think all these skills listed are all important, but these two storytelling skills which I have mentioned are the ones which I think are most beneficial; both implement ingenuity, inventiveness, and resourcefulness.
I think that Higher Order Thinking Skills is the skill which is most important to storytell. Students get to say there own feeling and say there personal opinion on the matter. I think this is very helpful and beneficial towards students because we would get bored of what we were writing about if we don't get to write about how we feel or what we think. Also adding additional information from different websites and sources can help us increase and have a better understanding of what we are learning about. All skills that are listed on the Adobe Baker Bozen Storytelling Skills website are important, but higher order thinking skills is the skill that I think can benefit and help us more in writing, understanding, and thinking about the topic or matter.
In my opinion the Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles is the most signifigant part of the storytelling skills. Usually people do not travel outside of their comfort zone and explore new ways of learning and new skills. This will help me in the future because if i am able to use these skills fluently, i will be more succesfull then someone who is a digital immigrant. I don't really not understand anything, i am just not very fimiliar with all of these skills yet.
In my opinion, communication is the most important skill and most beneficial. When people communicate they think, reflect and respond to eachother. Communicating allows your mind to expand and absorb new information from people around the world.Without communication it will be hard to get a job in your future. With communication you collaborate and connect with other people.
the most important skill listed in the one about having to be creative IT IS BECAUSE YOUR EXPRESIING what you think and why you think it sa so important.
I think that the skill Visual Literacy is most important because people learn faster and easier by processing images in your head rather than hearing about them. When you are given a description of something you may try to picture it in your head of how it works or looks like. So when you have a visual of it, it's easier to learn about it.
I see that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is important to the Adobe's Baker's Dozen Storytelling Skills because this helps you add more flavor to your story into a deep understanding. This relates to other skills and reflects a story through different perspectives and uses of reflection. This helps tell a story and share personal anecdote that creates a life experience. Life experience should be a skill because it’s something we all carry on through our daily lives and it’s the necessity in our stories that are being shared. I’m confused about Exploring Affinity because people can tell their stories in different and it might not be meaning full to another person. But I want to know how this is a skill to be used in storytelling.
I think communicating is the most important and most beneficial. If you don't communicate then you can't communicate or collaborate on a story, blog etc. You can add to the list respond. To a collaboration or connection you respond to it and it would be helpful to have that option to just respond.
I think that information literacy is the most important. Then would come the skills of using their own unique learning and writing style. i feel that the tips givin by Adobe's Baker's Dozen will all help me since i might be thinking of being a reporter. I could use the tips in my articles and give across the story more clearly. I'm confused as to why the author worded the tips how he did. Most kids wouldn't understand what he means and would need help reading it. I would add the skill of obtaining information about your story and to always re-read it for errors.
the most important skill listed in the one about having to be creative and to think inventively. i think this is important because the only way to keep a reader reading is to keep him or her into the text. if someone is not into the text then he or she might just drop it and not finish it. then your point did not get across and your words would have been wasted. however, if you have creativity and your words interest the reader then the reader will remember what you wrote and your point will get across. the is always used in advertisements because they want to get the product into into the persons mind. tat s why i think that this is the most important rule of the list
I feel that Higher Order Thinking Skills is the most beneficiary skill. Students will be able to understand things more if they are able to go beyond the information that they are given, and they are able to connect with the information using a personal definition. I believe that if students are able to personally connect with the information that is given, they will be more comfortable with working with the existing information.
The skill, visual literacy, is important because not only it makes u think of what is happening in the book, but it makes it come to life. In some people's minds, they will input that the book is a movie. The skills that i feel that most beneficial to my future is the effective learning skill because it can help me read and write beyond what i am supposed to write.
I feel Information (media) literacy and effective communication are most important because more people understand a topic if it's visual and if you write a story, what will really capture the reader's attention is if you make the words visual and exciting. I feel the most beneficial to my future is Information (media) Literacy because I want to be a photographer or journalist so I want to really catch the reader or over lookers attention and make my pictures have a meaning behind them. I'm not confused about anything and I don't think I need to add anything.
I think Cognitive Apprenticeship is most useful because when you get a job you have to talk to people at your office that you don't like. You have to man-up and communicate.
Visual literacy plays a major role in story telling , people today pertain information 70 times visually then written because a picture can tell a thousand words. For me If I want to be a journalist Visual literacy would be a major role of my life. This concludes that visual is the most important to me as a writer. :)
In my opinion, Enduring Understanding seems really important to me. Everything that people say or post up online have a meaning, and what one means might not be how one takes it. If we all understood what each other meant without any second thoughts, things might be more clearer to us. Their wouldn't be as much commotion in the world if we all have a true understanding of each others thoughts. Even though truly understanding what someone really means is almost impossible, we should all just be plain and blunt with our thoughts. Enduring Understanding is very important in our technological world, so we should all try to make sure everyone else knows exactly what we are talking about.
