Our first week of class has passed and we have discussed many new forms of technologies, as well as taken a look at where some familiar ones are heading. For instance, BLOGS are growing faster then social networking sites like Facebook & MySpace. Take a look:

So what are your thoughts about week 1? Have your expectations changed? What did you learn? What do you want to learn more about?...
My expectations have changed very much within this first week. I thought that social site would be growing more then blogs. But as i reas the information above I see that wht i thought was wrong. I wanna know why more blogs are being created then social profiles ?
Well the first week of 21st Century Communications was interesting because of learning so much about blogs and having wireless connection finally. My expectations havent really changed very much. I learned a lot about blogging and how it benefits students and education. I want to learn more about why blogs are growing so fast and even faster than social sites. Also i want the learn the rate that social sites are growing.
The first week has been good but my expectations changed. I thought social sites like facebook and myspace were more popular then blogs. I thought this because not many people ask you if you have a blog, they mostly ask for a facebook or myspace. But now, from what I've learned this week, more people use Blogs because it's a way to express themselves. I'd like to learn what's the difference between a blog and social site.
My first week was ok and I expected to be taking alot more notes and not being able to use the labtops so early in the week. I learned that Blogs are more popular than social networking sites. I want learn how a Blog can be more popular than a social networking site.
My thoughts on week 1 were that this year is gonna be more of a challenge.That is not gonna be a easy breeze like last year was. My expectations have changed alot more since becoming a sophmore. I feel i have to work much harder than I did last year. I have learned alot about my new teachers and classes that i will be taking on this year. I wanna still contiune to learn about more about my teachers because I still that i can learn more also for my classes.
I thought the first week was very interesting.One of the reasons is because I learned new suprising facts about technology. For example, blogging. My expectations also changed because of these suprising facts,like that so many people blogged.I thought the number of people blogging would be the number of people on websites like myspace and facebook.These facts were so suprising to me probably because before learning about blogs I havent blogged.
Blogging to me is something that I do a lot since i am alway's on the computer. It is a way for me to express my feeling's. I didn't really learn anything about blogging that I already knew. The thing that i do find interesting is that many of the different school's are starting to blog on there school website's.
My expectations for this class wasnt much. i guessed its just the same thing like last year (Global Technology). i learned that communication has changed all the way up to the 21st century. But it will continue to grow. I want to learn more about how to post documents online.
The first week back I expected 21st century communication to be different from global technology. And in a way, I was sort of right. This class is similar to what I took last year, but there is a lot more emphasis on how technology is becoming part of life. It was really interesting learning about all those blogs. Its great to be taking a technology class again, and I have to say I am impressed with the wirseless.
Throughout the first week of class, I've done a lot more blogging than I have in a while. The class is similar to that of last years but it a big difference is that last year the theme seemed almost around Going Green and this year its more about the evolution of technology in the 21st century. If I had to choose I'd say I want to learn more about creating our own blogs and other creations like that.
The first week of 21st century communications was fun. I got to use a laptop in class and learn some cool things. I would want to learn more interenet skills b/c everything is becoming more digital and computerized
My expectations of 21st century communication have changed a lot just over our first week.I thought this class would be a lot like Global Tech in many ways. However over this week we've learned a lot of facts a didnt know , including blogging is the fastest growing type of website. I would also like to learn more about creating websites and links to other websites.
The first week of school went by really fast. Learning about 21st century communication changed a lot of perspectives for me. I think of myself as a "Digital Native", and am curious to learn more about Blogging. Especially since it is one of the most popular, cheap and easy things to do on the internet.
during the 21st century class this past week was fun!
i did a lot of blogging and learning new things about computers.
which is great because i love to use the computer
gabriella iacono
My expectations have changed very much! For instance, I thought facebook and myspace were so much more popular then a blog site. I knew blogs were well known, but not as big as it really is. I learned I was a "Digital Native" and know I want to learn more about what attracts people to blogging so much and how it has grown so fast on the internet. I thought that the this class would be similar to last years, and even though it is in a way, it is also very different. We are doing more interactive work with other people rather them making our own websites where people can only view what your thoughts are and not write back.
My expectations of the 21st century class has changed a lot from the first week. I taught that the class would be the same as Global Tech, and that we will be learning the same things, and i a way that is true, but also false. This year in 21st century comunications we are learning how technology has become a really big part of our lives. I was surprised when I found out that blogs are more popular than websites like facebook, or myspace... This year I want to learn more about technology in general...
This year I excepted that this class was going to a continue from last year. Since it focused on Going Green like Chris Smart said. Last year I didn’t feel like that we didn’t used technology as much except the website we made. But now since were learning about blogging and how its important for educational use. I learned about the difference between digital native and digital immigrant. I was able to see how lucky we can access information and research a more variety of work. But now I see how tech-savvy we are and my expectations in this class grew since I want to be a web designer. This experience will help pursue my future. I want to understand why blogging is used more often than a social site if you can post bulletins or write on your friend’s Facebook wall.
This year, so far, ive been learning about blogging and how to blog. i didnt know that people are becomming more hooked onto blogging than they are going on facebook and myspace. I also learned about the digital native and digital immagrant. i se myself as a digital native because i war born into technology and i am surrounded by technology on a daily basis. in class i want to learn more about blogging and how to really use it, since i never wrote on a blog before.
My expectations for this class wasnt really much. I was surprised that we all used laptops and didnt know we would actually be blogging. I have also learned what "digital native" is. 21st century communication changed a lot of perspectives on people I know and also myself. Blogging is more popular and fast. Its a great process were going in so far..
the first week of 21st. century communications was interesting t me because we learned not only about blogging, but what digitan native and digital immigrants are. before csi, i never blogged before, and didnt really know what a blog was infact. but thanks to *the new* 21st. centure communications i do it just about every day now. =) and the thing that i do like is that the computers are wireless. im not shure exactly what i want to learn righ now tho
Durring the first week of school we have gone over alot of material. We recieved our laptop's even tho some of them didn't work.:) I was happy to start learning more about about blogging since thats all I do. Writing is fun and keeps the day going. We also learned about becoming digitaly native. Digitaly native is when you are native to having the updated skills on technology. Overall this past two weeks has been great.
as the first week passed by we learned some interesting facts. to be honest at first when i heard of blogging i thought it was a dumb thing older people do to manage their time. but i was mistaken. i, myself have now learned to start blogging and its actually pretty fun =)
The new school year started off like any other, with many worries and questions. I have to say though, that I am happy I have 21st century communications A-block. It is an easy opener into the day. The first week was really interesting. I learned alot about google. I always though it was just a search engine. I now know that it can hold documents, let you create blogs, and more. I'm really happy that I am fortunate enough to have this class.
Week one of sophomore year started out pretty well, nothing bad of course. However, I feel as if I'm taking Global Technology over again. This is sort of good for me, because I'm refreshing on the things I've forgotten since first semester, freshman year. I can easily tell that we're going to be "communicating" rather than just focusing on "safety". Using the blogs was something we didn't really flash a light on, just a quick glance. But here's the first step, I guess. Honestly, the only expectations I have for this class if to either pick up where I left off last year, because I don't think I'd get anywhere if I feel like I'm just reviewing this whole semester.
At the beginning of this school year, I expected it to be the same as last year, except for the minor fact that we are all sophmores now. However, after going through the first week, I've noticed that the tone has changed completely. I feel that most of us have changed, and become more mature. Ultimately, my expectations have changed. I learned that as the year progresses, changes are constantly made. People change, classes change, teachers change, and we change. We just have to embrace the change, and move on. In my sophmore year, I expect to learn more about what is to come in the near future that is my junior and senior year. I expect to be prepared and equipped with the needed qualities to do well in the rest of my high school career, and even after CSIHS. I would want to know more about communication in the 21st century, and more about computers and technology because the times are changing, and things are getting more advanced. I would want to mentally and physically prepare myself for the times ahead.
Within the first week of class, we've discussed on how to describe communication in the 21st century and blogging. It was quite interesting learning about these topics. My expectations have definitely changed. Last year, we've touched more upon Citing Sources and Going Green. So far, most of what I've learned is about blogging and it's benefits. I would like to learn more about the different kinds of devices which can help or benefit us communicate efficiently in the 21st century.
My first week of 21st centery communications was different from what I thought it would be. I really did't know what to expect.It is a extreamly fun and interesting class. In the class we learn how far blogging came and how quickly it grew. It is so far one of my favorite classes and I can't what to use the laptops again.
the first week was intresting. i really didnt know much but thats why it makes it more intresting to want to learn about it. so far all i learned is how to blog, but i know whatever we learn next, is going to be just as intresting as this.