The skill that I agree with the most is: "Visual Literacy — using images to show, not tell, the narrative story."
I agree with this because people today are able to remember photos and videos more than words. There are videos that I remember watching when I was in 8th. grade. Now thats not that long ago, but I don't remember a lot, so that's pretty big for me.
All three of these aspects are stong to me, but I feel that connecting is the one that stands out the most to me:
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding
Enduring Understanding — by telling the story of what you know and understand for others, authors deepen their own self-meaning of the topic
I feel that these two are the most important because I would like to help others in my future. HOTS is good because as a student who strives to be the best, it's necessary to have these skills and use them wisely, by sharing knowledge to others. Enduring understanding is the one that I feel that everyone needs help with. It's important to understand people more because people just use assumptions on people on their looks, beliefs, and culture, rather than getting to know them.
Creative and inventive thinking is a little harder for me, because "multi-sensory" can mean different things. The authour should've been a little more broad with the definition.
In my opinion, the most important thing to storytelling is Visual Literacy. This is most important because of how much more potential the story has. Also, people remember seventy percent of what they see rather then what they hear.
I think that the most important skills of Digital Storytelling, posted up by Adobe's Digital Kids Club, are effective communication, visual literacy, and information literacy. It is very important to be information literate, because if you don't know what you are writing about. . . then there really isn't any point of writing. Visuals are important, because people remember better that way. Effective communication can capture the readers attention and help them understand your story a lot better
The skill that I think is most important Cognitive Apprenticeship because it says that your practicing real world work on communication. I think this is most important because your practicing and practice makes perfect. This skill is also most beneficial for the future because you need to know how to communicate through technology. All skills are straight forward and none of them confuse me. I can add an explanation and make the it that you communicate to others through technology.
I think multiple itelligances and learning styles is the most important because everyone learns differently and if you wnt someone to do the beast they can you have to teach them in a way they understand best. I think that multiple intelligances and learning styles is also the most benficial to my future. If I can learn and fully understand everything that is being taught then I can do well later on in life when asked about the topic. I find exploring affinity the most confusing. I do not understand what is being said in that step at all.
I think that the most important skill is the one about communication.It is important because without communicating you can not listen to others oppinions and reflect on them.It is also beneficial to our future because without communication you will not be able to get a job.
Ithink the most important skill is communication because it gives you freedom to express your thoughts, opinions and critical thinking.Also without communication nothing can be done and you can't collaborate and connect.
in my opinion connection is the most important i think this because with out connection u cant have communication or collabration. connection is memories, expierences, and thoughts. you need memories to share and also experiences.
I believe that the most important one would be communication. Without talking to other people we can not collaborate with each other or even connect at that matter. I think that the most beneficial one would be connect. Since everything today has to do with technology. You can go to collage classes online to your bills even. Everything is connected virtually. I am confused about calloboration since not everybody in the world can work with each other even though we try our best we can only take so much. I would add Technology to add to the connect since the people of today use technology to connect to each other.
In my opinion, the most important aspect of digital story telling is visual literacy and communication. This is the most important because life is about communication and visualizing when communicating. What I mean by this is that when telling a story, it is important to speak the right words, so that the listeners of the story will understand what is being said. It is also important to use details, such as emphasizing important facts to give the listener/reader a better picture or idea of what is going on.
The skills that I feel are the most important are visual literacy, information literacy, High Order Thinking Skills, effective communication, and technical literacy. The skills that I consider beneficial to my future are information and visual literacy. The skills that confuse me are cognitive apprenticeship and exploring affinity. I do not think that there is any more to add to the list.
If I had to choose one aspect of the Digital Storytelling skills is the Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). This is the act of, "going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding." It is beneficial to all writing in the future in a way, because, this addresses most or many of the tasks on the list to create a well developed story. You can add images, videos, or descriptive text, to get your point across in a way that connects and allows the reader to understand the story. Each aspect works with the other on the list and I believe each are important when writing a complete story. I would add to this defintion of HOTS that with adding personal meaning, this also makes a connection with others that may be reading the story. Making a connection is key in most writing because it grabs the reader and often keeps them hooked and reading.
i think connection is the most important one because how will u tell a story if you dont have a connection to tell it to. also the details and base of the story have a huge role.
i think communicating is most important because with out communication we really cant do anything. I think that the most beneficial one would be connect. Since everything today has to do with technology
I think Connect is the most important. When you connect with others, you also communicate, so basically it's a two in one. Without connection the world would definitely not be the same. Communication is the foundation of a successful and technical society. Without it we have nothing.