My expectations for this class werent really that high.I thhought it was going to be the same as freshmen year,but that then I realized that this year is more work and more use of technology.
the first week on blogging was pretty interesting. i leanred why people blogged and how new technology in going to help kids in the future.
My first week of 21st century communications was unexpected, but still interesting. I didn't know what to expect when I stepped into the classroom, but it's pretty interesting so far. I'm learning about blogs and how they affect us, why people use them, and how popular they're getting.
What else to say but, WOW I did not expect to learn as much about computers/ technology in the whole school year let alone the first week. So far we have learned how computers and technologies help and effect us in our everyday learning environment. We also learned about blogging and how we can use it as a tool gain confidence in sharing our opinion in currnet events and topics. I would like to continue learning about RSS and i find them very interesting so far.
PS: M19 is coming...
the first week on 21st century communications . well its definetly has changed looking back on the previous years.but blogging could be very interesting i learned alot from blogging especially since this was my first year in tis class it has really openend my eyes and im looking fowards to learn more about blogging.
my first week in 21st century communications hasnt really changed to me its still the same i blog nd write in google docs. the only thing diffrent is the amount of kids in my class and we write alot more i do think i will learn to enjoy it.
My first week in 21st century communications has not changed me. It is just other class that I have to go to I feel that I will enjoy the class and learn plenty of new things about 21st computers and communication.
My first week in 21st Century Communications wasn't bad. I had Global Technology last year so I know the class pretty well. I am hoping to learn much more this year about this centuries technology and what we could do with it.
The first week of 21st century communications was a little unexpected. learning about blogging has made me more interested and im looking forward to learning more about technology and how it effects my life.
The first week of 21st century communications was a different experience for me considering that i had never taken Global technology before. Before this class i wasnt really aware of the how much technology has changed over the years.
The first week of 21st century communications seems like last year's global tech class. It's different because we learn about how not only we communicate with other countries, but how other countries communicate with us.
my opinion about blogging have changed. i never thought blogging was so popular and have allot of users. this year i expect to learn and blog to foreign countries.
My opinion about blogging have changed. i never thought blogging was so popular and have allot of users. this year i expect to learn and blog to foreign countries.
WOW!! blogging really is a big thing in this day of age. blogging will probobly be used in the future for everything. i still dont really like to blog but it sure is popular around the world.
I have been Blogging for almost 3 years now. I am not surprised that Blogging is growing . I find it extremely fun and actually helps develop my writing. Its interesting hearing comments from other writers and learning from other points of view. Hopefully Blogging will grow so much that most people when they log on there computer they check their favorite blog before they check there social networking site.
I learned that blogging is very popular. I never realized how many people blogged before. It makes me wonder what they all have to talk about and tell the world.
21st Century communications is practically "Global Tech" but we are learning how to communicate with others in the 21st century. Blogging is one popular way to communicate in the 21st century. I never knew it was blogging was so widely used by many. People like to express their opinions on topics in blogs to share with ours.
21st Century communications is a little different because we are learning different ways to communicate with others. I actually expected more and different work but it's the same. I thought it would be different and more advanced but it's all the same old stuff.
This year i expect to be a lot like last year. I think this year i will learn more bout the computer than did last year. I think this class will also be easy like it was last year. Blogging is one of the best ways to communicate win the 21s century. Without Blogging people wouldn't be able to hear and discuss matters and their opinion.
21st Century communications is a little different because we learn different ways to communicate with others. This school is the only one that i know that has "Global Tech".
i think that the rest of the year in 21 cc will teach us to use the internet to its full potential .
i think that the first week of 21st century communications was a little better than the last years. i feel this way because i feel more prepared and i know what to expect. this year i have a better understand of the class and i have a better understanding of the material. i feel that i can leave the class with a good grade because it is something i am good at. this first week seems to be easy because it is easier to learn because using the comuters made it a lot more interesting.
the first week of school was fun I feel that this year will be easier than last year don't ask why because I don't even know why I just feel that it will be a better school year =) I learned that there are more people online that use blogs more than internet websites like MySpace, facebook and now twitter and at first I didn't really believe it but now I do because when you really think about it the majority of teenagers are the ones using MySpace, facebook and twitter and a lot of adults like to express there opinions to other adults so they don't use websites like we do they use blog spots where they can be opened up about whatever topic they'd like to be open about I tried writing on one blog during this summer and it was fun and exiting to be able to comment on something that was happening I received good and bad feedback but I think the comment I gave was worth it =)
i really think this is really interesting how blogs have grown so popular these days
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