I think that communication is the most important in my opinion. I feel communication is what connects every one everywhere. Whether it is through writing talking or even through email it was helps to connect us. Without communication there is no connection or collaboration.
Of all three the one I most confused with is collaboration because it is hard for me to work with others at time. It tends to be very difficult at times.
The skill i feel is the most important is "Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) — going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding." Because i believe that adding more then what is asked will get you a higher grade. The skill i feel is the most beneficial to me is digital storytelling.
My opinion is that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is useful. Since its going beyond existing information to add personal meaning and understanding. You can get your point across in a way a reader can understand.
In my opinion, Enduring Understanding is one of the most important because you get to incorporate your own thoughts and ideas and what you know about something in your own personal experience or point of view. You "deepen your own self-meaning of the topic".
In my opinion, creativity and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)are the most important characteristics. Creativity and HOTS is important because in each assignment you do there should be a little something representing you. By puting a little of your personality in a project I think shows the teacher that you really care about your grade and you took the time to not only do the project to the best of your ability, but then added even more. I would say that HOTS ,creativity and communications are beneficial to my future. If you go to work and don't put these three characteristics into you work you are not working to the best of your ability and wont move up. These three characteristics will help you move higher, and higher in the work place. Collaboration confuses me because I feel you should be able to do your best work on your own and by doing more work on your own you are showing what you are good at, when you do collaborative work it's more than one person working on the same thing so the work becomes easier.If I could add to the list I would add having other people check your work and getting their opinion on it, so you can change little things that might need fixing.
in my opinon,the most important skill is Exploring Affinity — Melvin Levin’s findings that when students create meaningful, engaged work, they discover themselves as successful learners. when students are able to be to find deeper meaning through story telling its lets them speak their mind, express and use different gestures it makes story telling unique, it benefits me because i like to tell storys that have alot of meaning or else theres no point to it at all when using exploring affinity it allow u to be creative and have a lot of fun . most difficult would most likely be creative and intentive.
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) is the skill which I think is the most important in order to storytell. Thinking outside the box enables the author to capture a reader's attention and get hooked into it. Adding outside information lets the story expand more which allows readers to have a better understanding about a certain topic provided in the story. Likewise, Creativity and Inventive Thinking is also one of the most important skills in Adobe's Baker's Dozen Storytelling Skills which demonstartes an author's originality. Though I think all these skills listed are all important, but these two storytelling skills which I have mentioned are the ones which I think are most beneficial; both implement ingenuity, inventiveness, and resourcefulness.
I think that Higher Order Thinking Skills is the skill which is most important to storytell. Students get to say there own feeling and say there personal opinion on the matter. I think this is very helpful and beneficial towards students because we would get bored of what we were writing about if we don't get to write about how we feel or what we think. Also adding additional information from different websites and sources can help us increase and have a better understanding of what we are learning about. All skills that are listed on the Adobe Baker Bozen Storytelling Skills website are important, but higher order thinking skills is the skill that I think can benefit and help us more in writing, understanding, and thinking about the topic or matter.
In my opinion the Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles is the most signifigant part of the storytelling skills. Usually people do not travel outside of their comfort zone and explore new ways of learning and new skills. This will help me in the future because if i am able to use these skills fluently, i will be more succesfull then someone who is a digital immigrant. I don't really not understand anything, i am just not very fimiliar with all of these skills yet.
In my opinion, communication is the most important skill and most beneficial. When people communicate they think, reflect and respond to eachother. Communicating allows your mind to expand and absorb new information from people around the world.Without communication it will be hard to get a job in your future. With communication you collaborate and connect with other people.
the most important skill listed in the one about having to be creative IT IS BECAUSE YOUR EXPRESIING what you think and why you think it sa so important.
I think that the skill Visual Literacy is most important because people learn faster and easier by processing images in your head rather than hearing about them. When you are given a description of something you may try to picture it in your head of how it works or looks like. So when you have a visual of it, it's easier to learn about it.
I see that Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)
is important to the Adobe's Baker's Dozen Storytelling Skills because this helps you add more flavor to your story into a deep understanding. This relates to other skills and reflects a story through different perspectives and uses of reflection. This helps tell a story and share personal anecdote that creates a life experience. Life experience should be a skill because it’s something we all carry on through our daily lives and it’s the necessity in our stories that are being shared. I’m confused about Exploring Affinity because people can tell their stories in different and it might not be meaning full to another person. But I want to know how this is a skill to be used in storytelling.
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